

  • dont let them win! you knew bumping into them would make you feel bad and you're letting it! you know the success you have had and what you have achieved, these people are clearly jealous and not worth the time of day worrying about what they say. Concentrate on what your close friends say and keep up the good work! :-)
    in FFS Comment by gibsonrv May 2013
  • Watch what you eat in a way that becomes a lifestyle change not a diet. I've done All the fad diets before, been so happy with the results, started eating normally again and piled it back on and more! The same will happen on shakes and supplements if you ask me, unless you plan to keep it up forever. I'm happy now with…
    in help? Comment by gibsonrv May 2013
  • Thanks for the fantastic supportive messages everyone, I've embraced the extra 2lb, wherever it is coming from, completed day 16 of the 30 day shred, worked extra hard at the gym and stayed on track calorie wise today! I will get there in the end! :)
  • Argh! This reply both scares me but gives me a much needed snap out of it slap! Thanks :) and thanks everyone for your encouragement! Here's to giving it my very best shot in the morning! X
  • Thanks :) I have read that level 2 seems to be hell on earth, I am pretty determined to finish it! On a couple of the moves I couldn't do I have it a go until I couldn't do more then filled the gaps with cardio moves, I figure as long as I'm moving then that's good, and I plan to build up my reps on those tough moved each…
  • I have my final level one workout tonight, then its on to level 2 tomorrow! i had a quick look at level 2 the other night and i think i can handle it, ive found my energy levels and strength levels have increased quite a lot and i can notice quite a big visible change in the mirror! unfortunatly i cant post my pics as i…
  • SW: 154 CW: 147 GW: 140 Weigh in Dates: 5/1 147 5/8 146 5/15 143 5/22 5/28 5/31 on day 9 of 30DS today! havent missed a day yet :-) really noticing a change in my shape, and the scales are going down tooo! :-)
  • id like some more info please :-) need a kick start leading up to my holiday in august!
  • Thanks for all you really helpful suggestions everyone :) I recently had some running shoes properly fitted with an arch in the bottom too so hopefully using them will improve it, I will definitely be trying the ice and all the different stretches suggested too, fingers crossed they don't last long!
  • im on day 4 today and its definitly getting easier as in im not aching so much! its still tough to get through the whole thing though! ive been doing it then going for a run after 3 times a week and managing it just about :-) i cant wait to see some results!
  • thanks :-) yeah its mainly the eating out that gets me, and grabbing a 'quick' sandwich when im out that packed with mayo and god knows what other bad stuff, it amazing where the calories hide! im going out for lunch with my other halfs family tomorrow so im going to do as suggested and view the menu 1st. I have asked him…
  • Any suggestions as the dreaded weekend starts tomorrow! :-(
  • Best thing i did was add weights into my workouts! it makes such a visible difference! :-)
  • SW: 154 CW: 147 GW: 140 Weigh in Dates: 5/1 147 5/8 146 5/15 5/22 5/28 5/31 Had a very indulgent bank holiday weekend! I did however start the 30DS DVD yesterday!
  • The more people I've told about completing workout 1 the more I'm hearing how good that is on its own! Feeling pretty positive now, thanks for all of your words of wisdom people! Ibuprofen at the ready! :) good luck to everyone else who is doing it/started today!
  • Thanks so much! That's what I need to hear, I keep trying to think about where I will be in so many weeks rather than where I am now! It's definitely the best workout DVD I've tried! Here's to day 2! :)
  • Im hoping joining this can keep me motivated as im struggling at the moment! SW: 154 CW: 147 GW: 140 Weigh in Dates: 5/1 147 5/8 5/15 5/22 5/28 5/31 Total weight lost: Just for fun: What fitness event are you going to accomplish this month? Going to start the C25K app starting today!
  • Im hoping joining this can keep me motivated as im struggling at the moment! SW: 154 CW: 147 GW: 140 Weigh in Dates: 5/1 147 5/8 5/15 5/22 5/28 5/31 Total weight lost: Just for fun: What fitness event are you going to accomplish this month? Going to start the C25K app starting today!
  • I would like to take part please :)