Do you weigh yourself every day or once a week?



  • Momma2Beauties405
    Momma2Beauties405 Posts: 32 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, because I like to have an idea how I'm doing. I know that daily fluctuations are normal, so it doesn't stress me out. I "officially" weigh in on Fridays.

    This is word for word what I was going to post :smile:
  • kjadkins428
    I weigh myself pretty much every day, but I only record it once a week. I know I probably shouldn't, because when I see a number I don't like I can tend to get really upset and discouraged, but at this point I'm hooked... I don't know how to stop weighing so often.
  • rhall9058
    rhall9058 Posts: 270 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, because I like to have an idea how I'm doing. I know that daily fluctuations are normal, so it doesn't stress me out. I "officially" weigh in on Fridays.

  • 78brownie_wechanged
    Once a month-ish
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I usually weigh myself everyday or so in the morning just because it fascinates me how much we fluctuate from day to day. Like one day I was unusally thirsty and drank a TON of water (over 3 liters) and the next morning I was 3 lbs heavier LOL :laugh:

    I only officially weigh in once a week though on Fridays and do measurements at the same time because I like the record to be standardized.

  • _namaste_
    _namaste_ Posts: 246
    I used to do every day but with lifting heavy now I can go up a couple or more pounds due to water weight, so I am planning on doing weekly, or even every two weeks from now on to try and see a more accurate pattern. :)
  • missjojo31
    missjojo31 Posts: 150
    I weigh every day.
    mainly because I am inpatient.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    Every day. Sometimes even more than once. ( I know I'm not the only one to consult the scale after a big poo to see if I am 2lb lighter :o )
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    I weigh every day, but I only record my weight every 2 weeks. I record my measurements at the same time. I expect to lose about 1 lb every 2 weeks.

    Ditto, my weight can fluctuate by anything up to 7 lbs after a heavy lifting sessions so i check in with myself but only record once a fortnight on a friday morning first thing after going to the bathroom, and completely stakers lol
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    Put the scale away. At most maybe weigh yourself once a month. It's your measurements, body fat% etc.... that you should be watching. If those numbers keep getting better then all will be good.
  • mikedean441
    every day and it needs to stop
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 271 Member
    Once a month.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    Once a week.......sometimes once every two. Our success can't be judged on one day or week's, weight loss.
  • Pasukaru2
    Pasukaru2 Posts: 39 Member
    About once a week. Since body wieght flucuates a lot in one week, I feel more discouraged when I weight myself more than that.
  • mjcjones
    mjcjones Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening. That way I have an idea of where I stand. However, my 'official' weigh in day is Wednesday. That is the weight that I record.
  • heald_uk
    heald_uk Posts: 7 Member
    Every day as I have an app on my iphone that I log it in. However, my 'official' day is Wednesday evening when I get weighed at my Rosemary Conley Class. This can be a couple of lbs out from my own scales but I don't stress too much about that - I'm just glad to see the scales going down a tiny bit at a time!
  • Kittenopolis
    Kittenopolis Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh myself like... every time I see a scale. I'm obsessed. If I don't go down every day or if I fluctuate more than just a lb or so, I get really irritated.

    I know, I know... I should NOT be so hung up on the scale... but I am.

    Currently I'm staying with relatives & access to a scale isn't as readily available (I'm used to weighing EVERY time I go to the bathroom at home & the only scale in the house now is in my aunt/uncle's private bathroom so I try not to intrude in their space).

    However, I work at a doctor's office so I weigh myself on the "legit" scale almost every day, sometimes a couple of times a day (as often as I can get away with without coworkers questioning me). This also allows me to see the variations between my home scale & the office scale, so I know if I'm really staying on track or not.

    The good news is, since I haven't had much access to an in-home scale, I'm paying more attention to the physician's scale (which is always a lb or two higher than the in-home which I felt to be more accurate) so when it says I've lost more, I get really excited which is fun. It also doesn't allow for the tenths of a lb to stress me out bc you just adjust the scale to as close to a half lb as possible & I think that has helped me obsess a little less as well. Before, sometimes seeing even 6/10ths of an increase would stress me out. That doesn't happen now since I'm FORCED to limit my weigh ins.

    Sorry, this was totally a TL; DR post for absolutely no reason. Hah!
  • ColleenRep
    ColleenRep Posts: 12 Member
    I was weighing myself everyday but it was stressing me out so this week I am trying to Just weight my self on Friday.
  • JMfan
    JMfan Posts: 20 Member
    i don't know how weighing everyday keeps anyone on track. i heard someone else say they do that too. it's not an accurate reading as far as goal setting so "how" exactly does it keep anyone on track? I weigh once a week, if that. I go by the way clothes fit and how I look and feel. It keep frustration low. Besides, if you build any muscle, you will GAIN weight sometimes. I see people feeling all low because they are gaining weight and losing fat and don't even realize it's a good thing.
  • girlfromOklahoma
    girlfromOklahoma Posts: 129 Member
    Everyday for me. It helps me to stay on track. :)