Stomach Aches

Tiffers1980 Posts: 4
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay...I started my program on Tuesday and now yesterday and today I have had horrible stomach aches. Anyone have any idea why or how to get rid of them, or not get them at all? I have to lay down for about 30 mins. or longer before they go away. I have been eating a lot of raw fruits and veggies, could that be it?? What to do....


  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    First, let me say that I am not a medical provider, so the following stems from experience, not medical advise!

    If you are new to the increased addition of fruits and vegetables in your diet, then yes, you can make your tummy upset. The feeling shoudl disperse as the contents leave your stomach and move lower in your system. You may also find that you are more (or LESS) constipated than before. The non soluable fiber from the fresh fruits and veggies can do this! Start slow and make sure you are hydrated, and your body should adjust.

    If you continue this for more than a couple of days... and/or they are getting worse.. go see a doctor!

  • Personnally for myself I tend to get stomach aches when I drastically change my diet (for better or worse). I just started this a few weeks ago, and when I went from eating junk food and drinking pop everyday to suddenly only eating fresh fruit and veggies and drinking water, it did a number on my stomach. It took about a week for my body to get used to change. But in the same aspect, if I try eating a large amount of junk food (like my McDonalds lunch earlier this week) or something else that is bad for me now, I'll get stomach pains for up to two hours.

    As lleanak said, I'm not a medical provider/expert, but I would guess that your body is getting used to the change in your new diet. Give it a few days, and everything should go back to normal. But I agree, if it continues or gets worse, check with your doctor.
  • mabala
    mabala Posts: 6
    try eating 1 0r two soda crackers after having fruit or lots of veggies strange as it sounds it may be
    the cictic acids or somthing causing the problem / the cracker will help soak it up. try that for a test to see if it helps. if it does then it will clear up soon enough if not talk to your doctor hugs Daniel
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    going from very little to all out on your fiber will do two things, first it willupset your stomach and may cause the runs then on the back end of that you may actually end up with additional stomach aches and constipation. It is recommended to gradually increase the fiber in your diet. In other words, if you ate no fruit or veggies on a regular basis you want to start with one or two servings the first week, then add a third in the second week and so on until you are getting all you need.

    That is how I started off because I too went all out the first week and had problems as well. If you start to wean yourself into a life full of fruits and veggies and the stomach aches continue you should see your doctor but my non medical professional advice is to ease up for a few days and then add a little each week.

    Hope you feel better! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for all the advice! I ended going to the doctor and have kidney stones and a bladder infection, among other health issues.......just another reason to keep moving along on the weight loss trail!
  • mabala
    mabala Posts: 6
    amen and you will get there too . Daniel
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