SIXERS Headed for the Beach--Week 3



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hi ladies.

    Once upon a time, I'd lost 50lbs.
    Now, I've only kept my weight loss at 33lbs.
    I stumbled backwards off the scale this morning out of shock.
    You'd have thought the scale was a snake with how I reacted.

    Trying to get back into the swing of things.
    I know how. I lack commitment.

    However, my 30th birthday was Sunday.
    30 years of wear and tear on this birthday.
    I think of it like I would a car now.
    I need to do my preventative maintenance.

    Goal: get into routine of working out M W F.
    Doesn't matter if I only walk slowly on the treadmill.
    Doesn't matter how many calories I burn.
    I need to get the routine down.

    So proud of the rest of you for sticking with it!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    zumba with shanell tonight......
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    AHHH! Tuesday weigh in flew by (and Wednesday apparently) without me even noticing! Shoot! I'll hopefully remember tomorrow morning!!

    HI LAURYN!!! Get it girl! You CAN do this!! :)
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    Cathy(chipper)...............................SW 237.2 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 237.2 lbs / PROGRESS -0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..........................SW 157.0 lbs / GW 152.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12.....................SW 195.0 lbs / GW 189.0 lbs / CW 192.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Jennifer(candycaneps)..................SW 170.0 lbs / GW 165 lbs / CW 170 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Julie (juliebily)................................SW167.7 lbs / GW 155.5 lbs / CW 169.3 lbs / PROGRESS +1.6 lbs
    Clare (Finnhead)...........................SW 155.6 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lbs

    Lorena(reyna99)...........................SW 154.2 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 153.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.2 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou_24)....................SW 150.0 lbs /GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.2 lbs / PROGRESS -0.8 lbs
    Em (MLEK)....................................SW 175.0 lbs / GW 160.8 lbs / CW 169.6 lbs / PROGRESS -5.4 lbs
    Kim (JDKLove18)..........................SW 197.0 lbs /GW 192.0 lbs / CW 196.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..............SW 133.2 lbs / GW 127.0 lbs / CW 131.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lb
    Julia (jmiller0906)..........................SW 134.4 lbs / GW 130.0 lbs / CW 136.2 lbs / PROGRESS +1.8 lbs
    Stacey(Stacey765)........................SW 155.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Amy(Amy_36)................................SW 200.2 lbs / GW 194.0 lbs / CW 200.2 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman)......................SW 148.7 lbs / GW 143.0 lbs / CW 148.7 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ................................SW 0.0 lbs / GW 0.0 lbs / CW 0.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lb
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    hmmmm this week ahs flown by and i forgot to check in yesterday. I broke the losing streak too?!? but i could sneeze that difference! PLEASE GET ME INTO THE 154s next week!!!!

    I've been suffering all week from killer headaches. going to the docs tomorrow. hoping theres nothing big wrong with me :-(
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning...

    just a day around here. HOT again today. staying home today.

    hope everyone has a great day.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Cathy(chipper)...............................SW 237.2 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 237.2 lbs / PROGRESS -0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..........................SW 157.0 lbs / GW 152.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12.....................SW 195.0 lbs / GW 189.0 lbs / CW 192.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Jennifer(candycaneps)..................SW 170.0 lbs / GW 165 lbs / CW 170 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Julie (juliebily)................................SW167.7 lbs / GW 155.5 lbs / CW 169.3 lbs / PROGRESS +1.6 lbs
    Clare (Finnhead)...........................SW 155.6 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou_24)....................SW 150.0 lbs /GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.2 lbs / PROGRESS -1.8 lbs

    Lorena(reyna99)...........................SW 154.2 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 153.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.2 lbs
    Em (MLEK)....................................SW 175.0 lbs / GW 160.8 lbs / CW 169.6 lbs / PROGRESS -5.4 lbs
    Kim (JDKLove18)..........................SW 197.0 lbs /GW 192.0 lbs / CW 196.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..............SW 133.2 lbs / GW 127.0 lbs / CW 131.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lb
    Julia (jmiller0906)..........................SW 134.4 lbs / GW 130.0 lbs / CW 136.2 lbs / PROGRESS +1.8 lbs
    Stacey(Stacey765)........................SW 155.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 155.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Amy(Amy_36)................................SW 200.2 lbs / GW 194.0 lbs / CW 200.2 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman)......................SW 148.7 lbs / GW 143.0 lbs / CW 148.7 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ................................SW 0.0 lbs / GW 0.0 lbs / CW 0.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0.00 lb
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    So so so tired today. Counting down my days. Can't wait. But I have been a trucking. Still working out 5 to 6 days a week, eating better then ever! Went shopping for a bra yesterday, was able to get into a 38 C, so happy. I have always been a D cup and they don't make any cute little bra's in D's, but I got a cute one yesterday. And the straps are sooooo small and there are only 2 clasps! Oh, the joy of simple things, right. So proud of myself right now.

    Gotta get back to work again! Later, have a great day!
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    have logged my exercise and not done it yet. thinking i cant be bothered.
    but i should... its only 20 minutes
    but i cant be bothered
    i have just literally eaten my dinner. i'll leave it an hour
    i shall do it. in one hour.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    WOW!! The boards are sure quiet today. Hope that means everyone is staying active and busy. I think I'm finally seeing an end to my tunnel. It will all start over again next week though.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    had a nice supper, now time to listen to the storm and RAIN and read my book, but, first a shower and jammies.
    have a great night everyone.
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    Sorry, life has been busy and I have not been doing what I should (i.e...logging my ww points). My kids are gone with gma until Tuesday so I need to get my butt in gear and use my free time wisely!

    I see everyone is still heading in the right direction. I dont even know where I am heading but it cant be good :grumble:
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member

    Quick check in...busy morning at work!

    Had a good night...ran and did my Ripped workout!

    Plan today:
    B-Crunchy Nut cereal, skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    S-Banana, cereal bar
    L-Mixed greens, baby tomatos, cucumber and spritzer dressing, light yogurt
    D-Something with chicken...not sure what yet
    S-FF Blueberries and cream frozen yogurt

    JM Ripped in 30-week 4
    Run...if it doesn't rain

    Have a great day!

    What brand is this FF blueberries and cream frozen yogurt you keep listing??? I am sure I would LOVE it! I love all things blueberry.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    boomer has to start sleeping later than 5 AM....
    nothing planned for today. i am going to zumba tonight. DH may or may not do gym tonight.

    well off to get ready for the day, back later.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    Quick check in...busy morning at work!

    Had a good night...ran and did my Ripped workout!

    Plan today:
    B-Crunchy Nut cereal, skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    S-Banana, cereal bar
    L-Mixed greens, baby tomatos, cucumber and spritzer dressing, light yogurt
    D-Something with chicken...not sure what yet
    S-FF Blueberries and cream frozen yogurt

    JM Ripped in 30-week 4
    Run...if it doesn't rain

    Have a great day!

    What brand is this FF blueberries and cream frozen yogurt you keep listing??? I am sure I would LOVE it! I love all things blueberry.

    It's Kemps and it's my absolute favorite!! I'd addicted!! 180 calories for 1 cup! YUMMMM...
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    did 30DS today even though i felt pants with a headache.
    friends bbq tomorrow. i'm going to eat the meat with no buns and pile on the salad with no dressing.
    and just pretend i'm not drinking the cider!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    went to zumba, she is going to start teaching a zumba strength class. she said it's with weights. should be fun. i will try it. i love my zumba. i decided i will do it mon, tues, fri from now on. i am going to try step on tues morning. there is a girl in there that when i see her i think of you kisten. for some reason she just seems to remind me of you.

    DH said some girls really shouldn't wear skirts to the gym. he was on a machine and a girl got on one across from him and opened her legs. he figured it was a scort. he said nope and she could have also wore different underware. he saw it all. so he got off and went to a different machine.

    have a great weekend ladies.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning...

    well shanell has already has an exciting morning. they have been up since 4:30. someone crashed through their neighbors bushes into their pontoon boat pushing it into the van and car. if they didn't turn when they did they could have hit shanells house at their bedroom. it's a mess out there. and the person ran from the scence. a neighbor just happen to had just gotten home and followed them and got the plate number. now the cops are looking for the car.

    i went yard saleing with GD was fun she got some toys. i like that a 10 year old still plays with toys and she likes to play school. instead of computers, game systems and stuff like that.

    well, off to get coffee and a few other needed items.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hellooooooooooo anyone out there?????
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    went for a swim after dinner was really nice. did a little water exercising. tomorrow is family gym day at the base. Dh and i really enjoy these.
