

  • I have definately changed my eating habits during the last month. I would say the biggest thing was cutting out the white stuff, like white rice, white bread, white pasta,white flour, and even potatoes since I am trying out the low GI thing. It was a little difficult for maybe the first week or so but now it's really not a…
  • I actually have a doctors appointment scheduled for next week and was planning on asking him about Metformin...we'll see what he says. Also, I just researched the low glycemic diet a couple of days ago as I was reading up on PCOS and weightloss and have decided to try it. I have already pretty much been eating all the low…
  • Neurotic: I can vouch for that! My PCOS symptoms have definitely gotten worse as I've packed on the pounds....hair growth, YUCK!:noway:
  • CandacePainter: Wow! Great job! What was your plan of attack? How were you able to lose the weight?
  • Thanks for your great response...PCOS is hard to deal with because it is such a broad sydrome. I don't think that my weight was the cause of PCOS since my cycles have always been pretty irregular even when I was slim. However, I do know that it has become much worse since I have put on weight. When I was thin, although my…
  • I agree...PCOS does so suck soooo bad!:mad:
  • Hey girl! I live about 30 mintues south of DC and I also have a three month old son and a three year old ....Good luck to you and feel free to add me!
  • Hi MIchelle... I gained sixty five pounds while I was pregnant with my first son and never was able to drop the weight. I had my second son 3 months ago and gained withing the normal healthy ranage of thirty pounds with him but still had all that weight from before to lose, so here I am! Best of luck to you on your…
  • Hi! I'm new too and hoping to drop about 50 pounds before my wedding next year too! Best of luck to you! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • All the fruits that I eat (apples, bananas, grapes, nectarines, mangos, etc) all have quite a bit of sugar in them. I guess as long as its the healthy natural sugars and not the refined ones, I should be okay. Everything I have read has told me to consume lots of fruits and veggies, so I hope I'm on the right track.