

  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    i get so discouraged when i see the number higher than i think it should be. BUT! i will not give up. i still have a few days before my weigh in so hopefully i'll like the number by then. :)

    stupid scale lol
    Are you taking measurements too? I've only lost 5 lbs, but I'm back to where I was in terms of measurements, which is really inspiring, so I hope you can find inspiration in that too, and maybe not just the scale. :smile:

    I have been taking my measurements. I measure every month. So far in 2 months I've lost over 15 inches (from all over my body) so I know what I'm doing is working. But I still want that scale to move too! haha :)

    Emmy- Thanks girl! I definitely am not as bad with the scale as I used to be. I've cut it down to checking it maybe 2 or 3 times a week. Baby steps haha. I'm gonna try to just weigh myself on weigh in days next week. :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I finally feel like I've lost today! In the past 2 weeks I've been feeling gross and fat, which is extremely unappealing and makes me feel very unattractive. This morning when I got up I felt like I looked better, slightly smaller, perhaps a little more "flat"... It's was nice. I am hoping to have a good day on the scale on Monday! I just have to stay strong over the weekend and try not to gorge on too much delicious food.

    Today is my rest day. I was going to aim for a long run today but I haven't taken a day off since last week and my body is hurting, big time. My abs are tight from all my abuse yesterday and my legs are just plain sore. I'm going to give them a nice stretch today, take a really hot shower, and spend a nice evening out with my boyfriend. Trying to make the best of the weather before it gets too cold up here. Going for a healthy dinner, a long walk, and then a hot cup of coffee in a cozy cafe. Shouldn't break the bank on calories too much :)

    Last night I worked and had a really rough night - I work as a bouncer at a really busy, often extremely dangerous, night club. Huge brawls last night, cops everywhere, and totally impossible to sleep once I got home. Ended up snacking a ton - thankfully I brought an apple and some mini-wheats to work to snack on while everyone else had gross after-bar food. It's quite the sight, since I'm the only female bouncer and all the 260lb guys sit around eating more than my entire days worth of cals in less than 5 mins. It's hard not to cheat but thankfully I come well prepared.

    I hope everyone's having a great Friday! It's the weekend, and although I have to work tomorrow night again, I have lots of great stuff planned - including my first 5k on Monday! Can't wait to hear how you all fare over the weekend.
    Have a great day, ladies!! :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    The scale was not my friend today, I am sticking to what my weight was on Wednesday since that was the day I was normally weighing in anyways. I made it to another 5:45 am class this morning and did some good stretching. I am trying hard to not let the number get me down. At this point I would just be happy to get below 170 by the end of october(only 1.3lbs). I am feeling defeated. After this wedding this weekend things will calm down in the food department, and I am already getting back into working out 5-6 days a week. I have been really into making stews in the crockpot since i can start them at night and have lunch/dinner ready for the day. Lets hope for the best this next week! I need to start measuring again, I am not good at doing it myself tho :(
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    The scale was not my friend today, I am sticking to what my weight was on Wednesday since that was the day I was normally weighing in anyways. I made it to another 5:45 am class this morning and did some good stretching. I am trying hard to not let the number get me down. At this point I would just be happy to get below 170 by the end of october(only 1.3lbs). I am feeling defeated. After this wedding this weekend things will calm down in the food department, and I am already getting back into working out 5-6 days a week. I have been really into making stews in the crockpot since i can start them at night and have lunch/dinner ready for the day. Lets hope for the best this next week! I need to start measuring again, I am not good at doing it myself tho :(

    The scale can be a cruel b*tch sometimes... Keep your chin up :) Once you get back on track with your food you'll start feeling better.
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    I want in on this!! (I know it's starting the second week of October - but I've never joined a challenge before, and this one seems perfect for me - hopefully all you lovely people will let me tag along).

    My goal is by the end of October to lose 5 lbs, and finally be under 160! Also, even though I'm in school and my semester is going a mile a minute, my goal is to work out AT LEAST 3 times a week (gold stars if I can work in more!)

    Sooooo - here's the list, with me at the end!

    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 7.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
    aprildauer: To lose 10lbs.
    MTDork87: To complete the 30 Day Shred and get to 130 (7 lbs away)
    inskydiamonds: start going to the gym at least once a week
    sophieg77: to lose 3ks! (7lbs i think)
    Luckie712: To lose at least 10 pounds and stick with Slim in 6
    BioQueen: To be down to 165 by the end of October
    Allie7383: To begin and stick with the TurboFire schedule for Oct (and beyond), and get into the 160's (about 5lbs to go!)
    TheNewStacie: Get all 5 cardio days in every week, Lose at least 5 lbs
    Leela30: Lose those stubborn 10 lbs
    Tabika05: To fit into my sexy jeans by Christmas!
    Jmmtaylor- To lose at least 8 pounds!! (will be 15 total so far)
    TheKitsune6- To lose at least 15 pounds
    Lauratx22- To lose 10 pounds..-2lbs...8 more to go now!
    efmalcolm- Lose 10 pounds this first month!
    runner915- To be down to 163 by Halloween and to run the Halloween 5k in 26:00
    AshleyLEldred: To lose an additional 10 lbs. Be down below the 270 range. I also want to hit the gym a minimum of 4 times per week.
    clothes_of_sand- lose 7 pounds (to put me down at 140 even) and be ready to move to level 3 of the 30 day shred.
    ashleighk2010- To lose 10lbs (a total of 20 in two months) and be around 155. And CLIMB A MOUNTAIN. =]
    orange_avocado- Lose 5lbs and burn 1350 calories each week.
    lblocker23- to reach my goal weight of 128 lbs by December 25th
    emmyworthy- By the end of October I want to be under 200lbs!!!! -Oct 8-another 2lbs gone,13 to go!
    ameliafellenz- my goal is to lose 8 pounds this month
    coatadaycarrie- To get down to 145 by Halloween
    muzikenergy - 10lbs by Halloween, gym at least 4 days a week!
    spellbinder25 - Lose 8 lbs by end of October, exercise 5 days a week and eat healthy (= avoid desserts)!
    iwannaheartlife - Lose 10lbs by Halloween and exercise 5 days a week!!! Good Luck!!!
    kgprncss01- 10lbs by halloween sounds awesome! I would love to get one of those cute costumes!
    Steph_135 - Reach 180 lbs by Halloween!
    happy_jax - To lose the 0.8kg I put on while on holiday and once more reach my goal weight. Develop a 'New lifestyle!'
    foxygrl441- to get under 200
    abbracadabra - to lose 10lbs by the end of October and be under 200lbs
    Uconncoed- to lose 10 pounds - making my weight 162
    Lostalykat- To lose 5lbs- And make it to the AM gym class
    CoryIda - 30-45 minutes of cardio 5x/week
    lulu_beans - 10 pounds :)
    stuartme123 - To lose 5lbs - and to work out at least 3 times a week
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I want in on this!! (I know it's starting the second week of October - but I've never joined a challenge before, and this one seems perfect for me - hopefully all you lovely people will let me tag along).

    My goal is by the end of October to lose 5 lbs, and finally be under 160! Also, even though I'm in school and my semester is going a mile a minute, my goal is to work out AT LEAST 3 times a week (gold stars if I can work in more!)

    Welcome!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Good luck this month! Finding the time and motivation to work out can be hard, but it pays dividends in helping to cope with stress, improve sleep patterns, and improve your mood! Making time to get a good burn, even for 30 mins, is well worth it!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks! !:happy: :happy:

    You're exactly right about all the other benefits to working out! Last night I was able to go to my yoga class - and let me tell you it kicked by butt! But I felt so good for the rest of the night - well, not my muscles, but my mood was awesome :wink:
  • cshaffer213
    Hello everyone! I joined this challenge but haven't really had time to get on and check to see how everyone has been doing. Today i finally had the chance, and am so glad to see that your all doing great!!

    Let me start off my introducing myself. My name is Christina, and im 23 and way too chubby for my twenties! Being overweight has been a battle of mine since i could remember, i mean even my 1st grade pics are of me chubby! And even though i always knew i was heavier than everyone else, i never really took the time to do anything about it. I guess at that time i didn't care that much. When i was in high school and started actually dating, i began really caring about the way i looked, but was too lazy to fix it the"right" way. I tried every fad diet i have ever heard of, because i wanted to be thin, and i wanted the fat to leave as soon as possible. But even though they all worked, i would just gain the weight right back and then some. (lose 15, gain 25) Graduating high school i was at my thinnest, but since then have continuously gained. In dec of 2008 i got pregnant and maintained , my weight throughout it, gaining only 15 lbs which i lost immediately. Since giving birth to my daughter in August of 2009, i have gained over 70 lbs. And for the first time in my life, not only do i finally want all this weight to come off, but i'm willing to work however hard to get rid of it.

    Since joining MFP (almost 3 weeks ago) i have lost 14.5 lbs. and am super motivated. I have been working out 5 times a week, and eating a lot healthier than i was before, and finally drinking water (and gave up my diet soda). Not only is my family supporting me, but i love the encouragement from all my MFP friends. So my October challenge was to reach a total weight loss of 20 lbs. and now i only have 5.5 left. Then its on to another challenge.

    You are all truly an inspiration! Thank you!
  • kelkel6464
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 7.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
    aprildauer: To lose 10lbs.
    MTDork87: To complete the 30 Day Shred and get to 130 (7 lbs away)
    inskydiamonds: start going to the gym at least once a week
    sophieg77: to lose 3ks! (7lbs i think)
    Luckie712: To lose at least 10 pounds and stick with Slim in 6
    BioQueen: To be down to 165 by the end of October
    Allie7383: To begin and stick with the TurboFire schedule for Oct (and beyond), and get into the 160's (about 5lbs to go!)
    TheNewStacie: Get all 5 cardio days in every week, Lose at least 5 lbs
    Leela30: Lose those stubborn 10 lbs
    Tabika05: To fit into my sexy jeans by Christmas!
    Jmmtaylor- To lose at least 8 pounds!! (will be 15 total so far)
    TheKitsune6- To lose at least 15 pounds
    Lauratx22- To lose 10 pounds..-2lbs...8 more to go now!
    efmalcolm- Lose 10 pounds this first month!
    runner915- To be down to 163 by Halloween and to run the Halloween 5k in 26:00
    AshleyLEldred: To lose an additional 10 lbs. Be down below the 270 range. I also want to hit the gym a minimum of 4 times per week.
    clothes_of_sand- lose 7 pounds (to put me down at 140 even) and be ready to move to level 3 of the 30 day shred.
    ashleighk2010- To lose 10lbs (a total of 20 in two months) and be around 155. And CLIMB A MOUNTAIN. =]
    orange_avocado- Lose 5lbs and burn 1350 calories each week.
    lblocker23- to reach my goal weight of 128 lbs by December 25th
    emmyworthy- By the end of October I want to be under 200lbs!!!! -Oct 8-another 2lbs gone,13 to go!
    ameliafellenz- my goal is to lose 8 pounds this month
    coatadaycarrie- To get down to 145 by Halloween
    muzikenergy - 10lbs by Halloween, gym at least 4 days a week!
    spellbinder25 - Lose 8 lbs by end of October, exercise 5 days a week and eat healthy (= avoid desserts)!
    iwannaheartlife - Lose 10lbs by Halloween and exercise 5 days a week!!! Good Luck!!!
    kgprncss01- 10lbs by halloween sounds awesome! I would love to get one of those cute costumes!
    Steph_135 - Reach 180 lbs by Halloween!
    happy_jax - To lose the 0.8kg I put on while on holiday and once more reach my goal weight. Develop a 'New lifestyle!'
    foxygrl441- to get under 200
    abbracadabra - to lose 10lbs by the end of October and be under 200lbs
    Uconncoed- to lose 10 pounds - making my weight 162
    Lostalykat- To lose 5lbs- And make it to the AM gym class
    CoryIda - 30-45 minutes of cardio 5x/week
    lulu_beans - 10 pounds :)
    stuartme123 - To lose 5lbs - and to work out at least 3 times a week
    kelkel6464 - To lose 15 lbs by Christmas.. and then to lose 50 lbs by August 2011
  • kelkel6464
    Hello everyone! I joined this challenge but haven't really had time to get on and check to see how everyone has been doing. Today i finally had the chance, and am so glad to see that your all doing great!!

    Let me start off my introducing myself. My name is Christina, and im 23 and way too chubby for my twenties! Being overweight has been a battle of mine since i could remember, i mean even my 1st grade pics are of me chubby! And even though i always knew i was heavier than everyone else, i never really took the time to do anything about it. I guess at that time i didn't care that much. When i was in high school and started actually dating, i began really caring about the way i looked, but was too lazy to fix it the"right" way. I tried every fad diet i have ever heard of, because i wanted to be thin, and i wanted the fat to leave as soon as possible. But even though they all worked, i would just gain the weight right back and then some. (lose 15, gain 25) Graduating high school i was at my thinnest, but since then have continuously gained. In dec of 2008 i got pregnant and maintained , my weight throughout it, gaining only 15 lbs which i lost immediately. Since giving birth to my daughter in August of 2009, i have gained over 70 lbs. And for the first time in my life, not only do i finally want all this weight to come off, but i'm willing to work however hard to get rid of it.

    Since joining MFP (almost 3 weeks ago) i have lost 14.5 lbs. and am super motivated. I have been working out 5 times a week, and eating a lot healthier than i was before, and finally drinking water (and gave up my diet soda). Not only is my family supporting me, but i love the encouragement from all my MFP friends. So my October challenge was to reach a total weight loss of 20 lbs. and now i only have 5.5 left. Then its on to another challenge.

    You are all truly an inspiration! Thank you!

    Wow!! Congrats! Sounds like you're doing great.

    I've been a coke or sprite addict for the past 5 years. I am now on day 3 of no soda and alot of water. I hope my weight sheds as quickly as yours :)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Updating time!

    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 7.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race Still @168 lbs but ran 4 miles 49:40 this week
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
    aprildauer: To lose 10lbs.
    MTDork87: To complete the 30 Day Shred and get to 130 (7 lbs away)
    inskydiamonds: start going to the gym at least once a week
    sophieg77: to lose 3ks! (7lbs i think)
    Luckie712: To lose at least 10 pounds and stick with Slim in 6
    BioQueen: To be down to 165 by the end of October
    Allie7383: To begin and stick with the TurboFire schedule for Oct (and beyond), and get into the 160's (about 5lbs to go!)
    TheNewStacie: Get all 5 cardio days in every week, Lose at least 5 lbs
    Leela30: Lose those stubborn 10 lbs
    Tabika05: To fit into my sexy jeans by Christmas!
    Jmmtaylor- To lose at least 8 pounds!! (will be 15 total so far)
    TheKitsune6- To lose at least 15 pounds
    Lauratx22- To lose 10 pounds..-2lbs...8 more to go now!
    efmalcolm- Lose 10 pounds this first month!
    runner915- To be down to 163 by Halloween and to run the Halloween 5k in 26:00
    AshleyLEldred: To lose an additional 10 lbs. Be down below the 270 range. I also want to hit the gym a minimum of 4 times per week.
    clothes_of_sand- lose 7 pounds (to put me down at 140 even) and be ready to move to level 3 of the 30 day shred.
    ashleighk2010- To lose 10lbs (a total of 20 in two months) and be around 155. And CLIMB A MOUNTAIN. =]
    orange_avocado- Lose 5lbs and burn 1350 calories each week.
    lblocker23- to reach my goal weight of 128 lbs by December 25th
    emmyworthy- By the end of October I want to be under 200lbs!!!! -Oct 8-another 2lbs gone,13 to go!
    ameliafellenz- my goal is to lose 8 pounds this month
    coatadaycarrie- To get down to 145 by Halloween
    muzikenergy - 10lbs by Halloween, gym at least 4 days a week!
    spellbinder25 - Lose 8 lbs by end of October, exercise 5 days a week and eat healthy (= avoid desserts)!
    iwannaheartlife - Lose 10lbs by Halloween and exercise 5 days a week!!! Good Luck!!!
    kgprncss01- 10lbs by halloween sounds awesome! I would love to get one of those cute costumes!
    Steph_135 - Reach 180 lbs by Halloween!
    happy_jax - To lose the 0.8kg I put on while on holiday and once more reach my goal weight. Develop a 'New lifestyle!'
    foxygrl441- to get under 200
    abbracadabra - to lose 10lbs by the end of October and be under 200lbs
    Uconncoed- to lose 10 pounds - making my weight 162
    Lostalykat- To lose 5lbs- And make it to the AM gym class
    CoryIda - 30-45 minutes of cardio 5x/week
    lulu_beans - 10 pounds :)
    stuartme123 - To lose 5lbs - and to work out at least 3 times a week
    kelkel6464 - To lose 15 lbs by Christmas.. and then to lose 50 lbs by August 2011

    So no "major" loss this week, but I am still feeling really really great. I'm just about to go on my last run of the week- Only about a mile and a half to meet my goal mileage (for a 5K training plan) and for my 1st week with 4 days running instead of 3!. Also lost 2 inches this week (1 waist and 1 hips) so despite the # I still feel pretty accomplished over all!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Updating time!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race Still @168 lbs but ran 4 miles 49:40 this week

    So no "major" loss this week, but I am still feeling really really great. I'm just about to go on my last run of the week- Only about a mile and a half to meet my goal mileage (for a 5K training plan) and for my 1st week with 4 days running instead of 3!. Also lost 2 inches this week (1 waist and 1 hips) so despite the # I still feel pretty accomplished over all!

    Wow Meggon - this is really impressive! 4 miles and you've just started - I honestly still struggle with 4 miles and I've been running 7 months. 4 miles is usually my long run - still! You are making some HUGE progress and you should be really happy with yourself. Especially that you're doing it in under 50 minutes! You'll be a crazy long distance runner in no time ;) hehe Great job. I'm sure you'll see the pounds come off once you rest a little and let your body readjust. Just make sure you're drinking lots of water!

    As for me - Off on a long hike today after I pick up my race kit for Monday's 5k. Going to hike in Dundas Valley Conservation area for a few hours, bringing some snacks and a blanket in case we want to sit somewhere. Pretty excited :) Should be a really cute date and want to get a few more hikes in before the weather turns south. Then, another night shift at the bar. Fun stuff. Hope you all have amazing plans for the weekend! Staying healthy and fit while you do things you enjoy with the people you love shouldn't be a chore - Keep up the good work guys!

    Meag :heart:
  • cames124
    cames124 Posts: 7 Member
    To lose 45 lbs is my goal by Feb
  • cames124
    cames124 Posts: 7 Member
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I have decided that I am not checking the scale until next week. It has just been discouraging me. This week I made it to 2 am classes and I am getting ready for an 8 mile run. I was over my cals a few days but after this weekend I plan to really kick it into gear. I am going to start measuring and not let the stupid scale get me down. I think we should name a few NSV's every week to keep us remembering the scale is not everything!
  • laDOLCEvita7
    I want to loose 20 lbs by the end of October!!!....So far I have lost 3 and I have 17 to go for this month. I am 26. It may sound like a lot in one month, but after watching shows like "The Biggest Loser," I know that it can be done. People say "yeah, but they live in an unrealistic world surrounded by gym equpment and trainers 24/7." No they are no different then us! If they can do it, we can do it!! I tried joining 2 other october groups, and no one updates the topic, so I definitly think that this group I will have the accoutability that I am looking for. C'mom we can do it. Let's look our best at Halloween!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Update! I wore the jeans that I accidentally put through the dryer over the summer and have been uncomfortably tight ever since last night. And they were comfortable!! Either something that I'm doing here is working - or they finally loosened up a little. Either way, I'm happy!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I think we should name a few NSV's every week to keep us remembering the scale is not everything!

    I think that is a great idea!! My NSV(Non-Scale Victory?) or I guess NSG (goal) is to work up to an Intermediate 5k training program (on Runner's Anyone else have non-scale stars to shoot for this month?

    Stuartme- Awesome!! Victory is a victory- enjoy it... And the jeans :-)

    Stephanie- You're enthusiams is great, but I would suggest you add in a couple of mini goals- 20lbs is a lot for 1 month, and while I think its great to aim high, so you can still feel accomplished if you don't make it! Anyway, just a thought. Good luck on the rest of your month!
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I don't think I've lost anything yet but I'm scared to check. I know I checked the other day and had gained a little less than 1 pound. I'm fine with that but I need to kick my butt into gear to actually lose more not just maintain. I was doing so well then I go through bouts of depression and totally lose track. You ladies are a true inspiration! And we CAN do this!! 20 days til I am a married woman! Yikes. Have a great weekend, everyone!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I think we should name a few NSV's every week to keep us remembering the scale is not everything!

    I think that is a great idea!! My NSV(Non-Scale Victory?) or I guess NSG (goal) is to work up to an Intermediate 5k training program (on Runner's Anyone else have non-scale stars to shoot for this month?

    Stuartme- Awesome!! Victory is a victory- enjoy it... And the jeans :-)

    Stephanie- You're enthusiams is great, but I would suggest you add in a couple of mini goals- 20lbs is a lot for 1 month, and while I think its great to aim high, so you can still feel accomplished if you don't make it! Anyway, just a thought. Good luck on the rest of your month!

    I'm with Meggon and lostalykat here - Shooting for and then celebrating Non-Scale Victories is a major part of keeping momentum and I am on board for that! In Oct, I am running my first ever race on Oct 11th (Monday!), training for my first ever 10k on Oct 30th, and hoping to work up toward 10 push-ups in a row by the end of the month (admittedly I haven't been working too hard at this so I'm going to do some after I finish typing this...) - My weight loss goal is actually the one I will be LEAST proud to achieve, if I even make it. I know that running as often as I do + all the other exercise I fit in causes me to refuel a lot more often and without a terrible amount of rest my body isn't dropping much weight. That's life. The good news is that I am getting healthier, my cardio is improving, and I feel great about what I've accomplished so far!:drinker:

    Stephanie - I think Meggon may be right - Setting a goal as ambitious as 20lbs in one month seems like it could end in feelings of discouragement. You shouldn't feel pressure to lose weight as quickly as contestants on TBL, and to be honest, pretty well all health professionals will agreed that 1-2lbs per week is the most you should be losing with a healthy lifestyle change (and not starving yourself) if you want sustained weight loss and to really change your habits. Best of luck on your journey. Keep us updated!

    As for moi - Great, great day today! I am such a lucky girl :happy: My boyfriend and I had an amazing hike (we brought a blanket and some snacks and sat amongst the orange leaved trees for a while, too) and then some healthy and hearty chili for dinner. Off to work tonight for 11pm. Should be a very, very long night.

    Best wishes to all my Oct-Challenge girls :wink: Hope you're all having a great weekend!