

  • lilttlemo78 -- I most certainly feel your frustration. (been there done that). First off, I want to tell you a little about myself: I am an insulin dependent diabetic. Have not always been. Was not until I was in my 30's. My doctor always called me ''pre-diabetic" and when I started on oral medications, I was considered…
  • I absolutely agree with the answers already posted. Personally, I would alternate cardio exercises (good brisk walking/running/ swimming/bicycling etc.,) with strength training every other day. The more muscle you build, the more fat you burn which would be longer lasting than just doing cardio exercising where you will…
  • Not knowing your weight and level of daily physical activity or possibly added exercise, I will tell you this much: You should be eating no less -- a minimum -- of 1200 calories daily. You should be doing this 5 times daily: breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack and then supper. All about 3-4 hrs apart.…
  • You sound like me --YUCK to green tea!! I know a lot of people like it butttt~~~~I gave up soft drinks AND coffee a long time ago. It CAN be done. Water water and more water is what you need to drink daily, but have you ever tried Crystal Light?? Comes in more flavors than you can imagine and does not in any way taste…
  • I've been reading thru the posts regarding sugar. The majority of everyone is talking about 'refined sugar'. Do you also realize that foods that contain carbohydrates turn to sugar in the body? I am talking about fruits, veggies and whole grains, (bead, rice, pastas, etc.) Carbohydrates are not bad for you, but they do…
  • I've been reading thru the posts regarding sugar. The majority of everyone is talking about 'refined sugar'. Do you also realize that foods that contain carbohydrates turn to sugar in the body? I am talking about fruits, veggies and whole grains, (bead, rice, pastas, etc.) Carbohydrates are not bad for you, but they do…
  • I absolutely agree about the sugar free jello cups. They are 'yummy' and a great snack. Something else that you can make in less than 10 minutes too, is sugar free, fat free ambrosia! It is soooo good. equal amounts of low fat cottage cheese and cool whip small pkg of sugar free orange jello drained and rinsed pineapple…
  • this may show my age -- but I like good old fashion ROCK-N-ROLL (50's & 60's)
  • First off, I think it's great that you have joined MFP. That's the first big step forward. We have ALL either been there or have done that. All of us are or have been in the same boat. These message boards are such a great source of encouragement and information. You have to tell yourself, first and foremost I WANT THIS.…
  • WOW TRICKYFOXSTER710!!! You look to be doing absolutely fabulous~~~Keep going with the P90. I started with that when I decided to make a change back in 2007. When you're finished with your 90 days, go on to the P90 3-4. You will be absolutely amazed at the changes your body is making and how GREAT you feel and look. (even…
  • 5-6 times a week is your best bet. But if your schedule only allows for 3 days a week -- THAT'S GOOD! Just make sure you alter your nutrition plan accordingly.:happy:
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