Results from Shredding JM with pictures

Hi there!! This is my first time posting in MFP. I have been trolling through MFP for the last couple of months to help keep me motivated. Thank you to everyone for posting their results, suggestions and the ever motivating photos of change.

Reasons for gaining weight: studying at university...which I will graduate on Thursday woohoo and always putting myself last due to being a busy mum.

Height: 5'7
SW: 76kg
Started 30 day shred at: 71kg (just for people doing the shred I did gain 1kg in the first week ...up to 72kg which dishearten me but went onto loss it. I'm putting it down to muscle gain/water retention.
Finished Shred at: 68.3kg
My GW: 60kg

First day of shred photo

Last day of shred today yipee!! I lost a toal of 25cm off my body

I think the side views are the best in regards to visually seeing the results.

First day

Final day of shred

Pls be positive in feedback as it takaes a bit of guts to post pictures in a bikini even with a facemask on :)


  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Well done. The difference is amazing :smile:
  • Mrs_Padgett
    Mrs_Padgett Posts: 191 Member
    Your results are awesome! Your thighs really slimmed down!
  • midwife2013
    midwife2013 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you!!!!!! You both have made my day woohoo

    I tell you my heart is racing from posting the pictures, but other members pictures helped me stay on track. I would like to know how to actually have the photos on the thread rather than having to click on the links.

    I see alot of members have questions about shredding. Here are my answers to a few.
    Breaks: I had every Sunday off and didn't stick to my 1200 calories on Sundays.
    Other exercise: Yes, I walked my dog 4km x 5 days a week and rode my spin bike a few times a week (10km)
    Hardest level for me was level 2. I got instant headaches from picking up the weights.
    Weights I used were: a bit over 5 pounds
    I couldn't do one proper push up in the beginning and now I can do the whole push up set in level 3 on my toes......although my chest still needs to go a bit lower.
    What now....... I want to try zumba for a 10 days then I will be moving onto JM Ripped in 30 days. I just need a break from her demands :)
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    First day of shred photo

    Last day of shred today yipee!! I lost a toal of 25cm off my body


    I think the side views are the best in regards to visually seeing the results.

    First day

    Final day of shred

    Nice work...well done :)
  • midwife2013
    midwife2013 Posts: 9 Member
    HI craignev...thank you for your help with the photos. I stuffed up the final shred photo (side view) which I have now edited in original post.Do u mind reposting them for me as Im a pathetic on the computer. Many thanks :smile:
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    well done - I can see the difference, thanks so much for posting :flowerforyou:
  • squinz
    squinz Posts: 136
    Excellent result. Well done!
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