midwife2013 Member


  • I gained 100grams...it could be worse I suppose!! Next Friday will better. I have only just got serious about my weight loss since October and have only 3kg to my goal then I would like to go to 60kg. Pls feel free to add me as a friend as I have been in my own little forum and not interacting with you all.
  • Thank you. I came across another thread and it had images on it....I would say Im probably just under 30% which is not cool as the scales say that Im obese (BF measure) which I know I am not but still something to aim for...decreasing BF!! Thanks for your response.
  • Im 35 (tomorrow) SW: 168 CW: 149 GW: 143 I would ideally like to get to 130 but I seem to plateau every few weeks. Im thinking of upping my calories as Im at 1200 at the moment and burn around 500 calories per day with exercise which I don't eat back. Best of luck to everyone!!
  • HI craignev...thank you for your help with the photos. I stuffed up the final shred photo (side view) which I have now edited in original post.Do u mind reposting them for me as Im a pathetic on the computer. Many thanks :smile:
  • Thank you!!!!!! You both have made my day woohoo I tell you my heart is racing from posting the pictures, but other members pictures helped me stay on track. I would like to know how to actually have the photos on the thread rather than having to click on the links. I see alot of members have questions about shredding.…