

  • As others have said, focus on yourself. It's intrinsic motivation that's going to get you where you want to go. Extrinsic motivation (family, friends, MFP, etc) is nice but not required. Join a group or two on here, make some friends to ask for tips and advice, but mostly results will come from you. Log your food the best…
  • Welcome back, Corrie! Motivation is certainly one of the keys to success, no matter the goal. What I would say is first sit down and write (or type) out your reasons for wanting to lose weight. Some example include health, wanting more energy, wanting to change how you look, and so on. Then write out activities you enjoy.…
  • Hey sazzle! Welcome to the forums. I'll buddy with you and depending on what you like and if you cook, I may have some recipes for you.
    in Newbie! Comment by Calren2 October 2014
  • 50kg is doable, but as others have said, open your diary to the public, or friend a few of us here. We'll take a look at it over the next few days as you're beginning to log your food and workouts to see what's up, but it really sounds like while the quality of food has improved you're still eating the same amount of…
  • Welcome Shannon! Starting this off with, "I am not a Registered Dietitian," so take the following as if you were asking a random stranger on a busy street. Based on some quick reading, the short answer I can give is "I dunno." Articles on livestrong indicate that any protein that ends up not being required by the body is…
  • Welcome Rebekah! Echoing bkcuti real quick, sometimes going purely off the scale, or even on measurements, is akin to reading a ouija board. While I'm on my cut, I tend to follow this: "Did my weight go down over the last week? If yes, yay, else go to step 2. Did my waist, hips, or thighs (my trouble areas) go down? If…
  • Welcome dateskimokid! I'm still on my cut, but as far as bulking advice all I've got is fairly generic. Eat food but not too insanely much. Hit your macros, what your macro goals are comes down to what line of thinking you end up following. Protein can be obtained without supplementing with some planning ahead of time, but…
  • I'm basicly with Ryan here. If you've hit your goal and you're starting in on strength training, you're going to need nutrition to build muscle. That's not to say that you should eat a jar of peanut butter like Winnie Pooh finding honey, or drink a gallon of milk a day (sometimes abbreviated here and elsewhere as GOMAD,)…
  • Welcome wawster! Yeah, tracking what you eat is the foundation of any change you set out to make. Some days you may wake up and not feel up to weighing everything or entering info in, but do it anyway. You'll be glad you did. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
  • Requests Intensify :P
  • Posting to echo the "it's genetics" crowd. Play the cards you've been dealt, maybe take up dancing for fun, whatever sounds fun - socializing is a plus. Seriously, whatever fashion magazines or shows you're watching that are pushing this image on you, stop reading/watching. You're not a barbie doll and it's totally okay to…
  • Welcome back! Feel free to add me, I'll help out with keeping you accountable with the others.
  • Hey icanplay! Welcome to MyFitnessPal! It's great that you want to make a change, and based on what you've said I think you are in the right mindset for achieving your goals. You're exactly right about fad dieting, we're all better off by making better decisions and focusing on portion control. As the saying goes, "abs are…
  • Getting back to the topic at hand while the mods keep the thread cleaned up... Welcome DamieD! As it's been said, disciple is going to come from you. We can however give you some advice. Do you workout? If not, that'd be a starting point. Even walking 20 minutes 3 times a week would be great as it would begin to build…