

  • I burn approximately 500 calories in an hour class with Zumba. I take classes three days a week. I have lost a pants size and even though the scale doesn't show it, people keep telling me that I am losing weight. I LOVE it! I would like to take it four to five days a week. I am already taking classes at three different…
  • Ginny, I think you know the answer within yourself and you posted here to get confirmation of the decision. Do what YOU feel is best for you. You have permission to make the decision that YOU want to make. In this case, any decision you make is going to come with bad "stuff". Just weigh the positives and the negatives. If…
  • It depends on the type of exercise. I had to get a different type of shoe when I started Zumba and kickboxing because I needed to be able to go side-to-side without rolling my ankle, have little tread to be able to slide, something with a good arch support because of my high arches and something that wouldn't hurt the ball…
    in Shoes! Comment by Laurabetha August 2011
  • I lost inches, especially in the waist/abdomen area. I have doing Zumba since December of last year. I love it!
  • I take Zumba classes three times a week and workout on my own with the DVDs on the weekend!
  • Love yourself, ALL of yourself. You are not made of separate parts. I have big legs too and I have found that there are a lot of men that would rather see legs with some meat on them, rather than tooth picks! Either way, you can strength them, but you cannot spot reduce. I love Zumba and do it three or more times a week.…
  • I would just eat the jaw breakers. You like them, why change? I don't think they are that big of deal.
  • You can eat 7 rolls of Smarties before you break 200 calories! If you chew them, the candy/sugar is not sitting on your teeth for so long.
  • good job! You are taking control and that is NOTHING to laugh about it!
  • Do what you feel like doing, but do not burn yourself out.
  • Can you and your daughter do something active together? Take a swimming class or something and get her to help you make healthy snacks or something. Sounds like your accountability partner is right there in your own house! :)
  • I have the first set of DVDs and use them a couple of times of week, in addition to the classes that I take. I like them, especially the "live" one because it is really like a class....a very BIG class!
  • I used to use the Neti Pot, but I found that the Neil Med Sinus Rinse (the plastic squeeze bottle) actually works better. There is a little more force than with the Neti Pot.
    in Neti Pot Comment by Laurabetha May 2011
  • Have you ever taken a class? The reason I say that is because just the DVDs alone can be a little overwhelming. They are professional on the DVDS and it is easy to think you cannot do it like them. You don't have to and if you go to a class, you will see how the steps can be modified or done a little differently. The main…
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