viannee Member


  • I know it can be daunting. I know it was for me. I still don't eat completely clean but it's definitely better now than my previous eating habits. You don't have to go cold turkey. Pick at least one meal per day where you eat clean and go from there. Eat the "clean" foods that you do like and then discover others which you…
  • "Everything in moderation" that's my mantra. let the diet soda debate resume! *runs and gets popcorn* This gon be goood!
    in Diet Coke Comment by viannee August 2012
  • My lips. As a kid, I was teased because of it. I'm still not confident about them until now but I do hear a few people compliment me for it. Positive or not, it's what most people remember me for when it comes to my appearance.
  • It is definitely much easier to not buy. I do buy some snacks but I don't buy them in bulk and I buy ones which are individually packed. Or I pack them into serving sizes myself (I love my plastic sealer). I keep these because there are moments where I am actually hungry and I don't have easy access to self-prepared meals.…
  • Apps I have for fitness are: Workout Trainer by Skimble --- lots of free exercises. You can choose the length of time, the intensity and equipment to use and it keeps on reminding you if you miss your workouts. Lolo Fitness Apps Easy Abs - Simple exercises for 3 minutes a day Janet Stone Yoga - best yoga app for iOS so…
  • I'm sorry if this has already been said but I didn't read all the pages. If you must discipline him, then do. Not for the eating but for the forgotten virtue. Tell him not to eat everything because the food is not for you alone but for everyone in the house. His brother might have been looking forward to having that treat…
  • The odor comes from water they are suspended in. Rinse them in cold water. Boil for about 30 seconds. Then rinse again in cold water That should remove the fishy smell. There have been others who did not like the texture. A bit chewy. Dehydrating them (as in heating in a pan until "bone-dry") seems to do the trick. I…
  • Hi! I'm new to the group. :) I was diagnosed 3 years ago and was prescribed Metformin for it. When I tried it first, I had headaches so I switched to a different brand. I was fine with it for a while but for some odd reason, when I started eating healthy it started giving me nasty side effects too. Oh the bathroom trips I…
  • Sounds lovely but tempting. Lol. Yep. SimIlar to cake pops. Oreos are crumbled and mixed with other ingredients then shaped into balls and dunked in chocolate.
    in Hobbies Comment by viannee July 2012
  • I feel you John! I made Oreo pops and candy decorations as a hobby/business before mfp. I ate the rejects and would keep some in the fridge. I had to stop coz I knew it would be hard to just sell and look at them!
    in Hobbies Comment by viannee July 2012
  • @flipo -- wow! really? I was thinking you can't be over 25 too. :) you age well. :)
  • :) I figured with your smile and how fresh you look, you couldn't be over 25. :) I like this game lol. I'm 27. eeeep!
  • ALittleLikeHe -- 21? Fliporican5 -- 19? I like this game. :)
  • Yes, definitely! I look to all them (my mfpals). It makes make me work harder and try to emulate them.
  • Thank you. Bookmarked and reading the site right now. :)
  • my resting HR is at around 64 (I measured it first thing in the morning for 3 days). OMG I am so confused! But I will study this. Thank you! I'll make manual readings for the next few days so I can get a good baseline before I try this hrm again. Thank you! Thank you. I think I should. Oh man, I hope I get the best out of…
  • I'll visit the gym once (not a fan of fitness gyms. lol) and see if there are people who have better devices. Thank you. :)
  • You know what? you're right. Maybe I don't really need all these thingamajigs. :)
  • Thank you! it's taking me a while to process all this but I hope I'll understand it all soon and get the most of my workouts.
  • I did wet them before use. I'm sorry. I'm embarrassed to be such a dunce at this. lol. Thank you for your input. :)
  • Thank you! I guess my expectations were steep for hulahoops. lol I'll try a different kind of workout and see if there's any change.
  • Thanks. I'll add you up. We could be friends for sure. :) Oh man, I wish it won't come to that, coz I can't return it anymore. :( Thank you for your reply. I just want some sort way to factor in my exercise with my diet coz I do tend to overestimate my exercise. Thinking I have worked up a sweat, I eat more calories than I…
  • I entered the all the info required. The watch was also asking about target activity maximum heart rate and I set it 60-70% it says my lower heart rate limit is 84 upper heart rate limit is 100 when I finished, it says my avg HR is 74. I concede it was a little bit hot where i exercised.
  • When I was younger and at a smaller size I loved having my picture taken (but only little self-portraits). I loved making cutesy poses (think kawaii). Now at 175lb, I still take pictures albeit seldom and always with a funny face. Why? Coz I feel like a joke trying to look all cutesy and stuff. I'm slowly trying to smile…
  • Avocado smoothie!
  • I planned on buying grilled chicken barbecue (leg quarter) with rice from that whole in the place near my area.. I just had it a little while ago. I'm having stomach cramps right now from eating more than I'm used to but it was gooooooooooood!
  • Hello from (technically) the future! :)
  • I don't know if this will work for you but I eat my breakfast with a cup of coffee or milk mixed with a sachet of soluble fiber. (Benefiber or maltodextrin in my case). It tides me over 'til at least 11am.
  • Most foods are estimations of the calories. It just gives you a general idea of what you put in your body. Choose the food choices which you think is the closest to what you ate. Same with exercises. It also helps to read other sources of information like from and
  • I love this topic! I have a lot on my list. lol