Feed_the_Bears Member


  • I enjoy coffee with just cream. I've come to love bitter flavours. If you really really enjoy something, why torture yourself giving it up entirely? Life and food is to be enjoyed. Perhaps just cut back frequency. Or, if you gradually reduce the sugar I believe your taste buds will have an easier time making the transition…
  • I really like how you recognize "find more constructive ways to deal with adversity". From my experience, I really believe this is a key attitude to helping you act on the desired behavioir of avoiding refined sugars/candy etc, overeating them etc. If you are an emotional eater, as it seems you suspect, I think focusing on…
  • HAHAHA I have never heard the term "broscience" before. Hilarious.
  • I stopped tracking and "magically" gained 100 lbs. I am astonished at myself. I've never had to do this before.
  • Even people who have been tracking calories for years like myself can so easily lose sight of what we're actually eating when we stop actually counting and weighting. It can so easily creep back up and under estimate things.
  • I liked this, thank you. I've been thinking a lot lately that I've been interpreting every sensation in my upper abdomen as hunger. I'm trying to think now, is it anxiety, is it high acidity?
  • What ever you enjoy.
  • Hello. When I had to make a huge lifestyle change in another aspect of my behaviour, "one day at a time" was how to do it. The idea of "never doing behaviour X again for the rest of my life" was unfathomable. I'd never known anything different. But I could do it "just for today". I'm trying to take this approach to diet…
  • The MPF community sure can be frustrating sometimes, giving orders, unsolicited judgments, and off-topic advice. It's an emotional risk asking for help sometimes, but there's some good support and listeners in there who aren't just going to copy paste the same thing they've probably said a million times to anybody and…
  • Hello, I'm active in MA (primarily) and AA and am accepting the fact that I need to expand my program into my eating behaviours as well. Accepting that I can't make this behavioural and attitudinal change alone, I'm looking to populate my friends list. I thought 12 steppers would be a great pool of people to say hi to. Hi!…
  • Hello, I'm looking for 12 step friends :). Sorry the first reply on your post was someone giving you orders lol. I do find the community pages are full of ruthless unsolicited advice. Try to bear with it to find all the gemstone people who are here too ;). I'm just getting back into taking my nutrition and fitness as…
  • Hello :) My nickname is Bears, and I like to put stuff in my mouth to control my emotions lol. Fellow 12-stepper here. Primarily MA, but also AA, but let's face it, you put it in front of me, and I put it in my body. I've been thinking, if I'm going to follow through then I can't do it alone. I'm thinking a lot about my…
  • Hello :) My nickname is Bears, and I like to put stuff in my mouth to control my emotions lol. Fellow 12-stepper here. Primarily MA, but also AA, but let's face it, you put it in front of me and I put it in my body. When I shifted focus to recovery to save my life, I lost interest in diet/nutrition and dropped intensity of…
  • I dilute three cheese ranch with balsamic vinegar, tis great.
  • Pretty much my story: thought I've been doing this so long I've got it down and can do it on my own without tracking...... no I cannot.
  • After gaining 100 lbs while I shifted focus to mental health, I actually have more self love than ever. But I'm tired of being tired, breathless, falling behind, and well, high blood pressure now. So I'm happy to be getting back into some of the good behaviours I used to have, but with self love on my side this time, so I…
  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Back-story character that drives the main character's current insecurities about relationships.
  • I just realized no one's been here since December. How's everyone doing?
  • Well, I'm just getting started with more weight to lose than I've ever experienced. So this is perfect for me. That's exactly the pace I need for the next year. Emma Starting weight: 265 Goal weight: 165 Current weight: 260 Total weight lost: after two days I think that 5 lbs is water/fluctuation. This week's successes:…
  • My biggest problem with a binge is stopping there. The day after I still feel that "caution to the wind" mentality, and the hangover munchies. Then one binge becomes two. If I try to eat little the next day, the deprivation turns into another binge and the cycle continues. For these reasons, I find my best course of action…
  • Hi. I was the same way for a long time. I battled with anxiety around the scale. Under my nose, slowly I gained an obscene amount of weight (I knew I gained of course, but had no idea how much. Not a current picture.). I had turned my focus more to mental healthy issues and although that diverted focus contributed to the…
  • I've been feeling that way lately too "don't recognize myself", "let myself go". I didn't postpone the wedding ;) But do need to get back to my old self. Bit by bit. I used to be pretty fit and I guess took it too far and crashed hard. Good luck.
  • I fear it so much too. I'm trying to think "why"? Am I going to hate myself when I see what I think I'll see? When it's above a certain number? What's that about? I know my worth isn't tied up in that number, why am I so afraid I'm going to hate myself when I see that number when I love myself right now? It's messed up.…
  • If you want that weight loss to sustainable, then do not cut more than 20% of your total daily energy expenditure. If burning 2200, eat about 1600. If you've been consistently eating around 1300 you may have to slowly build up to that 1600 so as not to be shocked. You may find your progress slows down, but you're less…
  • I like that. "Own it".
  • Here here. It's all part of the age old self esteem girl issue "I have to look like THAT to be acceptably pretty". And it's all a myth. There are many ways to beautiful. You sound like you've got a good weight for height without being a coat rack :) .... see I did it there, I insulted skinny chicks and that's a double…
  • There's a tendency to keep the pressure on your toe while using this machine, like people also do when riding a bike. But like a spin instructor will tell you, USE THOSE HAM STRINGS! That means pushing and pulling the pedal/foot pad and keeping your heel down. Give it a try. Keep your heel down while using the elypitcal…
  • Well if you're taking pictures aimed directly at them then guys are going to try to friend you for your boobs.
  • Kidnapping is easier, faster, and less expensive. .....clearly joking. But someone's going to take me seriously and blah blah. But honestly! Why is adopting so difficult?! I get back ground checks and protecting the kids but there's an extent!