

  • i was doing the exact same thing for over 3 weeks. Then i started eating my excerise calories and i never have my net (calories eaten minus calories burned) go below 1200 and i lost 3 lbs in the last week! like i said i had been doing this for 3 to 4 weeks and never lost a lb until this last week. What i do is i usually…
  • oh and be careful with the 1200....this is usually determined with no excerise included. This is what i first ate every day plus exercised and i think that might be what stopped me from losing weight. Last week I increased my calories to 1500 and then burn around 300-350 at the gym so i keep my "NET" calories at 1200…
  • Hi! I am kind of in the same boat you are! I am 27 and have a 2 year old boy!!! You would think with all the chasing of the little ones we would have no problem losing weight right!WRONG!!! I have really been trying to lose weight for quite a while. This site seems to be keeping me on track where as all the other times. I…
  • From my experience nothing is going to help you get on track unless you really really want it! I have tried and tried to lose weight for the last 2 years. I would keep on saying I am going to do this and it would last for a couple weeks then i would just quit and eat whatever i wanted. Finally I said you know what enough…
  • I have not played sports in the last 9 years but did in high school and was always very athletic looking. I quit playing competitive sports after highschool and have on and of played in leagues for the last 9 years. I have put on alot of weight over that period of time! i guess i never realized how bad i ate because i was…
  • thank you all for your help and i will try to eat 200 more calories and see if that works at all because its really frustrating working this hard and having no results!
  • you would think that they would add that into the amount that they give you to eat.... Like i said before it told me to eat 1200 calories.... I have a desk job so i don't move around a whole lot at work.... I eat about 1200 by the time my day is over and then i don't go to the gym until 11:00 pm so it will really make it…
  • so do you think that could be the reason that have not lost any weight over the last 4 weeks!!!! won't it put me over on my calorie count on here???? See i don't work out most of the time until 11:00 pm because i am home with my son in the evenings until my finance gets home at 10:50pm...So pretty much i just want to eat…
  • oh yeah and i got the number of 1200 calories from this site!!!!
  • How do i adjust my page to not make it look like i am over my calorie intake....i am around 5'7" and weigh many calories should i be eating????
  • You know i have heard the same thing...if your heart rate is in a certain range it will be a cardio workout not a fat buring workout but i don't know if its true....thats what i am wondering also!!!! I have heard that interval training is best. Go hard for 2 mintues....slow it down 2 mins ect...