Should I work through the pain?

zksammons Posts: 9
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I used Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred for the first time yesterday ... and today ... I hurt! I don't know if I should take a day off to recoup or do it again. I'm afraid of trying to be "tough" and injuring myself and having to take a DAYS off to recover when I should've just taken a day off to avoid injury in the first place?

Am I just being a wuss? Is it okay to push yourself through the pain?


  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    When I get sore I always keep going. Don't push too hard but as well if you stop it will be even worst when you start back up. Soak after working out but do not stop but as well not pushing yourself too hard.
  • joj7bat
    joj7bat Posts: 30
    Excellent question! I've thought about asking that myself a million times but never had the guts!
    I personally think that you should do the work out again, but modify anything that hurts too much - doing less reps or taking more breaks. That way, you will keep using the sore muscels but still building towards new ones. Maybe you won't be as sore tomorrow.... ?
  • aherron06
    aherron06 Posts: 9
    That depends on what kind of pain your talking about. If the pain you feel is from being really sore then yes you can and probably should work out again. After exercise that is new to the body there is a concept called DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). This means that the days after your first few workouts of stressing new muscles, you are going to be sore to the point of pain, which is probably what your experiencing. The lactic acid has bulit up so much in your muscle tissue that you may feel pain. The best way to conteract this is by stessing your muscles again, ie working out. It will be tough at fist but when you get warm your muscles will losen up. Howerver if you feel like the pain is because you pulled or strained a muscle, then yes take a day off (I got my degree in Exercise Science).

    Hope this helps answer your question. Let me know!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Honestly, I took the day off after I did the video for the first time. I was in PAIN! LOL. It's a hard workout, I don't think giving yourself a day off will harm anything. Since starting it I have taken a couple days off here and there, the important thing is to make sure that you go back to it the day after :bigsmile:
    Good luck, and congrats on starting the Shred!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    If you attempt the warmup, you'll often discover that the pain has subsided enough to complete the workout. You can always alternate with weights and without; definitely modify if any part is too painful. And don't take more than one day off at a time.

    When you keep sore muscles active, they are forced to increase their rate of repair. So they'll eventually get better at not being so sore all the time, hehe.

    Oh yeah, don't be shy to try some chocolate milk (made with skim or other low fat/fat-free milk) after that workout! It's great for muscle recovery.
  • expressbug
    expressbug Posts: 100
    I went to the lake on Sunday, tubed and water skied. I used differant muscles than I have been. I was a little sore but yesterday I still did my run. While I was running I realize I was a lot more sore than I had thought. I just pushed through it. I didn't go as fast as I usually go. In fact it was the slowest ever I think but I ran my 2 miles. When I got home I lifted some weights. Today I am more sore than yesterday but it is a feel good sore.

    I would push through it. Just slow down. I do Jillian's 30 day shred too and you will be sore after doing it for about a week LOL. Then when you move up to the next level you get to start all over. LOL Good Luck
  • dbg1
    dbg1 Posts: 208
    Depends on the pain. :sick: Whenever you push your body's limits there will be "pain" afterwards.The more the pain the more your body wasn't ready for it. When you start an exercise program, there is always soreness afterwards but when that soreness occurs is what you should be worried about. In my experience of pain,

    1. If you are sore right after your routine it will only get worse - definitely reduce your routine by 2/3 because the amount of pain will increase until it plateaus in day 2 after the exercise

    2. If you have pain after one day (but not right after the routine) then cut it in 1/2.

    3. If your pain doesn't begin until the 2nd day then cut by 1/3.

    I would exercise but make sure you are working different muscle groups. Do some stretches. You should be stretching before and after your routine to help minimize the soreness. You will be able to build your self up quickly.:flowerforyou:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Depends on the pain. :sick: Whenever you push your body's limits there will be "pain" afterwards.The more the pain the more your body wasn't ready for it. When you start an exercise program, there is always soreness afterwards but when that soreness occurs is what you should be worried about. In my experience of pain,

    1. If you are sore right after your routine it will only get worse - definitely reduce your routine by 2/3 because the amount of pain will increase until it plateaus in day 2 after the exercise

    2. If you have pain after one day (but not right after the routine) then cut it in 1/2.

    3. If your pain doesn't begin until the 2nd day then cut by 1/3.

    I would exercise but make sure you are working different muscle groups. Do some stretches. You should be stretching before and after your routine to help minimize the soreness. You will be able to build your self up quickly.:flowerforyou:

    I've found this to be true, just in my own personal experience. And you do need to let your muscles recover, there comes a point where you have diminishing return. I thought with the shred it was every other day? not sure, don't have the video. if you're sore but can do your daily life and you just "feel" your muscles, stretching, etc. will help. but if you cannot do your daily activities, then give your muscles a day of rest from working out - do something different, like a walk, but work different muscles.
  • zksammons
    zksammons Posts: 9
    Thanks for all the advice. I did the workout again ... and WOW! I used smaller weights but still felt like I worked out twice as hard as yesterday. I know it's just because I'm sore. It feels good to have finished it, but it's the kids' nap time so .... I'm going to go take advantage of some "me time" and go each lunch and cross-stitch.


    By the way ... I have rug burns on my knees from the "girl push-ups" .... I can't do as many as the girls do in the video ... but I'm using that to judge when I'm ready for level two. I don't think I'll be able to move up to regular pushups for a LONG while, but I at least want to do as many "girl push-ups" as the girls do in the video.
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