

  • Thanks for starting this challenge Meag!!! :) When i get home from work today i will take my initial test and post the results later on.. Good luck everyone!
  • meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go! inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease my sodium intake. cshaffer213: Lose a total of 20 lbs - Started @ 8 and…
  • Wow what a truly inspiring story!! You have left me in complete awe of your accomplishments!! So much so that i had to bring my husband to the computer for him to read. Congratulations on your first 50! I'm so happy that you feel great, and if you continue this way, i'm sure you will reach another 50 in no time! Wow!!
  • Hello everyone! I joined this challenge but haven't really had time to get on and check to see how everyone has been doing. Today i finally had the chance, and am so glad to see that your all doing great!! Let me start off my introducing myself. My name is Christina, and im 23 and way too chubby for my twenties! Being…
  • Well congrats on doing great this week and feeling motivated!! And of course, on the date!! I think if you have done really good this week and have only indulged in healthy food, it's ok to go on a date and not go crazy counting calories in your head. Just don't go overboard. Choose your meal wisely. Besides, it might even…
  • Amazing! That is wonderful, congrats on your previous loss and best of luck on your future loss!!
  • Hello!! Im new to this thread, but have been looking for one to join for the younger group! I am 23 and have a lot to lose. I gave birth to my beautiful daughter a year ago, and since then have packed on well over 70 lbs. During the pregnancy i did great, didn't gain much, but once she was born i let myself go even more…
  • Welcome!! This is a great site with tons of motivation!! We are all here to help you achieve your goal!! :D
  • You are very right, its not a "goal" or a "diet" its exactly that, a lifestyle change. And its one that everyone here wants to achieve. And we are all here to help you achieve yours!! Best of luck!!! :)
  • :happy: Hello Heather! Well this is the perfect site!! Everyone on here is very encouraging and what i like to call "my support group"! Welcome aboard as we all go through the journey of being healthy together!!! :) Best of Luck!! :happy:
  • You look amazing girl!! congrats on your sucess, it is very inspiring!! :D
  • That's a great idea!! It can become very discouraging if you are constantly stepping on that scale and not seeing any results! I might try and give that up as well! :D
  • I too am new to this site, and together i am sure we can do this!! We can share our stories, and our struggles and keep each other motivated!!! Welcome aboard the journey to happiness!!
  • You look amazing!! Congrats on your success! I am just beginning my looong journey today, and you have become my role model! Thank you!