

  • Well I haven't been smoke-free for a really long time (I smoked my last cigarette at 11:55 p.m. on New Year's Eve - so a little over 6 months now.) but I had a hard time the first month or so ... mostly because my husband and ALL our friends and some family smoke. When I would get hit hard by a craving ... I'd just pray…
  • Thanks for all the advice. I did the workout again ... and WOW! I used smaller weights but still felt like I worked out twice as hard as yesterday. I know it's just because I'm sore. It feels good to have finished it, but it's the kids' nap time so .... I'm going to go take advantage of some "me time" and go each lunch and…
  • Every year, my street has a block party. (I quite possibly have the coolest neighbors ever!) I'm going to plan my day so that I have room for a hotdog and a few light beers ... even if I have to work out like a dog in the afternoon to earn some calories. That's my plan anyway.
  • I use that game too every now and then. I always felt that I had worked harder than she said I did, but of course I don't know for sure. I'm pretty out of shape so maybe I was just huffing and puffing when I shouldn't have been. LOL. I haven't used this game in a few months (I've been using the Wii Fit instead) but from…
  • Welcome! I joined only a few weeks ago but today is my first day on the message boards.
  • Congrats on being smoke free! I smoked my last cigarette at 11:55 p.m. on New Year's Eve (It was my resolution). So I haven't had a cigarette in 6 months! My battle isn't over yet. I quite with both of my pregnancies but always started again shortly after they were born. So my longest was probably 10 months or so .... I'm…