Another sensitive man!! :wink: I had a rat named Templeton when i was little. He was sooooo cute!
That looks really yummy...going to try it!:happy:
Thanks, Jree!:heart:
OK, I win...i'm almost 6'1"! I weigh between 165 and 172 and am a competitive masters swimmer. Although I always think I can get down to 160, it never happens. I think this is the right range for me. I basically eat and drink what I want, within reason, and keep moving!:bigsmile:
Don't get mad, everybody, but I don't eat breakfast. They say in the book, Skinny B*tch, a good read btw, that having a piece of fruit half way through the morning is best. It's worked for me. Then I have lunch at 11...something healthy.:huh: anybody else like to skip bf or is it just me?
Hi, I'm a competitive swimmer and swim about 6 miles per week. Although I love it, it doesn't help me lose weight. I saw a post on this site about Tabata and that led me to Kettlebells. In 10 minutes I get a great workout and I'm on my way. I got a kettlebell at ****'s sporting for 29.99.…
I watched it with my daughter. We likey!
I agree about the toothbrushing trick. And, remember, when you're hungry, your body is going to go for those reserves (i.e. fat). Also, maybe come up with a hobby to get you through the hungry times. How about knitting? Good Luck!