Goodbye soda!... now what do I drink?



  • I start my day with a serving of Shakeology & then drink water all day. Occasionally I'll throw in some green tea, just for a little pick me up, but I usually don't need it.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Thank you everybody! I got lots of good ideas that will really help me throughout my days :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • GREEN TEA! Doesn't leave you shakey.... I put a couple tea bags in a large pitcher and let it soak in the sun for about an hour- then pour it over ice with a sprig of mint. Refreshing pick me up :drinker:
  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    I got hooked on 5 hour energy when I cut down soda, then I wanted to know why it worked so well for me, and it was all the vitamin b6 and b12, so I gave up 5 hour energy, and started looking for things high in vitamin b. Hope this helps.
  • If you are having a hard time giving up soda why not allow yourself one small glass of diet soda a day as a treat when you need it but then have water or tea the rest of the time. Its probably best to avoid caffeine based drinks like diet cola, dr pepper and irun bru go for something like a generic diet limeade, diet lemonade or diet fruit based soda and have it as a treat once a day.

    I know for me psychologically banning foods/drinks makes me want them more - in my case chocolate - so rather than banning it I buy 6 snack size bars to last me the month. I'm finding that because I know I can have one if I want - the 6 are lasting more than a month and I'm not tempted to do the walk of shame to the local shop to buy extra.

    Now if anyone has a healthy alternative to pizza please let me know :)
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    I have cut down tremendously on coffee, but get my fix through green tea and yerba matte
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Water, water then more water then try twinings lemon and Ginger infusion luscious spicy and perks you up too!
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    cold water will keep you going, however i know something else that has worked for me and a co-worker.

    try crystal light strawberry kiwi for energy packets. they taste amazing!!!!! and they work great.
    they aren't full of sugar and calories as much as other drinks.
  • mommy2r
    mommy2r Posts: 16 Member
    Sparkling water works for me (the non-sodium kind). I just spritz a little lemon, lime, or grapefruit juice in there for "flavor" :tongue:
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    I have fought with soda addiction for a long time and finally beat it by using hot teas in the late morning (before lunch) and the afternoon. Green Tea, Chai Tea, Yerba Matte. No real calories to speak of, and full of healthy benefits.

    I saw one person suggest pacing yourself with a soda on occasion. this may work for some, but I find if I do not have soda at all I stop craving it. But as soon as I have one, I lose all control and drinks lots of it everyday. I find it is best just to stay away completely.
  • You sound like me --YUCK to green tea!! I know a lot of people like it butttt~~~~I gave up soft drinks AND coffee a long time ago. It CAN be done. Water water and more water is what you need to drink daily, but have you ever tried Crystal Light?? Comes in more flavors than you can imagine and does not in any way taste either sugar or fat free.:happy:
  • I like water, but sometimes i need some flavor... Lipton tea to go packs are pretty tasty and cal free.
  • I have not had soda in 15 months....I loved my diet coke. Now I only drink water, but I use flavor packets from crystal light or hawaiian punch brand....they of many flavors and most have been very good. And the hawaiian punch packets are only a $1 for a box of 8 at your local Walgreens for supermarket. My new thing I like to drink is Vitamin water by is very good and has many flavors. My favs are the fruit punch and Orange.
  • Ice cold water! :)

    I am not a fan of soda. If you happen to get tempted, research the ingredients in it. If you care about your body, you'd never be tempted again! If I want a soda, I'll have a Hansen's. But that's just a couple a month. There are chemicals in soda that my husband uses at work to remove paint from metal. The stuff should be illegal.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I am not a fan of many beverages on the market right now and plain old water will boost your energy! we start to feel sluggish for many reasons after lunch time, one can be dehydration and your green tea has caffeine which is a natural dieuretic. Also, avoid lettuces during lunch if you eat salads etc, dark greens have natural sleep inducers in them, save your salads for night time!

    Otherwise adding some lemon or orange slices can pep your water up for you too.
  • Water with a B6 tablet. :) It tastes great and gives me an energy boost.
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