So depressed. Help me get to lose 100pds.

How can I start, I'm 23, weighing at a whopping 288 pounds. I'm so mad at myself. I'm so stressed. How do I get to become this person I want to be. I'm too lazy to work out, but I'm eating.. well better. I can consume 1970 calories a day, but to be honest, it seem like so much. If I sometimes don't eat them it says I will weigh less in then I would if I consumed them all. My heart is broke. I've done everything, weight watchers, curves, you name it. WHAT DO I DO! uh


  • annacjames
    Hiya!! I feel your pain! Honestly though just stay under your cal limit (but record everything!) and ignore the predicted weightloss that comes up after you complete the diary - it means nothing because we're all different and lose faster some times than others. I was big at your age and lost it all - was amazing but then over the years managed to pile it all back on until I got to 321lbs just over a year ago. It's been a long slog so far but have lost 73lbs and just got to keep it going. I have bad weeks and even bad months but as long as you get back on it and keep going in the right direction you'll be fine! :)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You have to start somewhere so that's a good start. Eat like that for a month, see what it does for you. will need to weigh your foods and be truthful with yourself on what you are eating and how much. Watch your sodium intake and be sure to drink your water. Processed foods have more sodium so you will need to watch that. Good luck. And hey I've lost over 200 so it can be done. And there are others that have lost more than me. Just never quit. Never let one bad day make you quit.
  • gregsmuffin
    gregsmuffin Posts: 1 Member
    iF YOU ARE JUST STARTING OUT.....swap foods, such as non fat greek yogurt, instead of sour cream (fage is the best I have found) steam or rast veggis rather than sautee, use egg substitue instead of real eggs, light breads, cut out soda if you like soda or at least cut down, use lean ground turkey rather than ground beef, wheat or carb smart tortilla's, if you are a snacker, snack on baked chips, but preferably fruits, veggies and yogurt, ( Im a dannon fit & light greek yogurt junkie) I use the non fat greek fage for dip mix. (hidden valley dip mixes)..Try and start walking just a bit at fist, maybe to the end of you street and back (with your pet if you have one) then each day or each week add 5 more steps. walk with a friend, walk a mall...nothing far or fast at first. STAY AWAY FROM FAST FOOD !!!! IT'S POISON.....If you are a fast food person, go to something like SUBWAY. Most fast food places say made ligter and or healthier, but they really are not, salads that seem good for you are all except the dressings, thats the killer. when we go out i look on line for the places we will be going and i search the menu for better choice, I ask for smeamed veggies, and sadlad dressing on the side and dip....once you have looked on line there in no reason to tlook at the menu, i don't. ...just start with simple cahnges and swapping of foods....Good luck girl we are all here for and with you.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I have still to go. I started this 4 weeks ago and I'm down 16 pounds. I give myself 1880 calories and can normally only eat 1600. I've found small meals through the day helps. Doctor says over time that shrinks your stomach and you will be Full longer. And it seems true. I started exercising by just maybe dancing around to a song. Then moved on to light cardio from videos I've found on YouTube. When I'm bored and think I'm hungry (I'm one of them people who eat when I'm board) i get up and clean, or just walk around then house. I cut out all soda. Walmart has some good zero calorie water that gives you a taste with out messing up your Valerie intake. They also have zero calorie poweraids. I also logg my dinner in while I'm logging breakfast (that requires some planning ahead) that way my dinner is in my breakfast is in and i know what I've got left for lunch and maybe a snack. Just know your weight is going to go up and down a little. Around your cycle allot. Some woman gain 10 pounds in water. It will come back of once your cycle is over. Its not easy but keep your self determined and you can do it. Also take "before" pictures. You don't have to show them to anyone. But you can see them for yourself. That was a big motivater for me. When I seen them I was horrified I looked this way. So when I'm having a "I don't can't do this anymore" moment I look at them. Reminds me why I'm doing this. You want a friend to cheer you on add me :) good luck hunny, you can do it!
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I have 99 pounds to go...Sorry for my crappy phone isn't so smart....I type one thing and it inputs another....
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I suggest integrating MFP and fitness into your life. Make friends here, read through the forums and learn who is successful and who has nutrition and fitness knowledge, then start applying what you learn.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    Oh, and I'm 24 and I started at 271...I'm down to 254. Once you start losing your notice that you will have more energy to get up and move. Least I did. I went from wanting to sleep all day to wanting to get up and move
  • lindseyas1
    lindseyas1 Posts: 25 Member
    I weighed over 260 when I was 25, so I know how you feel. I know the idea of exercise is hard now, but I promise you even tiny steps will make huge differences! I started just taking a walk in the mornings around my neighborhood. A couple months later I joined a gym and just walked on the treadmill or used the stationary bikes-fairly easy exercises. A few weeks after that I got a trainer. A year later I had lost 50 pounds and was running my 7th 5 k. I promise, if you start small, you can build up and will see the difference. You are young and your energy will return quickly. Eating well is important, but exercise will make you feel strong and confident!
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    Hi Tasha. I just want to encourage you to be kind to yourself. I have had a very long struggle with over eating and I must say that the most valuable thing I have learned is to NOT agree with the angry, hateful voices in my head. I have started valuing myself, cheering myself on and taking care of me. I treat myself like I would treat someone who needs support and encouragement. I say things like, "You can do it", "Yes, you are worth looking after". I now take the attitude that I will only do what is helpful for myself. Yes, some days I feel like I am two people arguing, but usually the caring side wins out. Tasha, you are worth taking care of. You are valuable and loveable. You are worth the effort. I will be cheering for you too! :smile:
  • tonismith46
    Let's do this together. I've heard about my fitness pal but always say I will log on, after going to dinner with my husband and eating, eating all the wrong things but see much success with friends and family that's accomplishing their goals by eating healthy and exercising I sat in front of the tv being angry at myself as well. Today I said I can continue to beat myself up or use that same energy and do something about it. So I decided to think of what I was lacking, help with calorie intake I need to be accountable for what I put in my mouth and how much activity it need to get daily. I know how you feel. Let's do this together and start off with goals im looking forward to see where I will be in a month then two months, then three by summer we will have so much energy by next time this year we can then encourage someone else. Stay encouraged you encouraged me with your post just knowing we can do it.
  • BoiNeezy
    BoiNeezy Posts: 227 Member
    Add me I'll help
  • mdallas6
    mdallas6 Posts: 95 Member
    I had 92 to lose AFTER I had my twins. So from someone who has lost weight, I have to tell you it is possible. Set small goals, be positive every day and you have yo make healthy food choices. Whatever diet you do, it's a lifestyle change. I have been doing Atkins low cab (the original 1972 version) and it works tremendously without exercise. But again, whatever you do it has to be a lifestyle change! You can do it but it's mind over matter.
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    Okay so first: Yeah, you'd obviously lose more if you ate less. But if you don't eat enough, you'd wither away, be hungry all the time, and make it harder on yourself. It should be a gradual process. If too concerned with eating little to lose weight, you may develop an eating disorder, and that's no good either.

    Second: If you think you'll be happier when you lose won't be. It's not that simple. Make this a journey to love your body, not a journey to be skinny. If you try to learn to love your body, to treat it right with excercise and food, you'll be happier, and weight loss will be a side effect.

    Third: Don't hate yourself. I know it's easier said then done. I've been really depressed lately, but in my mentally sober moments, I remember that it's not my fault, that some things are out of our control. The point is that you're going to try and treat your body better from now on. Sometimes you'll have bad days and that's okay too.
  • lrsj125
    lrsj125 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to the site have have a great deal of weight to lose. I hope I find inspiration and support. I've tried many things and hope it will work for me.
  • csontos
    csontos Posts: 76 Member
    Try and give yourself an goal that is smart and measurable. You hate working out. So, work out five minutes a day for a week. Then next week, try 10 minutes. If you find yourself slipping, go back to 5 minutes. You can define working out however you would like. Put on a song and dance while you vacuum. Take a pet for a walk. Do some yoga poses while TV commercials are on. It can be as simple as that, but it will get you moving :)

    With food, buy a food scale and some measuring cups. Measure everything. Literally everything. And then log it. Make an effort to stay under your calorie limit for the day. If you mess up, learn from it. Was it because you portioned out 5 cookies and accidentally ate the whole box (trust me, I've done it), then maybe you should keep cookies out of your house for awhile. Did you find yourself not in the mood to cook dinner? Try cooking in bulk and freezing leftovers so that you don't have to cook or do dishes every day. If you bored eat say while watching TV, then keep your hands busy by doing something else.

    No matter what though, you have to WANT it. I tried losing weight god knows how many times over the past few years but always ended up stopping because I didn't want it as much as I thought I did. Good luck :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!!
  • trochelwoman
    trochelwoman Posts: 10 Member
    First, stop beating yourself up. I started out at 277! And I'm 51 yrs. old. It is harder to lose when your older. I am down to 245 now. It has taken me a while to get to that point. Make up your mind to apply yourself, even it it's little steps. Little steps are better than nothing at all. Do NOT be in a hurry to do this. This is a long journey your going to do. Do some nutrition research. I have to do alot of research as I'm a vegetarian. And don't think of this task as losing 100 pounds. Lose 10 pounds first. Then another 10 pounds and so on. Go to youtube and find easy exercises for obese people. If you can't do 10-20 less. Walk for 10 minutes or more. It's a start. And you have to start somewhere. Sometime. And start yourself off at 1800 calories a day. And make up your mind to stop eating alot of your favorite things. Figure out how to substitute, cut back, or leave it behind. I'm a pizza junkie. BIG TIME! I make veggie pizza's on small flour tortilla's if I have to really have a pizza. No meat, just veggies, easy on the cheese and sauce. And don't diet. The saying goes if you want to gain weight.....go on a diet. Change your life. One little step at a time. Ask for help. Keep a journal with you. And if you believe in God.......pray. Pray for me. This week I join Curves! I have arthritis and respiratory problems from quitting smoking almost four years ago. But damn it all......I'm getting there. We can get there.....together if you like.
  • HungryasFuark
    HungryasFuark Posts: 463 Member
    What u need is 1 - Diet ( set ur calorie goal u said it is 1970 ) ..2- a weight lifting program for beginners u can find a lot online download one and hit the gym ..3 - add Cardio if u can't run , walk u don't have to do marathons just 20 - 30 mins every other day in the week is more than enough when starting 4 - Will Power 5 - Ignore your Ego ...Gd luck :)
  • katheebowen
    katheebowen Posts: 13 Member
    The key is small accomplishments. Try not to say 100 pounds. Say,"Today I'm going to increase the amount of water I drink and I'm going to get extra exercise going to the bathroom." I'm going to lose 2 pounds today and tomorrow my goal will be closer. We all feel your anxiety. You can do it!
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Start with things you *CAN* do and not what you *Can't*.

    You said you're too lazy to exercise, well could you do something that's not "exercise" but that gets you moving a little more? I got a fitbit and track my steps there so even on days I end up missing the gym with an extra meeting or something else going on I have that mileage to look at and know I've done something positive.

    Every small step will add up.
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    Always start on small things my dear and don't be too hard on yourself. I started on simple exercises and still working on my food discipline.

    Do what you can do and work your way from there. you will get there dear.