

  • My husband and I are hooked on P90X.He lost over 50 pounds and now is a beachbody coach.I have lost inches and gained muscle.Just don't give up,keep trying.I couldn't do one push up now I can easily do 16 and I'm 47!!.Good luck !
  • Thanks ladies! I wasn't sure about the meal plans myself.I think I'm just going to eat clean like ya'll said and see how it does.I would love to join! I'm computer illiterate so how do I join?
  • I have all her books! I really enjoy her cookbooks,but I didn't like the shirataki" tofu" noodles she uses for "pasta"..I'm a huge pasta lover,so wanted to see if they really are a substitute for pasta.I didn't like them..They had a strange taste.But,i've enjoyed her other recipes!You can also go to hungrygirl.com and she…
  • I totally agree with all the replys you recieved from this horrible news,these two girls have no value on any living thing and will grow up killing other living things until they kill a human.I have taken in so many cats in our neiborhood,I think people drop them off in my yard because they know I will take care of them or…
  • I love my diet fountain soda!! but,came across "sparkling green tea" by Lipton.It has carbonation and the strawberry kiwi taste really good.I've drank diet soda ever since I can remember,I've quit for a month or two,but like you I don't like regular tea so I've alwasy came back to my diet coke.But,this sparkling green tea…
  • Welcome,I too have been a memeber of WW for years.I like this site much better,although I do miss having to account for my weigh in each week.There is something about having to get on those scales every week and having that lady write down if you loss or gained.I have lost 12 pounds here,so I'm pretty happy...Good luck!!
  • I was beginning to think that it was my fault.I used to lose weight by just walking,and now I work my butt off and nothing!!!! I can't sleep either,my gyn.dr. told me to try benadryl,but that really kept me up.I take valerian,melotonin and HTP5 before bedtime and it seems to help.It seems like I can lose some weight and…
  • You sound exactly like me!! I'm also married to a man that looks better now than we were marriade 26 years ago.He got on the p90x program and lost 50 pounds and here i am still looking in the mirror and wondering what happened .I exercise with him as much as I can,but he has the will power and only eats what is on their…
  • Thanks for all the support!!
    in Hi Comment by jadadesigns June 2009
  • This is probably a stupid question,but how do you do the oblique exercise? and also how many time a week do we do this.I'm in!! Thanks,
  • I live about 70 miles from H town..Kemah boardwalk is a great spot to go to and is grat for children..The galleria is a must if you like shopping!And the ocean isn't too far..Hope you enjoy your visit.Don't know how old you child is,but My kids liked to always go to the space center.It's fun for adults as well.Hope you…
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