

  • bump. sounds great
  • "The moth balls still stink but they're quiet in the evening. I wonder what apeman and wife think of new neighbors... I didn't get termite notice.. glad that I read yours..the one who didn't need it" I obviously live in an apartment complex... this is from my neighbor. I'm moving out July 15 :) :)
  • you can add me if you want :)
  • I'm a big fan of Dr. Pepper. I am 25 and have gone almost my entire life without drinking water. For years the only time I would drink water was to take Advil to cure a headache (most likely from dehydration). I was hospitalized twice for it. Anyway, I kicked my Dr. Pepper habit and now drink almost nothing but water and…
  • I have the same problem! I'm 5'0'' and usually get in about 900 calories a day (well, I had dinner at Applebee's today so I went over 1200 for the first time ever) I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at least two snacks every day and still can't make 1200. I don't want to eat unhealthy things just to bring my count up, but…
  • Me too!! By June 20th actually. I've been eating okay and using the treadmill but not sure where else to start.
    in Beach Body Comment by aswieser May 2012
  • How does this compare in taste to Special K original would you say? That's what I eat a few days a week, but I would be interested in switching if the extra protein doesn't make it taste like cardboard. The website also says the flakes are "lightly sweetened." Does it have a bunch of extra sugar? Thanks
    in Cereal help Comment by aswieser May 2012
  • Yes.. if you use it before your workout it will start drying things out before the sweat starts to give you a rash. This is my technique because I get really red and itchy near my collar and the bottom of my shorts. I'm not a professional, but it's worked for me and it never hurts to try!. Good luck figuring it out :)
  • Also try adding something like a salad before your pasta or a side vegetable instead of eating bread or extra pasta. It will get you feeling full faster and your family won't be eating so much of the noodles.
  • read the package.. and eat it on a little plate :) I know, it's not always that easy but checking the serving size on the package is the best place to start. If the serving is listed in ounces or grams and you don't have a scale you can try to find a conversion online. I do it that way a lot and am able to find out the…
  • Did you weigh yourself at the same time both days? My trianer says your most accurate weight is first thing when you wake up. Some days I can pick up 4-5 pounds from morning til night. Just a thought
  • My office is a mobile home that was converted. I'm the only one in here and it gets veryyyyyyy boring. Sometimes when my legs start to fall asleep from all the sitting I lay on the floor and do a short ab workout. 3 minutes or so.. 6 different exercises 20-25 times without stopping. Trust me, you'll feel it the next day.…
  • "Fast Food - every once in a while, I'll get a craving for some chicken from KFC or a burger. I make a point to fit it into my macros. But it NEVER lives up to my expectations and I just can't stand the taste of most fast food anymore." I totally agree with this. I got out of a class I was taking really late at night a…
  • I'll add you. I've been here about 2 weeks, and more is always merrier when it comes to fitness (in my opinion)
  • Craigslist or your local newspaper is a good place to pick up a "used" treadmill (I'm guessing they're for sale because they probably weren't actually used). We live in an area where it isn't safe to run or walk on the roads. We have very skinny roads with big logging trucks and such. I recently purchased my treadmill from…
  • I used to be able to buy (and fit into) really small jeans that were short enough when they come in short, medium, or long. Then I put on 20 pounds and when I went to buy my short pants in a larger waist size they were wayyyyy too long. I need to lose weight so I can go back to buying pants I don't have to hem!
  • I'm from Pittsburgh and we moved to Virginia just south of Fredericksburg 2 years ago. Itching to get back home soon. I'll add you.