

  • Hey, I'm 5'3" and I am 193lbs. I have like 45-50lbs more to lose. I need some motivation. Along with eating less and selectively, what exercises are you doing? What can I do to stay curvacious but tight? Can anyone help me?
  • Don't give into to the fast food. You will be defeating your purpose. Try some celery stalks, thin sliced carrots are good. try to eat your veggies with other veggies to give some flavor. Try the hummus with your veggies. Sometimes I bring frozen steamed veggies from the supermarket. They are filling and satisfying.…
  • I find that sometimes we have to tweak our meals so that we are eating exactly what we are suppose to. Try that.
  • Congrats! You look fabulous! Keep it up. You are sure a motivator for us all.
  • Hi, Terra the best motivation for me has been just don't stop. Keep looking for others that inspire you. Choose me as a friend. We can work together.
  • Good morning and welcome. I just started this early this month and its seems like I am motivating myself. We all need encouragement. I'm hoping I can be of some help. Ask me anything.
  • I read someplace about Nature Valley's Protein Bars. I tried one and fell in love! They are about $2.89 per box and you get like 6 bars. they are packed with 10g of proetin. They are affordable. I like buying stuff I know I will eat.
  • I find the Nature Valley Protein bars really good. They are packed with 10g of Protein per bar. That along with water, you are full for a while. I swear by them. Make sure they say protein bars because nature valley also make granola bars. I'm sure you willl be satisfied.
  • I have nice results from Zumba. I go once a week and I bring my exercise belt and sweat up a storm. Zumba has helped me melt away 5 inches off my waist. I do other exercises but Zumba is when I do the most movement and sweating. Anyone who can attend a class with an instructor that loves to move, you are in for a great…
  • I love love love Zumba. Zumba is great. You will sweat, you move, you burn. twice a week is fantastic and you will see your unwanted pounds melt away. Along with lots of water and eating sensibly you will see results. Keep attending you will see your rewards. Zumba sheds unwanted weight all over. I'm in NY so I cannot…
    in Zumba Comment by GullyGirl009 May 2012
  • I forgot to log my goals SW 211 CW 208 GW 183 UTG 146-150 See you next week at my weigh in.
  • Hi I'm on my way. I just started logging on this yesterday and since last week, I've lost 3lbs so far. I will keep you informed.