Starting back up, and bulking (yay?)

Just a post to get a grasp of MFP, and I'm liking the place so far. I've recently got back into working out after a 3 1/2 month hiatus, and I'm loving every minute of it. My new gym is amazing, PG Tampa, and I'm just about to get off of getting reacquainted with my compound exercises and form and am about to jump on a hypertrophy routine. I'm using MFP to keep tack of my bulk, and man is bulking something else. Didn't realize I'd have such a hard time eating 3200 cals. a day and never realized how much excess sodium I had in my diet. The next few months should be fun, and if anyone else is in their bulking phase, feel free to contribute and offer advice. :D


  • Calren2
    Welcome dateskimokid! I'm still on my cut, but as far as bulking advice all I've got is fairly generic. Eat food but not too insanely much. Hit your macros, what your macro goals are comes down to what line of thinking you end up following. Protein can be obtained without supplementing with some planning ahead of time, but I'll admit it's nice to have a fallback plan in a pinch when cooking an extra meal isn't an option. When in doubt, consult a registered dietician, your gym likely has someone in their referral network if they don't have one on staff.

    TL;DR version: Good Luck, Have Fun.
  • dateskimokid
    Thanks man :)