ecu_jules Member


  • Got it done. Yeah, I didn't make it all 30 days either, but I can say that I did it much more than I would have without the motivation of the challenge!
  • It sounds like a good challenge, but I think I am going to start Ripped in 30 workouts and do as much as possible in April. I have a family beach week from Good Friday all the way to the next weekend so videos might not work well. Good luck with t25, hopefully the 30ds gave you a good base!
  • Congrats Danielle! I am certainly feeling stronger, but don't think I will be seeing results on the scale. My diet has been crap though so I have to get that straight. My workout yesterday was great! Dh had some time at lunch to watch lo so I was uninterrupted and worked out hard!
  • I am sorry you are having such a bad day Danielle! You have done awesome so far so one day is certainly no big deal. Life can certainly get hectic! Poor DD! I hope she is feeling better tonight!
  • Got it done!
  • I am feeling so much stronger. I even upped the weight on a couple sets and did the higher level of plank moves some of the time. I still followed Anita some, but did much better! Now, motivation is another thing entirely!
  • One of our favorite low carb meals are stuffed peppers. 1-1.5lbs ground turkey or lean beef Taco seasoning pack Rotel tomatos 1\2 cup water 3-4 Peppers (any color, but I like Red and poblano) Olive oil Shredded cheese Wash and hollow out peppers. I cut peppers in half to make two "bowls". Brush each pepper with olive oil…
  • I had a good workout today! Felt pretty good throughout and no interruptions until the last set of abs. I am still having to be careful with that knee that was hurt. I do alternative cardio for jumping jacks and that twist segment, but everything else is good...well...getting up and down off the floor hurts, but that would…
  • I got it done last of planks! I couldn't find a level 2 on YouTube either except for other people doing the workout.Looks like most have been removed. I ended up getting the level 2 "episode" on amazon for $1.99 instant play. I will do the same for level 3 and end up paying $4 which is better than buying…
  • Lol...I started a new post for day 11 so many hours ago and couldnt finish it to post for so long that you snuck in posted before I did! I am telling you this baby is fussy and keeping me on my toes. He is sleeping in my arms now...if putting him down works I may get it done today. I am glad your workout went well!! Good…
  • Got it done and took long walk in the nice weather with stroller☺
  • Got it done! Beautiful outside so took a walk too:)
  • I got it done! Good job hanging in there Danielle!
  • Done. LO was much happier today! I started turning down video volume and just playing music on my tablet BC it annoys me too.
  • Nice! I think I am only going to weigh in on the 10th day when we change circuits. Unfortunately my diet is not great because I am hungry all the time! Not sure I will lose right away but will feel stronger hopefully.
  • Well I did 2/3 of it today and that will probably have to do! Got through the second circuit and had to pick up lo. If it hadn't been for this group I probably wouldn't have even attempted it today. Usually my lo is so chiil, but he has been such a pill this week. If he is not breastfeeding or lying on me he is crying. He…
  • I got it in finally! LO Has had a bad Monday,but finally settled in and just watched me workout from his vibrating chair. I love the vibrating chair!
  • I am hoping to get to it soon.I am usually going to try to do it during mid-morning nap after feeding and pumping,but today didn't go as plan since LO was awake when I finished pumping :cry:
  • Just finished about an hour ago. Legs were a bit tender today but my arms didn't hurt so I tried to work a bit harder by using the weights the whole time except for one set of the lateral raises in the last circuit. To answer @jtmt2, I plan to try to do it everyday for 30 days this time.I have done the videos before but…
  • I got it done this morning, but just got to MFP! I was better than I thought with the cardio intervals, but definitely had to drop the weights for several rounds. Hopefully I won't be too sore since I tried to not overdo it. Good job everyone! BTW, I did pump right before and it still hurt my chest.
  • Hi Danielle--Lets do it! March 1st is a good start for 30ds! How should we set up checkin? Here is a good you tube link for anyone wanting to join us
  • Hi everyone, I'm Julie.I used MFP along with running before getting pregnant to lose 25 pounds. I was 213 at my first ob visit, got down to 208 during first tri, and was 233 at my last appt. before birth. Within two weeks of being home I was down to 216 and was so happy about not gaining too much baby weight!…