

  • Hi LL & Blossy. I didn't want to sound like I was bashing Atkins. I totally bought into the concept of Atkins and the lifestyle change, read the books and stuck with the plan for a year + (not just the 2 weeks). Personally I got bored with the limited foods (i'm kind of a picky eater) and I also heard some bad health…
  • Hi Blossy! I posted the other day...but just a follow up. You said you're going to stick to Atkins for a while. My suggestion is to do the induction phase for 2 weeks to get your sugar cravings under control (if you have a sweet tooth, not having sugar for a few days will usually make the cravings go away)....and maybe…
  • Hi... i hear you! I'm 42, 5'4" and as soon as I hit 35 it was hard to keep extra weight off. I have always worn a size 6 or 8 but over the past year or so my clothes began to get tight. In May I could hardly fit into any of my 8's. I've always heard "once you hit 40.... blah blah". The best thing I did was June 1 --…
  • It IS hard.... don't let the "food pushers" get to you. You'll be buying smaller clothes and they'll be packing on the pounds with all that junk food. The difference is YOU care about what YOU are putting into YOUR body. Not that we all wouldn't like a slice of pizza now and then... and that's okay too. You're doing…
  • I love MFP. Everyone is so helpful and motivating! It's great to read the helpful comments. The first few pounds come off guess is it is mostly water weight. Stick with your plan. 1 to 2 lbs / week is reasonable. You'll have good weeks and "slow" weeks or plateaus when you're doing what you're supposed to be…
  • Drink a whole glass of water about 15 minutes before dinner. It will help fill you up. Also - have more veggies & salad and a smaller portion of meat. Then you might even have enough calories left over for a snack! Good luck!
  • Think about what got you to where you are now. You've lost a bunch of lbs and those "last 10" are the hardest. You got to this successful point because you were writing everything down and paying attention to your daily intake & output (workouts). You've already seen what happens when you stop logging it all in.... you get…
  • Congratulations!!!! I totally agree! I joined the same week and also lost 6lbs. I want to lose 20 so I'm 25% done! It feels good to be paying attention to what I'm eating and definitely keeps me exercising on a regular basis (I even bought a heart rate monitor). I feel accountable having to log in everything. This log is…
  • If i don't exercise I'm only hurting myself. It does feel good once I'm finished even though sometimes it is hard to get started. Try doing different things each day to keep it from being boring -- walk, bike, dance, yoga, strength/weights, elliptical, rollerblade, tennis, swimming, vollyball ..... whatever else you can…
  • I recently needed some new workout clothes too. If I use a public gym at a hotel I don't want to look like a homeless dork. It's one thing to work out in my own home in a crummy old t-shirt. Kohl's has a huge section of really cute workout tops, capris, etc. and they always seem to be on sale. I shop with my 15% to 30% off…
  • I also try to bring a salad daily for lunch. Make it interesting by adding different things each day.... surprise yourself. I start with basic - lettuce, tomato and cuke. One day add carrots, maybe a piece of low fat cheese, a couple of olives... whatever you can to keep it interesting. Some people like cranberries,…