
katieannd Posts: 66 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there! I am a 23 year old mother to a beautiful 15 month old son and wife to my wonderful husband! I have never been 'tiny' but have always been healthy and comfortable with my body - I was 170 lbs before getting pregnant, and was ok with that. Since having my son and spending the last 15 months being a mommy, I have somehow managed to regain my pregnancy weight and sit at a very uncomfortable 199 lbs. I cannot believe I am so close to 200, I need to make a change NOW.

I am looking for some sort of support. My husband supports me of course, but I need someone who is in a similar boat as me to touch base with daily, encourage each other, share results...I need a weight loss buddy :)

Between home life and work I don't have a lot of time to go to the gym, but plan on going as often as possible as well as trying some at home work out videos. Mainly I need to diet. I am sticking to 1200 calories a day and have stopped eating anything after supper (today is day 2, yay me!).

If you are interested in being my buddy shoot me a message :) I would love to hear your story!

Good luck to everyone and thanks so much for taking the time to read my post :)


  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Welcome to MFP you are definatly in the right place. Good Luck on your journey!
  • Wow, good for you. I am trying to stick with 1400 calories/day and some days it is very hard. Good for you for going for 1200! Congrats on your baby. Mother hood is such a blessing and a great reason to get in shape so we can enjoy our kids.

    I am the single mother of a 10 year old. I want to get healthy so I can live longer and enjoy life more. I don't want to avoid doing things because I'm uncomfortable with my body. I have been around 165-170 for at least 5 years. I recently lost 5 pounds due to a Biggest Loser program we are doing at work. But in the last two weeks my weight loss has stalled out and I need to take more drastic steps to get the weight coming off again.

    I work full time and have a lot going on outside work because of my son's crazy schedule but I'd be happy to support and encourage you. Sounds like you are doing great so far. Two days is the start of a fantastic habit!

    Good luck to you!
  • katieannd
    katieannd Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks so much ladies! Congratulations on your weight loss...I am really looking forward to my first weigh-in! Do you suggest weighing weekly or bi-weekly??
  • Hi! I am kind of in the same boat you are! I am 27 and have a 2 year old boy!!! You would think with all the chasing of the little ones we would have no problem losing weight right!WRONG!!! I have really been trying to lose weight for quite a while. This site seems to be keeping me on track where as all the other times. I would just fall right off!!! I just want to let you know that i did everything right for over 4 weeks and saw zero weight loss. Not even a pound. I was really upset and about ready to give up and i had my weigh in today and i lost almost 2 lbs!!! I am not saying that this is going to happen to you but i guess i didn't expect it and it almost doomed me!!!! Just stick with it!!!Good Luck!!!
  • oh and be careful with the 1200....this is usually determined with no excerise included. This is what i first ate every day plus exercised and i think that might be what stopped me from losing weight. Last week I increased my calories to 1500 and then burn around 300-350 at the gym so i keep my "NET" calories at 1200 (calories eaten-excerise). Just a suggestion!!
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