

  • Cathy(chipper)...............................SW 237.2 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 234.2 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs Clare (Finnhead)...........................SW 155.6 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 153.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.6 lbs - yay! going the right way! Em (MLEK)....................................SW 175.0 lbs / GW 160.8 lbs / CW…
  • When I signed up for this 6 week challenge, I forgot that I had so much travel planned in the first few weeks...will have to revise my goal weight! We were in Napa this weekend for some wine tasting and a little NASCAR...I had never been to a NASCAR race before! We did a lot of walking - all the way around the track! Not…
  • Good Morning...am bummed to be the one to break the LOSING streak! Good news is that I am down 1.1 from yesterday! Was so beautiful here last night that I talked my husband into taking a walk with me (I had exercised in the morning)...then I did a cycle class this morning. Feels good to be back in the exercise groove...…
  • Cathy(chipper)...............................SW 237.2 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 237.2 lbs / PROGRESS -0 lbs Kristin (kistinbee)..........................SW 157.0 lbs / GW 152.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs Shanell (Nellienell12.....................SW 195.0 lbs / GW 189.0 lbs / CW 192.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs…
  • I'm baaaccckkk....and so happy to be back! Had a great, relaxing vacation last week. So, I could totally focus on the fact that I ate well and am sure that I gained weight last week (will do my official weigh in tomorrow), but instead, I am going to focus on the positives of last week: 1.) great time with my family! 2.)…
  • Way to go!! What a great feeling it must be to drop so many sizes!! I was elated when I dropped 1 size! Keep it up!
  • This week has been good so far...down 1.9lbs since Tuesday - I am sure that it is water, but still motivating nonetheless! I have to exercise (which I have 4 days this week) or I am more inclined to make poor choices. I love the encouragement from this group - this will totally help! Sorry for all those with HOT…
  • This is so fun! In January, I started eating Paleo and bumped up my exercise (cardio) as I was recovering from shoulder surgery. I lost 18 pounds in 8 weeks and felt GREAT! My sister and her husband started eating Paleo in January and last weekend my sister hit the 30 pounds lost mark! My brother-in-law lost 30 pounds a…
  • Clare (Finnhead)..........................SW 155.6 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 155.6 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs Cathy(chipper).............................SW 237.2 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 237.2 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs Kristin (kistinbee).........................SW 157.0 lbs / GW 152.0 lbs / CW 157.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs…
  • Thank you! I am also going to get more serious about eating Paleo again...cut way down on my carbs, sodium, and dairy and increase my lean protein and veggetables! I look forward to posting tomorrow!
  • Hi Chipper - I am 43 and have been married for 13 years (almost)...I have 2 step children (daughter 24) and son (18). My stepdaughter is a teacher in a school for children with mental illness (she is so good) and my stepson is graduating from high school this week and has joined the Air Force - we are just waiting to find…
  • Stacey(Stacey765)......................SW 0.0 lbs / GW 0.0 lbs / CW 0.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs Cathy(chipper).............................SW 0.0 lbs / GW 0.0 lbs / CW 0.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs AmyLou (amylou_24)..................SW 0.0 lbs /GW 0.0 lbs / CW 0.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs Shanell…
  • Hi - I have been tracking my food and exercise on this site for a while, but have never joined a group...I could use a kick in the pants! I lost 18 lbs from Jan - April and have gained 6 back...I have 15 - 20 lbs that I would like to lose...how do I join your Sixers Headed for the Beach challenge?