heald_uk Member


  • Every day as I have an app on my iphone that I log it in. However, my 'official' day is Wednesday evening when I get weighed at my Rosemary Conley Class. This can be a couple of lbs out from my own scales but I don't stress too much about that - I'm just glad to see the scales going down a tiny bit at a time!
  • Sorry, not a UK girl but do an hours workout to a DVD 6 days a week! I'm afraid I can't keep up with the intensity of a lot of the DVD's on the market but I LOVE those by Rosemary Conley! They may be a bit repetitive in terms of the moves but they work. I've lost a stone and a half and shed 4 inches from my waist so I can…
  • When I eventually get blow it, mine will be 200!
  • I am also losing momentum. Food has always been my comfort blanket and this week my partner has had a health scare. Through fear and trying to console myself I have ate like a pig - and I'm trying to say no and stop! I've still done some exercise but I am so disappointed in myself for allowing myself to once again turn to…
  • My goal is to get my BMI down into the 'healthy' range so that is what I'm aiming for really. Had a tough time the last couple of days though - eaten way more than I should have done!
  • Don't give up! Accept you're human and you're allowed to have a slip or a treat occassionally. Don't beat yourself up about it and start your good practice again right now! You've done brilliantly to get near your weight goal so it's easy to think 'a little treat won't hurt'. If you start again now with your healthy eating…