For those turning into runners

lepechedexister Posts: 8
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise

A few weeks ago I started running. I find it very mentally challenging for me. I can do the same amount of time on a bike, an elliptical, stair-climber or rowing-machine and not feel as uncomfortable as I do running. But that's why I want to tackle it!

I started Couch Potato to 5K a few weeks ago; I'm now on "week 4", although I've taken more than four weeks to get there.

Whatever program you're planning on using, join this thread to update others on your success!

Today I'm starting week 4, and I think it's going to be really challenging for me, but I'm excited about the challenge.



  • I just started running again about 6 weeks ago. I used to be a distance runner and completed two half marathons, but then I quit. So I had to go back to square one. I also used Couch to 5k, that was the program I used when I first started. I am now up to running for 20 minutes without stopping, and feel like I can do more. I am just trying not to push it too hard too fast, like I did earlier this year, and get an injury.

    Before I became a runner the first time, I never thought I would like running. But I really came to love running! And want to love it agian LOL.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • i definately want to start the couch -5k program, i always felt uncomfortable running, the only thing is i would have to take my kids running with me when my husband is working, and i'm afraid in the middle of doing the program it'll be too cold to keep them out... so i'm wavering on starting it now or in the spring. i am doing the 100 push-ups and 200 sit-ups right now, on week 2
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Hey everyone! I started C25K yesterday! I successfully accomplished Week 1 Day 1. I am still soooo excited that I did it. Almost excited for my next running adventure tomorrow!
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    I was never a runner or very athletic for that matter. A friend of mine turned me on to it and MFP (thanks Lori). I started in about March of this year lost 20lbs and finished several 5K events (I try to shoot for one a month). I didn't do the couch to 5K when I started and it was ALL uphill! About 4 weeks ago I started the couch to 10K and LOVE IT! I wish I would have used the 5k program. There is a bridge program for those who can already do a 5k but I decided to start from square one in hopes to improve speed, my breathing, form, etc! I'm considering an 8k at the end of the year. I have more energy and feel great!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    What is the couch to 5K program?

  • What is the couch to 5K program?


    It's a structured running program that slowly builds your stamina, getting you to running 5 kilometers in nine weeks, or a few more if you feel you need to repeat some of the weeks.

    You can google it and surely find options. There is also a free podcast that you can download on iTunes that guides you through the weeks with prompts as to when to run/walk set to music. It's called Robert Ullrey's Couch to 5K.

    If you want to start running, I think it's a good way to ease into it.
  • I started running about a year ago and I always struggle with it. I wish I could get my stamina up at a faster speed. I can do about 5.5 on the treadmill for 60 mins now. I would like to be able to break 6 for 60. My current strategy is that I will run for 30 mins at 5.5 and then increase to 5.6 for the last 30 mins to get a slow incremental increase. Then do 20 at 5.5 and 40 at 5.6 next week. It'll take me a while to build up like this but whatever I get that lactic acid burn and it's always a struggle to push through the finish. Eventually my body will accept it, I hope. I also do some walking/sprinting outside with my girlfriend that doesn't really challenge me so I think I may add a weight vest to hopefully give me a boost.
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