fluffypbunny Member


  • I hope my body is not just telling me to be hungry all the time... THAT would be rude!!!!!!!! I usually work out at 5AM for about 90 minutes so I know I need to eat a little something after that so I usually have yogurt with a piece of fruit. I Hope it's just a temporary thing!
  • I snack all the time but I just can't bring myself to eating cottage cheese LOL I hope it is because my metabolism has boosted!!!!!
  • I've been working out pretty steady for the last 4 months. I think the only difference is that I added a fifth day and started working out in the morning. I eat alot of fruit and veggies and snack on nuts! I have almost wondered if my extra focus in the gym has kicked up my muscle mass and maybe making me a little more…
  • Very Cool ! I'm a non mom.... haven't weighed in this week yet, but I have my fingers crossed! :) Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • HA HA HA ! That's pretty funny! I like to think of it as desensitizing us!!! They use it all the time in psychology!!!
  • WELL ... My photo is not of a girl in a bikini... but she is half naked !!!! :noway:
  • I actually got up to five miles two years ago. There are a few iPhone apps that are really helpful! Unfortunately, my hips hurt me so bad, I could barely walk even on the days I didn't run..... I changed shoes and it helped, but it really just hurt my body. I found spin recently and discovered that I actually can burn as…
  • I am a 36 DD and obviously have the same problem. I found some great bra's at Sports Authority. I can't remember the brand, but they are racer back and an underwire. I think it was around 34 dollars. On top of that I always wear a compression sports bra. The only way I keep them under control is double wrapping those…
  • I took up spinning about 6 months ago and have never looked back. I LOVE IT!!!!!! It really helped after I purchased the shoes but I have enough butt cushion on my own to worry about a seat cover. I do it instead of running because the running was just destroying my poor body. My legs are getting some serious tone now.…