SIXERS Headed for the Beach--Week 3



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning...

    today is family gym day at the base. ready to go.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Cathy(chipper)...............................SW 237.2 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 237.2 lbs / PROGRESS -0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..........................SW 157.0 lbs / GW 152.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12.....................SW 195.0 lbs / GW 189.0 lbs / CW 192.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Jennifer(candycaneps)..................SW 170.0 lbs / GW 165 lbs / CW 170 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Julie (juliebily)................................SW167.7 lbs / GW 155.5 lbs / CW 169.3 lbs / PROGRESS +1.6 lbs
    Clare (Finnhead)...........................SW 155.6 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou_24)....................SW 150.0 lbs /GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.2 lbs / PROGRESS -1.8 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..............SW 133.2 lbs / GW 127.0 lbs / CW 131.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lb

    Lorena(reyna99)...........................SW 154.2 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 153.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.2 lbs
    Em (MLEK)....................................SW 175.0 lbs / GW 160.8 lbs / CW 169.6 lbs / PROGRESS -5.4 lbs
    Kim (JDKLove18)..........................SW 197.0 lbs /GW 192.0 lbs / CW 196.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906)..........................SW 134.4 lbs / GW 130.0 lbs / CW 136.2 lbs / PROGRESS +1.8 lbs
    Stacey(Stacey765)........................SW 155.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Amy(Amy_36)................................SW 200.2 lbs / GW 194.0 lbs / CW 200.2 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman)......................SW 148.7 lbs / GW 143.0 lbs / CW 148.7 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ................................SW 0.0 lbs / GW 0.0 lbs / CW 0.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lb

    TOM and away for the week made this week a week I'm unable to weigh in. But I wanted to let you all know I'm still here and will be back in the game next week. Have a great rest of the weekend.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey Ladies!!!

    I have some updates. 1st, I have the internet now!!!!!!!!!! Which means I can check in more often :-) YEA! 2nd I just got back from my vacation to Jamaica and Cayman Islands! That was a good trip but my skin is SO burned! It actually hurt and now is peeling.... so lesson number one for those who don't know (black ppl CAN sunburn contrary to popular belief! LOL) I actually had someone tell me there there was NO way I had gotten sunburned UNTIL they saw the 8 shade difference between my bikini and my arm (which was exposed) and the fact that my NOSE was peeling! :( And I was wearing SPF 50 sunblock LOL.

    Anyway... it should be better soon I guess.

    I met my co-residents yesterday at the work cookout we had! Everyone seems really nice and someone even offered to take my call for me on my birthday!! :-) So now I'll have my birthday weekend off! WOOOHOOO!

    And what you guys most want to know, On my cruise I ate really well, tasted a little of everything but usually only ate half, had no dessert except fruit really, AND did SOMETHING active each day! went running, went walking for miles, AND usually took stairs!

    OK Sixers,
    hope you all are doing well. I will weigh in on Tuesday... It will likely be higher cause I am sure I had a LOT of salt this week,

    Off to read your posts!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    MORNING ladies!!!

    Cathy...Step is challenging, but such a good workout! Ha...kind of funny someone reminded you of me...especially since we've never met. I see people too who remind me of some of you ladies...or at least how I picture you! :)

    Well...I had a good weekend. Ended up finishing my Ripped in 30 week 4 and started JM's 6 week 6 pack workout last night. I think I'm just going to mix things up now and rotate through my workouts!

    Plan today:
    B-Banana Nut Cheerios, skim milk, coffee w/sugar free creamer
    L-Mixed green salad, cucumber, baby tomatos, spritzer dressing, and light yogurt
    D-Tilapia with veggies and probably rice
    S-FF Blueberry and cream frozen yogurt with cool whip free

    JM 6 week 6 pack-level 1
    Hopefully a run outside!

    Have a fabulous day!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning...

    computer issues far so good.
    kistin...idea. wait to start the 6 week 6 pack for the next 6 week challenge. than you can use it as a guide. take measuments and that.

    nothing planed for today. zumba tonight. DH isn't going tonight. he hurt himself yesterday at family gym day. so he's passing for a few days.
    house cleaned, laundry going, outside chores done. will do more tomorrow.

    back later
  • juliebily
    juliebily Posts: 13
    When I signed up for this 6 week challenge, I forgot that I had so much travel planned in the first few weeks...will have to revise my goal weight!

    We were in Napa this weekend for some wine tasting and a little NASCAR...I had never been to a NASCAR race before! We did a lot of walking - all the way around the track! Not fast or strenuous, just a lot of steps!

    I am not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow, but will face the music and remember all the great wine I consumed over the weekend! Back on track today! Will go to the gym at lunch and burn some calorie!

    My goal this week is to eat 1200-1300 calories a day, regardless of the calories burned during exercise.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    zumba tonight.....i just found out they have zumba shoes. did not know this. will have to check into further
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