Diet Plan Help

prentk Posts: 1 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I am trying to find a diet. I am really bad at dieting and need an easy one to follow. HELP! PLEASE!


  • Eat fewer calories. Eat more fruit and veggies. Eat less fat. Portion control.

    Don't think diet. Think healthy choices. :) Everything you put into your mouth--think about what benefits it will or won't give your body. Log everything to see where the extra calories are coming from, and modify it.

    Diets are hard. Eating healthy is easy. Good luck!
  • I find dieting very hard as well. Personally I had to come to terms with the fact that eating healthy is something you need to be prepared to is not easy, especially if you really like eating, like me! this site is the best thing I have found to help keep me honest and accountable to myself.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Eat fewer calories. Eat more fruit and veggies. Eat less fat. Portion control.

    Don't think diet. Think healthy choices. :) Everything you put into your mouth--think about what benefits it will or won't give your body. Log everything to see where the extra calories are coming from, and modify it.

    Diets are hard. Eating healthy is easy. Good luck!

    Brilliantly said.... I Concur!
  • wyld4eva
    wyld4eva Posts: 58 Member
    Consider it a life style change....diets fade in and out. My best advice is log everything and look at as many other peoples diarys as you can get really good ideas. Plan on 300 cal or under for breakfast same with lunch, have one or two low cal snacks and then what ever you have left is dinner. be aware of calories, sodium.... and try to get 5g or more of fiber with each meal that will help to. Good luck and try and pick some people who you think willl help inspire you as you set out on your journey!
  • daisieschase
    daisieschase Posts: 12 Member
    Amen and amen...
  • If you are new to dieting and working out, I would recommend starting with a book. I personally like Bill Philips Body for Life, don't buy it new, you can pick it up at just about every used book store in america. Mainly b/c it's been around a while. It's a great program, it is a realistic program, it sets up for you a 6 meal day, 6 days of working out, and a cheat day. There's a million and one diets out there, I think of all the diets I've tried weight watchers is the most realistic, crash dieting is on ly going to leave you with more weight in the end. Look at it as a life change, and that's what both weight watchers and BFL does.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Food lovers fat loss system is wonderful.. healthy food great tasting food... it is a lifestyle change not a diet
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    This is what my doctor recommended to me. I've been doing it about 45 days, and have taken off 22 pounds and 13.5 inches so far. Plus I never feel hungry and have found it pretty easy to follow.

    Eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Don't go more than 4 hours without eating.
    At every meal have 50% veggies, 25% carbs, 25% lean protein. (imagine your dinner plate cut into 4 sections - 2 must be veggies)
    Drink at leat 8 glasses of water a day. Any other liquid you drink - eg pop, coffee, crystal light, = is in addition to water, it doesn't replace it.

    Aim for 30 minutes of exercise a day minimum.

    Anyway, its not too complicated, and like I said its working for me.

    Best wishes to you in your weightloss goals.
  • Not knowing your weight and level of daily physical activity or possibly added exercise, I will tell you this much: You should be eating no less -- a minimum -- of 1200 calories daily. You should be doing this 5 times daily: breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack and then supper. All about 3-4 hrs apart.

    DO NOT DIET! Diets don't work -well you can lose weight, but they are all quick fixes. After you have lost the weight you want, your old eating habits will more than likely rear their ugly heads and you'll be back in the same boat you're in now because you did not learn how to shop, cook and eat properly. You need to change your thinking about food. Make this a life long change.

    I don't diet. Did not diet to lose weight. (I have gone from a sz. 18 to 10 and have stayed there now for 3 years). You don't have to eat lettuce for the rest of your life. I don't do things like yogurt. You can still have your meats, sauces, potatoes, rice, pastas, etc. There are so many wonderful recipes out there. Quick and easy. You just need to learn how to read labels at the supermarket, make better product choices, change the way you cook and then, of course, reduce your portions.

    Daily exercise is so important. The more exercise you do, your daily caloric intake should increase. As you exercise, you will build muscle (I'm not talking about bulking up) and the fat will burn away. So to keep things in balance, you need to eat and do so throughout the day. This way your body will less likely go into starvation mode, you wont be at a standstill and more than likely will not even think about giving up.

    This needs your commitment. If I can help you along your journey, whether it be with helping you with food choices, recipes, encouraging you with any kind of exercise program you choose, or maybe you might want to vent coming off a bad day, I'll be more than happy to do what I can.:happy:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    You need to get the word DIET out of your mind. Diets are temporary and you are making a healthy change in your life so you need to find a way to start eating in a manageable way so you can maintain your goal weight when you reach it.

    If you want an easy way to start eating better I recommend going to It is a plan put together by Dr. Ian from Celebrity Fit club. His plans are always designed to help you lose and then maintain your weight in a real way, not by permanently cutting certain foods out etc. YOu can go to 50 million pound challenge and there is a menu tab and it will build a menu based on your goals, you can print a whole month out along with a shopping list. I print the menu and list out and make any tweaks to the meals and it is super easy and affordable if you repeat some days using leftovers!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    By the way 50 million pound challenge is FREE just like MFP, I only use it for the meal plans but there is some good info there too. :love:
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