
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Amazing progress all!!

    I've been SO busy this weekend I actually didn't track today for the first time since I joined MFP... I've been going through MFP withdrawal! Work has been ridiculous and the boyfriend and I went on a crazy shopping trip in the states today (all size 6s for me!! wohoo!!) - Can't wait to catch up with everyone. TJ and Meggon - amazing work you guys. I'm so proud of you!!

    Long run tomorrow - 5 whole freaking miles. I'm going to DIE. I've never run that far. Not yet anyhow :happy: Then we're going apple picking again, hopefully. Monday is the dreaded weigh-in. Hope today's lack of tracking wont hurt me too much on the scale.

    Enjoy your weekends ladies - or at least what's left of them.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    5 whole freaking miles. I'm going to DIE

    You can do it!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    5 whole freaking miles. I'm going to DIE

    You can do it!!
    Right again, Meggon! I did :bigsmile: Felt great in that awful, painfully, exhausting kind of way! I'm glad it's over - let's just say that! Thx ladies!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Eeee.... Weigh-in tomorrow, y'all! At least for me it is... 5 miler went amazing today, as I alluded to earlier. Finished in 53:19 (assuming the marked path was accurate). Feeling incredibly bloated and gross right now but I am hoping that dissipates before tomorrow. I spent the entire weekend with my boyfriend (apart from the running today and work at night), including another trip to the orchard today (2.5 apples consumed - lol). Lots of sh*tty food eaten on Saturday but I think I mostly made up for it today. We had perch in the oven with a salad for dinner. Pretty healthy choice, I think.

    Anyway, I just wanted to check in with you all tonight. Anxious for tomorrow. Good luck to anyone else weighing in Monday morning! Can't wait to hear your updates.

    -Meag :heart:
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    How do you deal with eating out?
    I've been cooking in regularly now, but this last week involved a lot of dinners out. I find it so much less enjoyable than I used to.
  • christzl
    christzl Posts: 2 Member
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
    aprildauer: To lose 10lbs.
    MTDork87: To complete the 30 Day Shred and get to 130 (7 lbs away)
    inskydiamonds: start going to the gym at least once a week
    sophieg77: to lose 3ks! (7lbs i think)
    Luckie712: To lose at least 10 pounds and stick with Slim in 6
    BioQueen: To be down to 165 by the end of October
    Allie7383: To begin and stick with the TurboFire schedule for Oct (and beyond), and get into the 160's (about 5lbs to go!)
    TheNewStacie: Get all 5 cardio days in every week, Lose at least 5 lbs
    Leela30: Lose those stubborn 10 lbs
    Tabika05: To fit into my sexy jeans by Christmas!
    Jmmtaylor- To lose at least 8 pounds!! (will be 15 total so far)
    TheKitsune6- To lose at least 15 pounds
    Lauratx22- To lose 10 pounds..-2lbs...-2lbs ...-1.5 lbs gone 4.5 more to go now!
    efmalcolm- Lose 10 pounds this first month!
    runner915- To be down to 163 by Halloween and to run the Halloween 5k in 26:00
    AshleyLEldred: To lose an additional 10 lbs. Be down below the 270 range. I also want to hit the gym a minimum of 4 times per week.
    clothes_of_sand- lose 7 pounds (to put me down at 140 even) and be ready to move to level 3 of the 30 day shred.
    ashleighk2010- To lose 10lbs (a total of 20 in two months) and be around 155. And CLIMB A MOUNTAIN. =]
    orange_avocado- Lose 5lbs and burn 1350 calories each week.
    lblocker23- to reach my goal weight of 128 lbs by December 25th
    emmyworthy- By the end of October I want to be under 200lbs!!!! -Oct 8-another 2lbs gone,13 to go!
    ameliafellenz- my goal is to lose 8 pounds this month
    coatadaycarrie- To get down to 145 by Halloween
    muzikenergy - 10lbs by Halloween, gym at least 4 days a week!
    spellbinder25 - Lose 8 lbs by end of October, exercise 5 days a week and eat healthy (= avoid desserts)!
    iwannaheartlife - Lose 10lbs by Halloween and exercise 5 days a week!!! Good Luck!!!
    kgprncss01- 10lbs by halloween sounds awesome! I would love to get one of those cute costumes!
    Steph_135 - Reach 180 lbs by Halloween!
    happy_jax - To lose the 0.8kg I put on while on holiday and once more reach my goal weight. Develop a 'New lifestyle!'
    foxygrl441- to get under 200
    abbracadabra - to lose 10lbs by the end of October and be under 200lbs
    Uconncoed- to lose 10 pounds - making my weight 162
    Lostalykat- To lose 5lbs- And make it to the AM gym class
    CoryIda - 30-45 minutes of cardio 5x/week
    lulu_beans - 10 pounds :)
    stuartme123 - To lose 5lbs - and to work out at least 3 times a week
    tjradd73-to lose 10lbs :) 6lbs down!
    christzl - to lose 60lbs in total (lose 10lb by end of October)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Liz- going out to eat I usually handle by looking up nutrition ahead of time. Most places that I know of/go to have their nutrition info online so I just plan what I want to eat and set the rest of my day around that.

    Meag- Awesome job on the run! Even with the day off this weekend I'm sure your weigh-in will go great. Good luck!

    Christzl- Welcome! good luck on getting to your goal this month!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Liz - I usually do a few things... I find what I want on the menu, and try to figure out how many calories/fat/carbs/sodium is reasonably going to be consumed. Then I generally consider a few options.
    1) Who am I with, and would they be willing to share this with a side salad?
    2) Is this something I want to have as a treat or is there something healthier on the menu that I can order instead without feeling deprived?
    3) In the past, I would order this and eat all of it - If I order it now and only eat 1/2-2/3 of it, progress is being made. Substitute any unhealthy sides for healthy ones and enjoy it! Remember: Eat slowly and only until your full.

    Basically I decide what I want, whether it's *really* worth the calories, and how I can alter the order to make it healthier for me.

    Sharing with friends/family is a key to success. My mom and I go out to eat together once or twice a month and she has also always struggled with her weight. We always order some super tasty main dish to share and then split a healthy salad with light dressing on the side - Half the calories of the main dish and still really filling. Also tends to make for a cheaper lunch. Sharing a dessert with someone and only having a few bites is an AWESOME way to treat yourself after having made sensible food choices at a restaurant. It also makes you feel less deprived - even though it's only a few bites :smile: And you're totally worth it!

    Also - Always, always, always order water. Wasting calories and carbs on drinks instead of well-prepared delicious food doesn't compute with me. Avoid anything with loads of bread, cheese, or sauces - these are notoriously high in cals, carbs, fat and sodium in the case of sauces. Baked or grilled fish, pretty well anything stewed, and absolutely anything fresh or raw are your *best* bets, for the most part. Hope this has been helpful! :happy:

    On to my selfish update!

    Another 2.2lbs lost this week! WOHOO!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Not quite sure how, but it happened! Only 0.8lbs left to go in October and I feel good about it. Now I just have to work hard on my other goals... These push-ups are really giving me a hard time and it's clear that my goal was really unrealistic. I'll keep 'pushing' (in an up-wards fashion - haha) and see how far I get. Not expecting major improvements but I'll be happy with any progress I make.

    Looks like my best friend from University might be coming to visit the week before my 10k race (Oct 26-29)... This is going to seriously impact a) my weight-loss and b) my training. I'm a little miffed that she didn't really ask if that was good for me, but I guess she doesn't have any other options in terms of visiting because of school and work, so I will make due. She'll have to live with my lifestyle changes and maybe they'll set her in motion to lose weight and get healthy as well. When she and I last lived together I was at my heaviest and not very healthy at all - chain smoker, regular social drinker, eating whatever I felt like. Things have definitely changed. She saw me in September and was shocked at my progress (and then kept insisting I was starving myself... sigh. It seems very few people can be genuinely happy for you).

    Anyway, this week I am taking it slow and easy. Going to TRY and get in lots of body-weight training. I need to tone up - big time. Hope everyone else that has their weigh-in today is having success. If not, keep working! You're all doing amazing.

    PS. I think we should crop that list down considering only a handful of us really partake. Thoughts?
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey everyone!

    sounds like everyone is doing so great! happy for you all! as for me... meh. another week and no weight loss. while i'm happy that i've maintained, i'm upset i haven't lost. HOWEVER, i feel this will be a really good week. i'm aiming for that 2lb weight loss this week! i'm going to switch up my workout routine/workout more this week and i'm REALLY watching what i'm putting into my body. i've bought healthier snacks and foods so hopefully that will help. i am NOT going to give up. i am still far away from my ultimate goal and i know this is going to be one hell of a journey, but i am going to do it!!

    as for my october goal, i'm probably not going to lose 7.4lbs in 2 weeks, but i will be very happy with a 4lb loss by then. little by little.... :)

    have a good week everyone! :)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Way to stick with it Amy! You'll get through this. Do you have any non-weight/scale related goals that you could add? If you shift your focus off the scale a bit, it could help pass the time (even short plateaus are so impatient making!)

    PS. I think we should crop that list down considering only a handful of us really partake. Thoughts?

    Meag- I am good with this- Should we start the list again? Maybe at the bottom have a line like: "Mid-month refresh, re-add your goal if you are still in the challenge" at the bottom of each post- that way people know whats going on no matter which post they are reading?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    PS. I think we should crop that list down considering only a handful of us really partake. Thoughts?

    Meag- I am good with this- Should we start the list again? Maybe at the bottom have a line like: "Mid-month refresh, re-add your goal if you are still in the challenge" at the bottom of each post- that way people know whats going on no matter which post they are reading?

    Sounds like a plan to me! :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Mid-month refresh:

    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I don't WI until friday but I just got back from an awesome 43 mile bike ride/ camping trip. I ate a little bit of everything and I don't feel like I overate too much, but still got enough cals from my workout. I also didn't drink a lot of alchohol like others did and Felt pretty good the next day even tho I didn't ride (raining.) I am back at it this week and hoping for succsess.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Mid-month refresh:

    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go!
    inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease my sodium intake.
  • meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go!
    inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease my sodium intake.
    cshaffer213: Lose a total of 20 lbs - Started @ 8 and am curently @ 18.5 only 1.5 lbs left!! :D
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go!
    inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease my sodium intake.
    cshaffer213: Lose a total of 20 lbs - Started @ 8 and am curently @ 18.5 only 1.5 lbs left!! :D
    TheNewStacie: Lose 5 lbs, get in at least 3 days of cardio
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    I'm updating my goals to reflect my change & adding a new goal!

    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go!
    inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease my sodium intake.
    cshaffer213: Lose a total of 20 lbs - Started @ 8 and am curently @ 18.5 only 1.5 lbs left!! :D
    TheNewStacie: Lose 5 lbs, get in at least 3 days of cardio
    miss_amy: To lose 4 more lbs & work out 5 days a week!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Mid-month refresh, re-add your goal if you are still in the challenge:
    I am also adjusting my goals:

    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go!
    inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease my sodium intake.
    cshaffer213: Lose a total of 20 lbs - Started @ 8 and am curently @ 18.5 only 1.5 lbs left!! :D
    TheNewStacie: Lose 5 lbs, get in at least 3 days of cardio
    miss_amy: To lose 4 more lbs & work out 5 days a week!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 162 lbs & to have a 10 mile single week running mileage
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Mid-month refresh, re-add your goal if you are still in the challenge:
    I am also adjusting my goals:

    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go!
    inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease my sodium intake.
    cshaffer213: Lose a total of 20 lbs - Started @ 8 and am curently @ 18.5 only 1.5 lbs left!! :D
    TheNewStacie: Lose 5 lbs, get in at least 3 days of cardio
    miss_amy: To lose 4 more lbs & work out 5 days a week!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 162 lbs & to have a 10 mile single week running mileage
    LostAlykat: To weigh less than 170, to make it to the AM workout class 2 times a week/ workout 5 days a week.
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Mid month refresh! Re-add your goals if you're still in the challenge!

    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go!
    inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease my sodium intake.
    cshaffer213: Lose a total of 20 lbs - Started @ 8 and am curently @ 18.5 only 1.5 lbs left!! :D
    TheNewStacie: Lose 5 lbs, get in at least 3 days of cardio
    miss_amy: To lose 4 more lbs & work out 5 days a week!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 162 lbs & to have a 10 mile single week running mileage
    LostAlykat: To weigh less than 170, to make it to the AM workout class 2 times a week/ workout 5 days a week.
    Stuartme123: To weigh less than 160lbs, to work out at least 3 days a week
This discussion has been closed.