lotOFbody Member


  • Candyce......29.......Dallas
  • LoL i never thought it was weird untill my cousin called me crazy for ordering them in bulk off of amazon. Ive only done it twice but it keeps me stocked up! Might sound crazy but because i have to use them every where i go im always loosing them, so the logical thing for me is to roder ahead of time and save about $15!!…
    in quirks Comment by lotOFbody July 2012
  • i have chapstick strategically placed all around my house in case my lips get chapped lol. Before i go to sleep i have to make sure i have the one above my bed because i wake up in the middle of the night to put it on! What can i say?? lol, i get nervous when my lips are chap for to long! Weird huh??!?
    in quirks Comment by lotOFbody July 2012
  • But to each is own! :-)
  • Im a Chubby Chic, been that way most of my life. I think its all about your confidence level, & the vibe you give off. You get what you give. I've always been a fun & happy person......men, well i'll say real men, see that & are usually attracted to it.
  • My previous post went crazy lol. First pic was from 11/2011 second pic from 6/2012. Its a start!! But my chubby cheeks aint going no where lol
  • Thanks!! I have about 65 more i want to loose. I have been starting slowly with my workout.....an hour a day on the elliptical or treadmill. In my head if i try to go everyday i will atleast be there 4 times a week lol. My eatin habits have totatly changed, i more focused on my work out now.
  • I've been taken the Lean Shake from GNC for about a month now & i love it. I usually dont have time in the mornings to make breakfast & this is great. It gives you more vitamins then most shakes i have had & it also has more bang for your buck. I think its about 14oz & i almost never finish it in one setting. Good price i…
  • From Dallas TexaS!!! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods