Some may have finished up yesterday and some today, but I wanted give a shout out to all that joined us part time or full time this month! My scale is broken (probably a good thing) so I don't have scale results. But I have some pics I am going to create a progression with to see if there is a difference. I certainly feel…
Got it done on hump day!
Let's do it!
First day on level 3 for me. I previewed it last night and it looks Tough!
Last day on level Two for me and it went well! I was able to do so many more walking push-ups and the plank jacks.
Happy spring! Let's get our shred on! Last day on level 2 for most of us. I am spending one more day on level 2 as a makeup.
Got 17 minutes done...that was all that was happening to day :-(
Sorry I have been MIA! I did do it Friday and Monday, but missed Saturday and Sunday. We were out for the whole day on Saturday for st. Pats day and I drank some beers☺so was not really into exercising when I got home! It was much needed fun though! No good reason to miss Sunday...pure laziness! My plan is to do level 2…
I am so frustrated! It is like my lo knows that I have started the video and starts fussing .I have done the warmup twice and made it to the push ups once but that is it. He is so fussy and fighting sleep! Unfortunately there's no relief in sight BC my dh is working insane hours, like from 8am until 1-2 in the morning on…
Sunday shred day!
Confession time! I missed day 6:( I had a hurt knee yesterday and spent the day icing and on ibuprofen. The funny thing is that it wasn't even from exercise! I was sitting up in the bed early in the morning to nurse and felt it twist.I figured it would feel better once I go up and moved around but nope. So i got hurt lying…