trochelwoman Member


  • Pizza. it's my biggest weakness. I still have it. Just in a different way now. I make homemade pizza on small tortilla shells. Easy on the cheese and only veggies. No meat. It's satisfy's my pizza cravings.
  • I drink wine, scotch or whiskey. And only on a Friday and/or Saturday night. I used to drink every night. Like an entire bottle of wine and a beer. I had to cut that out. It was killin me! Tonight is Saturday!!! I have a bottle of pinot grigio in the fridge. Then no more til next weekend. Sigh......
  • I love Indian cuisine! I make this and other similar recipes frequently. Once a week or more. I like to add red lentil to this. Any color will do, but red makes it look nice. Brown rice sometimes too.
  • Hi ladies! My name is Julie. Folks call me Jule. Can I join in here? I am looking for my first group to join. It says any color is welcome. I'm white but that's okay by me. I've been told more than once my soul is black. I'm 51 yrs. old, 250lbs. and just started at the gym this week. I am looking to lose 80-100 lbs. I am…
  • I think it's how the individual eats to start with. If you like to cook or eat alot of veggies and fruit you build up your own data base of what you eat the most of and go off of that. If you find yourself choosing alot of prepackaged food, it's because that's how you eat.
  • I just got back into going to the gym this week. I too have lost alot of my strength. My trainer put me on the weight machines to help me start building muscle and strength again. Free weights are when you've gained some of your strength back possibly. The machines will help take some stress off you in the beginning.…
  • Add me. I have fibro, arthritis and a torn rotator. I have about 80-100 lbs. to lose. Physical fitness will help tremendously. Any effort will help. Just keep going at it. But on a day when things hurt too much, give yourself a break. Don't be in a rush to do too much at one time. It's also good to do this for Jesus. I…
  • First, stop beating yourself up. I started out at 277! And I'm 51 yrs. old. It is harder to lose when your older. I am down to 245 now. It has taken me a while to get to that point. Make up your mind to apply yourself, even it it's little steps. Little steps are better than nothing at all. Do NOT be in a hurry to do this.…
  • I need to lose 110 lbs. I have been working on weight loss but always seem to hit a back slide and gain back. I need more commitment and discipline. I loath tracking the food but realize it is necessary for my personal accountability and progress. So here I am getting ready to plunge in again tomorrow morning. I do great…