Felidae106 Member


  • Moissanite with white gold band Having trouble posting this properly but here's the link to the pic: http://i.imgur.com/tJBY0.jpg
  • Conch and daith are definitely my favourite ear piercings, I have both and found my conch less painful to pierce and easier to heal too which was a bonus. Just make sure you go to a proper studio that use one-use needles and not guns!
  • Pleasantly surprised to see the amount of people recommending needles over guns, absolutely agree! Nose piercings are pretty inoffensive and suit most people really. As long as you follow a good aftercare regime and avoid touching or knocking the piercing as much as possible it should heal just fine. I'd recommend having…
  • There was a thread about Misophonia on here before so might be worth checking that out as well to see the replies. I replied to that previous thread as I've had misophonia myself since the age of 9 or 10 and am now 23. Similar to yourself I also cannot tolerate sounds associated with eating but I received CBT via the NHS…
  • Hiya, I'd highly recommend using Duolingo to learn Spanish, it's free and having had experience of both that and Rosetta Stone I think I prefer Duolingo as it teaches you more about correct grammar and sentence structure. It's really easy to use and you can go back and practice steps and topics you've completed to refresh…
  • As I mentioned the CBT sessions did help a little, they focused mainly on methods of relaxation such as breathing techniques and meditation. The breathing techniques were pretty good, one method was to take in a slow, deep breath for 4 - 5 seconds whilst clenching your hands in to fists, then you breathe out as slowly as…
  • I've had misophonia since around the age of about 9 or 10 and over the years other trigger noises have begun to affect me other than the initial trigger which was the sound of my dad eating. He has always had bad asthma and cannot eat with his mouth closed as his nose is constantly blocked. My parents could never…