snoopy1107 Member


  • i pretty much have the same goal :) so I sure hope its do-able cause im with ya.
  • I think thats why most of us joined MFP :) I know I suffer from a lack of motivation. The thing that helps me most is that I have friends who have joined MFP, so we help each other :) Also set small attainable goals. That way you feel like your able to reach your goals. It takes small baby steps to achieve the big goal.
  • I am gonna make healthy alternatives. I usually make the desserts. So my plan is to make pumpkin muffins. Im gonna try to find some other healthy options to offer my family.
  • your post made me laugh. This morning I kicked the dang scale and called it a few choice words then almost cried. I hate it! But your post made me feel better. Thanks for the laugh :) I obviously need to be measuring. I know i'm doing something right because my clothes fit better and I feel better. But the scale is just…
  • I toally agree with this! We are way to hard on ourselves :) This is a positive change in our lives and no one said it would be eay. But we have to stay positive to acheive our goals.
  • You and me both sister! I pray that next weigh in will finally show so results.
  • I totally feel your pain. It is very frustrating. We just need to keep a positive attitude and smile a lot! Smiling burns more calories :D I have only lost 3 pounds in 4 weeks.
  • Well 1 weekk down and no loss. So current weight is still 198. Not gonna let it bum me out though. I have worked super hard over the last week. So I know it will pay off soon. Everyone keep up the good work. And if you didn't lose any this week don't let it get you down. It will all work out :) keep smiling and keep…
  • Thank you everyone that responded. I feel alot better now. I do go to the gym atleast 5 days a week and do cardio and strength training. So I feel confident after your posts that I am gonna be ok. Thanks for your help :)
  • I would love to join this challenge. I need all the help I can get. And this helps me to be accountable to someone other than myself. SW: 200 CW: 199 Xmas GW: 169
  • My goal this week is to get up in the mornings and go to the gym with my 8 yo son at least 3 days this week. And to make sure i get my 60 mins a day of cardio 5 days total this week.