

  • It's a structured running program that slowly builds your stamina, getting you to running 5 kilometers in nine weeks, or a few more if you feel you need to repeat some of the weeks. You can google it and surely find options. There is also a free podcast that you can download on iTunes that guides you through the weeks with…
  • Hey, I would love it if we could help motivate each other with exercising. Just friend me if you wish. That my week point - the changes in eating habits are much easier for me, but finding time to exercise is a difficult for me. Regarding your topic - what worries me? That my schedule is so hectic I don't feel I have…
  • Finished W2D3 yesterday. I AM SO SORE! And seriously, I'm scared about W3. Three minutes! The 90 seconds seemed like an eternity to me! I think maybe I'm running too fast. Usually I run with my husband, but he is in great shape, and so we actually go at a running pace (instead of a jog). Anyway, I think the end result is…
  • Hi! I started W2D1 yesterday - it feels good. I am starting to enjoy it. I've never been a runner even when I was on my junior high cross country team ;) Ha! I have a question though, do you think you really need to rest between run days? I don't feel as though I need the rest day; the times I did feel I needed it I…
  • I'm in! I had never heard of this before, so I looked it up on iTunes, downloaded it and went out and started. So, today I completed W1D1!! I thought it would be a breeze because I've been doing 1 minute very intense, 4-5 minutes easier pace on all the cardio machines for a few weeks now. But somehow running outside always…
  • Welcome and congrats on your baby and wedding!
  • Those two pounds might also be muscle weight. If you've been taking your measurements, I would suggest measuring yourself. Weight can be misleading, but measurements reflect your actual size. Also, make sure you're getting enough rest in; if you work out that hard, you should make sure to take a day off for your body to…