

  • Hi! You and anyone else who is looking for a supportive new friend feel free to add me! I log in and am active every single day. I also have an open diary if that makes a difference to you :) And I log EVERYTHING, so please dont mind the saturday entry (it was st. pattys day parade here in pittsburgh and lets just say the…
  • My son, I started out in life overweight and I dont want the same for my son. I make sure he eats healthily and nutritiously but I dont want to be one of those parents who say "Do as I say, not as I do". I want to not only be a good role model to him but to also be healthy for him so I can enjoy as much time as possible on…
  • bumping for the noms
  • Hey everyone, Im 23, a wife and mother to a 4 year old boy and also work full time and looking to lose more than 30 pounds. I just started this site yesterday but have already saw how much of a positive impact that it is having on my journey to a healthier me. Please feel free to add me because I would love as much support…
  • All I can say as of now is I really think I got this! lol Not expert "got this" but in the right mind state and now equipped with the knowledge to help me get to where I want to go. In the past Ive dreaded losing the weight (well dreaded what it took to get there) but this time around Im actually really happy about it.…
  • Thank you, seems to be that moderation is key!
  • Thank you bwogilvie, Ill be sure to come back and give those links a read and see if I can find a copy of that book around here ( I love to read so why not start reading about something that pertains to my life eh?). Im going to go for a jog with my husband here shortly so Ill be sure to check that out and check back in…
  • Honestly I dont mind most "healthy foods" and so far this time around it seems to be working in my benefit because I find that I can eat a lot more of healthy foods than I can eating say some of the marketed diet foods etc out there that I have tried in the past. I think that as long as I can find a variety of easy ways to…
  • Never heard of any of those things except for the water weight/ retention so Ill definitely look those up! Thank you, its nice to hear I dont necessarily have to restrict a lot of calories to get healthier. Looking forward to the new information I obtain after looking that up! I have a long way to go but I'll get there…
  • Thanks for the help guys, even though I just restarted using this site yesterday I began trying to be more healthy on Monday. I ate some hard boiled eggs, a grilled chicken salad with no dressing and a banana and went to the gym and did 20mins on the elliptical and some leg exercises on a few machines (really not sure what…
  • Thats great news to hear about skin elasticity and youth because Ive been really obsessing over how I will look once I drop the weight. Hoping that steady excercise (not sure which is best) will aid in that as well!
  • Hey I wanted to say thank you for all of your suggestions and for helping fix my "ticker". I have my target weight (125 pounds) and my current weight (180 pounds) and yet I dont believe it says I need to drop 55 pounds even though the info I have added is correct. Also, it says I am only looking to drop 1.5 pounds per week…
  • I am still trying to figure this site out and if it says I am only trying to lose about 35 pounds thats nonsense and I need to figure out how to change that haha I realistically need to drop about 50 pounds to be at a healthy weight for my size. Im definitely cutting calories but I am also interested in eating healthy and…
  • HI! Im a 23 year old woman who has since childhood been overweight/obese according to the BMI chart. I am a petite girl at only 5ft3 on a good day haha but weigh just about 180 pounds now. I learned of this site a few years ago but never followed threw with it but this time around I am completely determined. I am married…