WhiteRaven Member


  • Nope not gross at all. Not to me! I walk barefoot all the time. It is actually a good thing to do. I do not go into stores or shopping anywhere barefoot. Outside to the park, grass, sidewalk, sand etc. even at the gym I go without shoes (always wear socks there) no shoes does amazing things for balance and stability!
  • I had dizziness for a while as well. Eating well and exercising. Doc said add a bit more salt of all things. I went with having cucumbers and some tomatoes sprinkled with a little salt. I don't cook with much salt or add much to anything, most food I eat is low in salt. This is not intentional I don't scan labels for the…
  • Hands down it's downhill skiing. When there is no snow its Mountain Biking. Also enjoy cardio Kickboxing... just haven't found a location since I moved to partake of it :(
  • zoologist
  • Another avenue you could look up that is not well known. Yet it is an efficient way to run is called CHI Running. Might work, might be bunk. Check it out. http://www.chirunning.com There also a walking program.
  • Go thru the map my fitness app to sync. Log in, find "connect Apps & devices" and go from there. I remember doing this when I set mine up. rather than go thru MFP
  • Should work. I have mine syncing ok, Try going thru set up again.
  • SW 212 CW 182 GW 155 Age 38 H 5'7"
  • This time around I have a solid goal in mind. It is not weight or food related. I have a personal goal I want to achieve doing something I love! I researched and hired a personal trainer. He has been amazing. He has delved not only into the physical training, but the mental and spiritual as well! It is and has been life…
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • At the gym training 3-4 days a week. On these days only 15 mins or so of cardio as warm up then it's on to training. IE weights, suspension trainer, lunges squats etc. On the days not at the gym I am either mountain biking, road biking or walking for an hour or more. One day of rest from cardio/training No cheats days or…
  • Sounds like something called crepitus, Google it! My knees snap crackle pop all the time. I think glucosamine confronted is supposed to help, but takes awhile to work. You could see a doc or Physio therapist about it tho! Cheers
  • Are your clothes fitting the same? Are you wearing the same exact clothes you did 31lbs ago? Try going for a new pair of pants or a couple new shirts. Find some that maybe fit differently than what your wearing. Just a thought! take it or leave it. Don't let yourself get down tho. You have made awesome progress and a time…
  • Chocolate... Believe me, if I tried to eliminate this completely there would be hell to pay.
  • Believe it or not you can actually go and see a physiotherapist about this. Granted, it is a specialized form of it. And quite likeley they will just recommend Kegals as well. That, and they can be more specific about the how and why of it. Also known as Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy. That and an OB/GYN. might be another…
  • I am Canadian. I do not drink Beer... I do not follow Hockey I DO ski, I love the snow, not the cold. Kimberley B.C. Canada is my home!
    in CANADA Comment by WhiteRaven April 2013
  • There are some really great shorter workouts on www.fitnessblender.com Click on workouts, and choose one that works for you. Or you can click on Exercises and choose one that is more targeted!!! This is a free site that accepts donations. They do not solicit for them at all. I have found it to be a pretty good resource…
  • I'd go with books as well. If not that, do the parents have an RESP (registered education savings plan) fund? or anything set up for her future schooling? Why not put some money towards that, rather than something she might outgrow in a month or two. Just a thought.
  • TRX system is pretty darn good. Try that! www.trxtraining.com
  • Two things really... they are unrelated. #1 Travel Photographer/writer. <-- In the Midst of a Photography degree so 1/4 of the way there!!! #2 Ski Instructor - for the fun factor <--- actually happening next year after Foot surgery :D I am a Winter Junky, it is my favorite season, and I love being on the ski hill traipsing…
  • Print and post on the wall or fridge... Read while walking by. Cheers WR # 21 is great too :D
  • I hope You mean Liposuction :P -- Labotomy is cutting out a piece of the Brain and losing a lot of who you are (from a mental standpoint).
  • woops double post
  • Veruka Salt was her name
  • Hire a wedding planner :) SO WORTH IT :) if not a planner, then at least a "Day OF co-ordinator" that way you don't have to stress about all the little things on the big day... the coordinator can do all of it!!! Also, check out weddingbells.com tons of ideas and forums in there
  • Coke Zero, sprite zero, Nestea Zero all zero calories, not sure about the rest of it tho :) Coke and sprite zero have asparatame, and the Nestea zero is made with Splenda! Cheers
  • Kind of off topic, yet still related. If you find it difficult to drink all that water in a day and you don't want to add flavor crystals, I totally recommend slicing up some cucumbers and adding that to a jug of water for the day. It surprisingly adds a nice flavor to the water. Make sure you use the Long English…
  • about 4 years ago I hit Goal weight (53lbs gone) with weight watchers, then one thing led to another and gained it all back. Shedding it now using Mfp and just being aware of what I am eating.
  • I have had this game sitting on the shelf for quite awhile now. I too would be interested to know how people like/dislike the game. Cheers WR
  • I would say it's ok on a daily basis. But not if your saving calories throughout the week for this one day. Just be sure you don't go hungry thru that day either. Cheers.