

  • I never even look at that thing. I just log and keep it moving.. as long as I know i'm still losing i'm cool.
  • I don't eat red meat or pork so... generally chicken, turkey, peanuts, greek yogurt, whey, cheese, and peanut butter. My plight is I also have to manage my cholesterol so it's not as easy to just scarf down a bunch of meat without going over my daily goal. Greek yogurt is a God send though. The Kroger brand gives you 23g…
  • Nope, I just follow IIFYM and eat what I want to eat everyday. If there's a day where I want to eat something that won't fit into one meal then ill skip one of the others to make it fit. Like, some days I fiend for meat loaf, mashed potatoes and grazy, asparagus and mac & cheese but I know there's no wayI can get that into…
  • If you do it slow while lifting weights, you can. I did it and have some stretch marks on my sides obviously but nothing too terrible. I don't have any loose skin though since I lifted weights the whole time and didn't go crazy doing something like losing 4-5 pounds a week. 1-1.5 pounds a week + weights = success for me.…
  • Hell I gained 10 pounds in a week and half while eating at a deficit some kinda way.
  • I eat ice cream, nutella and chocolate syrup regularly and have not one problem losing weight constantly. I fit it in my calorie intake for the day and continue to lose, no problems. I don't believe in depriving myself TOTALLY of anything, it's a simple matter of moderation. The only people that have issues with that most…
  • 5'8 160 and you're trying to lose 15 pounds??? The BMI for 5'9 is 165.... 15 pounds sounds excessive. Are you a male or a female? And generally, if you're starving your body is trying to tell you that you're not eating enough. I'm 5'9 177 right now and I can eat roughly 1500 cals a day and not be hungry at all..and this is…
  • This varies by the man basically but I actually hate pancake butts. I love to see some meat back there.
  • FYI, you aren't going to lose weight every week. If you constantly base your progress on the scale you'll be doing nothing more than disappointing yourself. I had a point where I stopped losing and actually gained 4 pounds. Didn't sweat it, kept doing what I was doing and within 2 more weeks I dropped 10. The body just…
  • I log everything a day in advance. It allows me to plan out my meals and avoid having moments where I may be too lazy to go to the grocery store or go to a restaurant instead. That way I can take out the meat from the freezer and put it in the fridge so it can thaw overnight and when I get home from work all I have to do…
  • It depends how much I go over. I messed around Friday night and got caught out late and hadn't eaten so I had to bite the bullet and get something from Wendy's. Put me about 500 cals over for the day so instead of just cutting 500 cals out yesterday, I burned 400 calories in cardio and cut 100 cals out of yesterdays meal.
  • I used to, until I realized all of those little things tend to add up when you're checking the scale. Now I log everything... right down to the exact seasonings.
  • I'm always amazed at the amount of terrible information some trainers tend to give. When I joined my gym they gave me one with a week of complimentary workouts and he was the absolute worst. I did one session with him and opted to just start working out on my own. Just remember, not every trainer is a good trainer.
    in Water Comment by mrh0rnet June 2012
  • I'm going to wait it out for the rest of this week and if nothing happens ill bump it up 100 calories.
  • That's kind of what i'm thinking as well. Just got nervous when the loss stopped all of a sudden. I've come too far to stop now lol
  • Thanks for the advice
  • Can you read? I've already done the whole eating at my TDEE minus 20% thing and the TDEE number was INCORRECT. And I know it isn't a quick fix considering i've been cutting since August of last year and losing roughly a pound a half a week steadily. Perhaps you should ask more questions before jumping to conclusions. Just…
  • Youll probably get a variation of answers from eat less to eat more lol. I don't really do much cardio anymore but lift 4 days a week. I actually just started my new program this week breaking the lifting down into days but haven't plugged it in yet since i'm logging it in another app.
  • Going on about 3 weeks now. I've actually gained about 3 pounds and just stalled there, i'm guessing water weight.
  • I'll tell you now that for me the "calculated by formula" TDEE for me is nowhere near right. When I eat at that number I gain weight every single time so I don't use it anymore. Supposedly it's 2500 yet if I eat that I gain roughly a half a pound a week, which tells me my actual TDEE is lower than what i'm given. I'd…
  • Not at all. I'm around 180 now, trying to get to 165.
  • The carbs keep me away for the most part. Like I had bought a pineapple not too long ago and chopped it up. Weighed it up and 1/2 a cup of it was nearly 20 carbs. Considering I have my carbs set around 110 for the day that would've been just too much of a chunk gone.
  • I thought that seemed rather screwy