

  • 2 important points, well 3. 1. Honesty is very important. 2. You physically need more calories for your health and nutrients. This could be very dangerous long term. 3. Most importantly for weight loss, your body will believe that you are in STARVATION mode at 900 calories/day. As a result, your body will hold onto fat…
  • No worries, and hey don't forget I bet some of those other ladies are worried about the 'binging calories' so go for a big walk together.
  • It's different weight so don't quit. I call myself a rubber band. I can stretch thin, relax and snap to a fat rubberband again. Don't weigh in daily. Once a week is good. Get rid of high calorie, unfulfilling food in the home. Water, water water, it fills you up and gets you through big cravings. Best wishes!!!
  • Don't try to lose weight, just maintain. That's how I plan around Christmas too. Squeeze in a 30 minute walk per day. Or, if there's a gym hit it up for 30-40 minutes before getting ready for the dinners and beverages. May I also suggest flavoured Vodka and water, minimal calories and dodge the after bar hot dog.
  • I'd like to add, Lose Yourself, EMINEM.
  • Think like Arnold Schwarzenegger. When Arnold was young prior to his body building career, he used wear 'half-shirts' that body builders would wear. He had a gut and flabby arms that would hang out. He did it intentionally to feel self conscious and help motivate him to the gym.