

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 7.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups -- 2lbs down, 3lbs to go!
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
    aprildauer: To lose 10lbs.
    MTDork87: To complete the 30 Day Shred and get to 130 (7 lbs away)
    inskydiamonds: start going to the gym at least once a week
    sophieg77: to lose 3ks! (7lbs i think)
    Luckie712: To lose at least 10 pounds and stick with Slim in 6
    BioQueen: To be down to 165 by the end of October
    Allie7383: To begin and stick with the TurboFire schedule for Oct (and beyond), and get into the 160's (about 5lbs to go!)
    TheNewStacie: Get all 5 cardio days in every week, Lose at least 5 lbs
    Leela30: Lose those stubborn 10 lbs
    Tabika05: To fit into my sexy jeans by Christmas!
    Jmmtaylor- To lose at least 8 pounds!! (will be 15 total so far)
    TheKitsune6- To lose at least 15 pounds
    Lauratx22- To lose 10 pounds..-2lbs...-2lbs ...-1.5 lbs gone 4.5 more to go now!
    efmalcolm- Lose 10 pounds this first month!
    runner915- To be down to 163 by Halloween and to run the Halloween 5k in 26:00
    AshleyLEldred: To lose an additional 10 lbs. Be down below the 270 range. I also want to hit the gym a minimum of 4 times per week.
    clothes_of_sand- lose 7 pounds (to put me down at 140 even) and be ready to move to level 3 of the 30 day shred.
    ashleighk2010- To lose 10lbs (a total of 20 in two months) and be around 155. And CLIMB A MOUNTAIN. =]
    orange_avocado- Lose 5lbs and burn 1350 calories each week.
    lblocker23- to reach my goal weight of 128 lbs by December 25th
    emmyworthy- By the end of October I want to be under 200lbs!!!! -Oct 8-another 2lbs gone,13 to go!
    ameliafellenz- my goal is to lose 8 pounds this month
    coatadaycarrie- To get down to 145 by Halloween
    muzikenergy - 10lbs by Halloween, gym at least 4 days a week!
    spellbinder25 - Lose 8 lbs by end of October, exercise 5 days a week and eat healthy (= avoid desserts)!
    iwannaheartlife - Lose 10lbs by Halloween and exercise 5 days a week!!! Good Luck!!!
    kgprncss01- 10lbs by halloween sounds awesome! I would love to get one of those cute costumes!
    Steph_135 - Reach 180 lbs by Halloween!
    happy_jax - To lose the 0.8kg I put on while on holiday and once more reach my goal weight. Develop a 'New lifestyle!'
    foxygrl441- to get under 200
    abbracadabra - to lose 10lbs by the end of October and be under 200lbs
    Uconncoed- to lose 10 pounds - making my weight 162
    Lostalykat- To lose 5lbs- And make it to the AM gym class
    CoryIda - 30-45 minutes of cardio 5x/week
    lulu_beans - 10 pounds :)
    stuartme123 - To lose 5lbs - and to work out at least 3 times a week
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    meag, i'd love love love some suggestions for meals! i'm a semi-foodie, and have some good cookbooks, but i find myself just not reading them lol. i work nights as well, so anything quick would be great! just nothing with shrimp (gives me food poisoning)! thanks!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    meag, i'd love love love some suggestions for meals! i'm a semi-foodie, and have some good cookbooks, but i find myself just not reading them lol. i work nights as well, so anything quick would be great! just nothing with shrimp (gives me food poisoning)! thanks!!

    Allie - If you like soups, the season is perfect. They are the easiest food to make healthy and can be extremely filling and VERY quick to prepare. Also great to bring as leftovers or just keep in the fridge. I've got a few tasty soup recipes but this one comes to mind first. I just made it the other day and it was awesome! My whole family loved it :happy:


    I left out the mango chutney, used slightly less broth, and would add diced carrots in with the onions along with any other veg I have in the fridge. It's super filling and about 250 cals per HUGE serving. Red lentils are such a life saver!

    You should also check out the cooking challenge that Inskydiamonds has posted. Every week there's a new food item and a whole bunch of recipes get posted (and tested). It's a great source of ideas. Here's this week's link:

    Let me know in a private message or on my wall what sort of food you like to eat - I've got a million recipes I could send you. XOXO
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Oh - And if you have a crock pot, bust it out! So good if you work an 8 hour day. Throw everything in in the morning, turn it on low, go to work and come home and you've got an amazing dinner already prepared! Thurs I am going to try chicken breast cooked for 6 hours in hot salsa, shredded and then adding corns and black beans. Will serve over spinach or with a tortilla. Super easy and probably super delicious. May also mix in some low-fat cream cheese or laughing cow. Mmm....
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I haven't checked in here for a while. I have worked out every single day (my goal was 30-45 mins 5x/week) for at least a half an hour, but a couple of days have gone into the 1.5-2 hour range. :happy: I am starting to crave exercise, even though I HATE sweating.
    Last night I went to Aquafit and it kicked my butt!
    I joined MFP on Sept 16 - 4 weeks ago yesterday, and have lost 14.7 pounds in that time! I was having a hard time getting enough calories at first but I've been snacking more on fruit & almonds and that has really helped... plus, I've upped my water intake a lot.
    I hope everyone has a fabulous Wednesday!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing great. I have been feeling not so positive lately so I am turning to you guys to help me get my motivation back. I feel like I worked pretty hard last week and then went to a wedding, and had a lazy sunday and just feel so bad about it.. I feel like I worked so hard to lose the weight I already lost and now I have to start all over again and work extra hard. I work out 4-5 days every week. I eat fairly good most of the time. I just need to eat better all the time, stop drinking beer, and workout a little harder with different stuff. I am hoping triathlon training will help when it starts in a few weeks. Help me get out of this funk!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Know that we all know you can do it! Try to keep the guilt at bay- it's only self defeating. Everyday is it's own battle. Don't let one weekend drag you down! Everyone has been there or will go there. Once more into the breach!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing great. I have been feeling not so positive lately so I am turning to you guys to help me get my motivation back. I feel like I worked pretty hard last week and then went to a wedding, and had a lazy sunday and just feel so bad about it.. I feel like I worked so hard to lose the weight I already lost and now I have to start all over again and work extra hard. I work out 4-5 days every week. I eat fairly good most of the time. I just need to eat better all the time, stop drinking beer, and workout a little harder with different stuff. I am hoping triathlon training will help when it starts in a few weeks. Help me get out of this funk!

    Loads of water will reverse any damage you may have done on the weekend. There is no chance that a wedding and a lazy day could have hindered your progress too dramatically. Give it a few days, lots of water and regular exercise and you'll be back on track without a doubt! Your training sounds great - I'm sure it helps a ton! Just keep an eye on your food and you'll get there.

    Sending goooood vibes your way, lady! XOXO
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    You should also check out the cooking challenge that Inskydiamonds has posted. Every week there's a new food item and a whole bunch of recipes get posted (and tested). It's a great source of ideas. Here's this week's link:

    I agree, this cooking challenge is a lot of fun and a great source of ideas and inspiration! Knowing me I would've never cooked with chickpeas tonight - probably would've ended up cooking ANOTHER chicken breast, because that's what's easy. But I did, and it was a GREAT decision, I am happily eating a Moroccan flavored stew and trying to figure out if I have any tupperware that's big enough for the leftovers!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    ok i joined this site because i had gotten back to my plateau weight yet again!!! and guess what here i am!! now i am stuck! i know this plateau and have been here many times before...any ideas to help me get past it once and for all??
    and anyone with a positive attitude and wise words of wisdom...feel free to friend me :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    k we have 18 days left and i wanna lose 7lbs still!!!!! u can doooooooo it!! :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    ok i joined this site because i had gotten back to my plateau weight yet again!!! and guess what here i am!! now i am stuck! i know this plateau and have been here many times before...any ideas to help me get past it once and for all??
    and anyone with a positive attitude and wise words of wisdom...feel free to friend me :)
    Switch it up! Try new exercises and new food. Try spreading your calories out over the week, more cals on some days than others, to keep your body guessing (total 3500 deficit from your BRM per week = 1lb loss). Try challenging yourself to drink more water. But most of all - make sure you give yourself a break every once in a while. Weight loss isn't easy, so some days just try to forget about it a little and live your life :) You'll get there!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    thanks for the link/ideas Meag! i found a turkey chili recipe on here not too long ago, which i've already made twice b/c it was just great! i believe we have a crockpot somewhere, which i'm def anxious to use.. that chicken idea sounds great! i love mexican food, so anything resembling it is right up my alley!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    thanks for the link/ideas Meag! i found a turkey chili recipe on here not too long ago, which i've already made twice b/c it was just great! i believe we have a crockpot somewhere, which i'm def anxious to use.. that chicken idea sounds great! i love mexican food, so anything resembling it is right up my alley!

    I'm making it tonight! I'll let you know how it turns out :bigsmile:

    As for me - Feeling OK about weight loss this week. I'm not sure, really. I have good days and bad. I'm still eating a ton but I track everything and usually stay under my calorie goal (although some days it seems like I eat way, way too much anyway and I almost always eat all my exercise calories...). Exercise is alright, but I am stressing about completing my 10k. I know I'll finish, but I'm worried my time will be horrible and it will end up being a bit discouraging. I only gave myself 5 weeks to train for it, from a 5k training program to a 10k, and given that it took me 6+ months to get to 5k... It's not been very easy. The farthest I've ran so far is 6.4km and my 10k race is in just over 2 weeks. I freaked out a bit in bed last night with the boyfriend... I'm getting quite anxious any time I think about it.

    As for push-ups, that 10 push-ups in Oct is a pipe dream. That should be my 2010 goal. I'm hoping to be able to just improve my form and do a few, then I'll work on quantity. For this month I'll be happy to get 4 or 5 done in a row.

    Hope everyone's on their way to reaching their goals - we're almost half-way there ladies! Lots of love XOXO
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    thank you so much!! i do need to remember that its good to switch it up! i usually give myself one "free day" a week and that helps get out my cravings (as long as i don't go overboard, of course). the water challenge is good!! i always have the best intentions but never seem to hit my goal (and everyone elses) of 64oz!! it will keep me fuller and keep me flushed :) thanks for the advice!! :)
    ok i joined this site because i had gotten back to my plateau weight yet again!!! and guess what here i am!! now i am stuck! i know this plateau and have been here many times before...any ideas to help me get past it once and for all??
    and anyone with a positive attitude and wise words of wisdom...feel free to friend me :)
    Switch it up! Try new exercises and new food. Try spreading your calories out over the week, more cals on some days than others, to keep your body guessing (total 3500 deficit from your BRM per week = 1lb loss). Try challenging yourself to drink more water. But most of all - make sure you give yourself a break every once in a while. Weight loss isn't easy, so some days just try to forget about it a little and live your life :) You'll get there!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    My changed goal has been working a lot. I've used the Wii Fit every morning (except for one) so far. I ordered an HRM also to see how many calories this actually burns.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    great job!!! its always good to change it up now and then!! tricks the metabolism :) keep it up!!

    My changed goal has been working a lot. I've used the Wii Fit every morning (except for one) so far. I ordered an HRM also to see how many calories this actually burns.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    My changed goal has been working a lot. I've used the Wii Fit every morning (except for one) so far. I ordered an HRM also to see how many calories this actually burns.
    You're doing such an amazing job - Seems like you always hit your calories and you are really dedicated. Way to go :bigsmile:

    Small request - If your name isn't clear from your handle, could you post it here? I like to know people's names - helps me remember their specific stories and makes things a little more personal. If you hadn't guessed - I'm Meag Alayne! If you don't want to post your name for whatever reason, that's fine too :) Thanks!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I'm Liz :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I am Aly! So this week I am up a pound, but down from last friday so who even knows. I think I am going to change my october goal to just be under 170 by the end of the month. I have been struggling so I don't want to set myself up for failure. So new goal, Lose 2.5libs(at least) and workout 5 days a week. I have an 80 mile bike ride this weekend (well it might be 60 since I might help drive the SAG car) I am hoping this extra weekend workout will kick start this weight loss! Go Team October!!