What is your number one motivator?



  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Almost entirely my appearance. I am so damn sick of hating every photo my friends tag me in on Facebook, and I want to be able to start clicking "add to timeline" and not "hide". The bonus is that my health is improving. But really I just want to look good.
  • TheBadToe
    TheBadToe Posts: 246 Member
    I don't even know anymore. I just love the push, and the feel of heavy weight in my hands.
  • squiggysmama
    The thing that got me started losing weight -- and continues to motivate me -- is the same realization that got me to quit smoking some time back. It took me a while to connect it to my weight, but I finally did. The realization was this. If I were willing to stand out in the cold when I'd rather be warm, run out to the store in the rain, when I'd rather be inside, spend my last dollar when I should be saving it for better things, then the cigarettes had become a god to me. They controlled me. It took me a while to recognize that food is the same thing for me. When I succumb to cravings that I know are slowly killing me, then I am putting food in the place of a little god that controls me. My flesh making decisions for me and slowly killing me. I am a Christian. I recognize that when I am not disciplined, and am living by the flesh, I am certainly not living by the spirit. When I am slowly killing myself by my choices to feed my own desires, and not practicing self-discipline, then I am serving the enemy and am bowing to my own "fleshly lusts." It's a matter of heath, spiritual growth, and self-discipline.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    I'm avoiding the next higher weight class. There's a pretty serious difference between fighting a 199lb guy and a 218-234lb guy.

  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    To push myself the hardest and be amazing xD To do all i said i could never do!
  • Hondo_Man
    Hondo_Man Posts: 114 Member
    Great topic for sharing.

    There are three things that keep me motivated.

    1. My children and future grandchildren. More on that in #3.

    2. Me. I've been lifting weights for about 25 years and while there are times will illness and injury, I've always stayed with it. Looking in the mirror each day inspires me to stay that way! Because... when I was 20, I was about 120kg of fat. I changed that completely after University. Now I have 10% BF and maintain 90kg.

    3. Work. I am early retired and work part-time for the Bavarian Red Cross. I drive ill and handicapped people to various places and am often in care homes, hospitals, physician offices, etc. I see first hand what lack of exercise and poor eating habits do to people.

    Back to #1. Due to #3, I want to be able to play and enjoy time with my grown daughters and their (eventual) children when I'm older. I don't with to be one of the Papas or Opas who are more concerned about their next beer (which I do enjoy at the occasional fest!), but going snowboarding, wandering in the forests, swimming, etc with my kids and theirs is so much more important. When I'm 65, I don't want the pains from getting out of my chair coming from old age, but rather soreness from have done dead-lifts or squats the day before! :)

    We don't even own a television. That also killed any chance of demotivation!! :)

    I want and will stay fit for my family! They are my motivation!
  • luvmybabeez
    luvmybabeez Posts: 56 Member
    My biggest motivator is that I want to be around to watch my kids grow up and have families of their own not to mention I just want to feel good in my own skin. I can tell you 75 days in now and I am feeling pretty damn good. ;-)
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    At this point my #1 motivator is all the success I've already had (over 100 lbs gone, lost many, many inches & sizes, look very different, much better, feel great!) & knowing that I'll see more of it if I continue to do what I've been doing for going on two years.
  • freckles753
    My OH is my number one motivator, he has to put up with me moaning, and encourage me when I am down and feeling a little peckish!!! The kids being able to play with them without getting exhausted. Dont want me 40th photos next year me looking large, I cried at the ones at Christmas.
    Last motivator keep up with that damn woman in Pump Up the Volume Dancing DVD the cow wont beat me lol!!!
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    My motivation is my fat *kitten* stomach and those 3 numbers that haunt me on the scale every time I step on it.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    my motivation all along as just been myself...but that has shifted a bit....my pending divorce is now my motivator!
  • 7kidslater
    7kidslater Posts: 6 Member
    When I put on my jeans and see a roll hanging over the top! I look in the mirror and think what the h*ll happened? My daughter is having a wedding celebration Aug 31st and I turn 50, in September. I have 5 grandkids and I want to run and play with them and watch them grow up.
    I would like to weigh 130lbs and tone up.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    Looking sexy when I graduate from college. (:
  • chele1028
    chele1028 Posts: 248 Member
    Right now, it is to look as good on the outside as I feel on the inside. ;-)
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    My knee. I suffered a really bad injury at 18 on my knee and it never healed right. After 4 surgeries where nothing happened except more scars and pain I finally had to relent to having my knee replaced. Although I stayed positive through the whole ordeal it was horrible. I never, ever want to go through that kind of pain again. So, my doctor recommended that I lose 50 pounds to help the knee but he said 100 would be ideal to keep my weight around 130-160 so here I am.

    Also, I am looking at getting engaged and married within the next 1-3 years and I don't want to look back at my wedding photos and wish I had lost weight and toned up. I want to look amazing standing next to the love of my life, rocking it on our special day 15+ years in the making.

    So one health and one vanity reason!!
  • ToniLynnF
    ToniLynnF Posts: 15
    My son, I started out in life overweight and I dont want the same for my son. I make sure he eats healthily and nutritiously but I dont want to be one of those parents who say "Do as I say, not as I do". I want to not only be a good role model to him but to also be healthy for him so I can enjoy as much time as possible on this beautiful earth and maximize every minute we can possibly have together. He's 4 now and talks to me about how eating healthy makes him big and strong and I want to show him just how strong his mom can be too :)
  • Hondo_Man
    Hondo_Man Posts: 114 Member
    I'm avoiding the next higher weight class. There's a pretty serious difference between fighting a 199lb guy and a 218-234lb guy.


    I enjoyed that one. Good laugh, but I can imagine.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    Mobility. I want movement to be easier on my body, especially my ankles. It'd also be nice to not smack into everything with my hips when I walk by. :laugh:
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Putting on my jeans every day. Never wore this size before (well, in over 20 years), and putting on my running tights and seeing my saddle bags gone. I don't want them back. Ever.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Pretty much self-explanatory. What is the number one thing that gets you motivated or keeps you motivated to make this lifestyle change?

    For me, it was realizing that I was going to be starting my Master's program in public health in the fall and that I am obese. I realized that I was trying to be a "special snowflake" and trying to ignore everything that I had ever learned in my public health classes about the dangers of obesity. It just felt so hypocritical. So, here I am! Every time I feel discouraged or want to scarf down a cupcake, I open up my acceptance letters and read them instead.

    Hi, I was wondering if you could give your thoughts on your program? I'm considering doing a Master's in public health or health policy. Any feedback would be great :)

    And to answer your question, I'm doing this for health reasons and to look good lol