When did you see a difference?

LapBandBobbi Posts: 105
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been exercising 3x/wk for 4 weeks and have not lost 1 single pound. I've kept my calories between 1,000 - 1,200 per day. I have been doing 30 - 60 minutes of cardio and around 1/2 hr of strength training.

This is frustrating. I am going to hang in there, but I really thought I'd see it on the scales by now.


    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Sounds like you're not eating enough minimum is 1200 cals PLUS most of your exercise cals
    how's your sodium intake?
    water intake?
    try changing up your routine
  • rosa1582
    rosa1582 Posts: 12 Member
    You have to add more calories.
    You shouldn't eat under 1200 calories a day, and if you're working out you should be eating your exercise calories as well.

    If you do a search on the site there are a few post on here that explains the science behind it.
    :) good luck
  • rjgazray
    rjgazray Posts: 41 Member
    Agreed. Eat a minimum of 1200. I don't know all the details but it's something like...when you eat too few, your body is actually going into starvation mode and will build up fat faster. So less is not better. And changing up your exercise routine can help a LOT. I was in a rut lately too but when I started using some machines I didn't normally use, it helped me continue to lose.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'd say you're not eating enough. You don't want to eat fewer than 1200 calories and if you exercise you need to eat at least half of the calories you burned. If you don't eat enough your body will go into starvation mode. I try to keep my calorie intake around 1500 calories on days I exercise and around 1300-1400 on days I don't.

    I just recently lowered my goals to what I described above. Before my daily goal was almost 1600 cals plus I'd eat back my exercise cals as well. I'd been in starvation mode for a while and needed to get my body used to getting enough food. I was going to the gym 3-5 times a week and lost 5.5 pounds in 4 weeks. Now I go 5 times a week and am eating a little less so I'm expecting to lose even faster. But the key is definitely eating the right amount of food!
  • i was doing the exact same thing for over 3 weeks. Then i started eating my excerise calories and i never have my net (calories eaten minus calories burned) go below 1200 and i lost 3 lbs in the last week! like i said i had been doing this for 3 to 4 weeks and never lost a lb until this last week. What i do is i usually burn around 300-400 calories at the gym when i go so on those days i eat between 1500-1600. On days that i know i am not going to be able to go to the gym I eat 1200.
  • You might not be getting enough calories, so your body is going into starvation mode. You should be eating a minimum of 1200 calories a day, and on the days when you do exercise, you should be eating at least some of that back. It's also good to mix things up every now and then, so if you go a little over your calorie goal, it may confuse your body and rev up your metabolism.

    Don't give up! Keep at it and try making a few changes and see how that goes. Good luck!!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    You're certainly not eating enough calories, as everyone here has mentioned. Also, don't be just focusing on the number on the scale. You might weigh in sometime and not lose any weight, but if you are taking measurements too, you might do measurements at that time and find you lost inches. Keep going! Eat a little more, and you ought to see a difference.
  • I had the same conversation with my gym partner yesterday...when do I see it?? Im in the gym every day and eat little, under my calorie count....its the eating little.
    I explained to him that all my life food has been the enemy, it is afterall what got me this way (my hand to mouth action had nothing to do with it LOL) So I have to retrain my entire thinking process that food is not the enemy and GOOD HEALTHY food is my friend and ally in me succeeding. Since I just had this conversation yesterday I am as of today making a point to eat my required calories, coming from healthy foods not chocolate and bread and chips. We are all in the journey together and I am so thankful for it that none of us are alone and so many of us are here to help eachother!!
    Keep up the good work!!!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I have been exercising 3x/wk for 4 weeks and have not lost 1 single pound. I've kept my calories between 1,000 - 1,200 per day. I have been doing 30 - 60 minutes of cardio and around 1/2 hr of strength training.

    This is frustrating. I am going to hang in there, but I really thought I'd see it on the scales by now.

    Read this-it explains alot
  • [/quote]

    Read this-it explains alot

    This was very insightful.

    Thanks for all of the responses. I just assumed I was eating enough. I will try bumping it up and see what happens. Thanks again!
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