

  • Whoops, meant to say down from 120 to 116, not 166. I wish I could run, but I'm just too terribly out of shape and can only go for five minutes before being totally out of breath. Mostly I take brisk walks (4 mph for 30 min) or do jumping jacks for 15-20 minutes. I'll have to try jump roping though, and maybe through lots…
  • 5'5.5", started at 120, currently at 166. I eat 1200 calories a day w/ out exercise, but do only burn about 150 calories on the 5-6 days a week I exercise. I'm also curious on ways to burn 300-400 calories a day without running or biking. (If it's possible)
  • Wonton wraps are basically the wraps that are used in egg rolls. I'm not exactly sure where they'd be located in any given store, but I shop at Meijer and find them in the produce section in a cooler near things like the lettuce/herbs. The ones I buy come in a square plastic package of 21 wraps. Hope this helps.
  • I'm having whole wheat cous cous with hearts of palm and feta cheese today. Looking forward to it! What are hearts of palm?
  • Don't forget that you get to eat any extra caolories that you work off. So make sure to exercise everyday, and you'll be able to eat more. :happy:
  • Does anyone know where you can buy prepackaged/frozen sweet potatoe fries? I've tried Meijer, they don't carry them, Trader Joe's has them, but I don't have one of those around me. :grumble:
  • Awww, that's really sad. I can tell how much you love him b/c half of your profile pictures have him in it. I hope he makes his way back safe.
  • I'm going to be Felicity Shagwell from Austin Powers. Now to only get into the skintight body-suit. :wink: I can't think of too many releveant celebrities, although Sarah Palin was big last year. (I know someone mentioned her)
  • Sometimes exercise and dieting, sometimes just dieting. But I never lose any weight when I'm just dieting alone.
  • I have the Carmen Electra Stip tease DVDs at home. They're fun and a good workout. :laugh:
  • Popcorn is a good choice for low calories if you don't mind the carbs.
  • Great Job!! My work had one of those challenges as well, but we weren't put in teams and no one won anything. But good luck to you, I hope your team wins!! :drinker:
  • I don't know if you're breast feeding or not, but it's one of the best ways to lose weight after having a baby. (I would still include excercise though, to build muscle).
  • Depending on the birth control, sometimes never. I have many friends that won't be on it at all b/c they don't like the way they feel/act when they are on it. I think the best thing I can suggest is a low dose like you're currently on. I started out on Yaz last year (from Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo). Although I'm fine most of the…
  • I'm one of those people who puts my skin before anything else. I even started using anti-wrinkle creams at 18. :smile: But I'm so mad that this summer has been overcast and cool (In West Michigan), and I haven't been able to go outside and get a tan naturally (wearing SPF 30 or 50 ofcourse). And since my birthday is coming…
  • I'm pretty boring, I just do oatmeal every day for lunch. But it helps me to keep more calories for dinner.
  • Well, I've only gotten down 40oz so far. Guess it's time to go refill. :smile:
  • I have this pair of pants that I'm trying to fit into for an outing with my husband's company this summer. I bought them from Express about six or seven years ago and they are a size 3/4. I don't know how much they have changed their clothing sizes in the past few years, but I swear they'd be a 0 in today's standards. I…
  • I remember watching this documentary on BBCA last year called 'Super Skinny Me'. It was a very interesting show, but hard to translate into American sizes b/c they kept referring to their weight in stones and the clothing sizes are different. I think a UK 12 is a US 8? Does anyone else know if that's right? Talking about…
  • My food diary is open if you'd like to take a look also.
  • I don't know if I'd call this an activity, but since I've joined I've started cooking more (actually preparing meals) and cleaning the house. Before I started this site I'd get home from work, plop on the couch and only get off it to throw something in the microwave or oven for dinner. I'd let dirty dishes sit in the sink,…
  • Mine is public. So now everyone can see that I like to eat Superman Ice Cream almost every night. :blushing:
  • I like the Obit Cinnamint gum. It reminds me of those cinnamon discs I used to have as a kid.
    in gum Comment by jjohnson0882 July 2009
  • You look amazing!! Congrats!! :drinker:
  • I've only been burning about 200 calories per day working out for a half hour. I'd like to work out more, but I think I have athletes athsma :grumble: , which I'm going to try and see my doctor about next week.
  • Is that the marathon that helps raise money for AT?
  • I'm eating some California rolls right now. They're really good. :love:
  • Monday weigh in. Still at the same weight of 117, but I can tell I'm getting leaner. My clothes are fitting me much better, and I don't have to suck in as much to hide my gut. :laugh: Kept mostly within my calories last week, but the foods I was eating were not the healthiest. Going to try to do healthy dinners this week…
  • Personnally for myself I tend to get stomach aches when I drastically change my diet (for better or worse). I just started this a few weeks ago, and when I went from eating junk food and drinking pop everyday to suddenly only eating fresh fruit and veggies and drinking water, it did a number on my stomach. It took about a…
  • What's really sad is that her boyfriend just proposed so they could get married before she died. He was waiting for her to have a 'good' day for the wedding ceremony.