So how could this happen?????

nina1968 Posts: 86 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I work out 80 min mon -fri and 60 min on sat & sun. My extra calories from excercise ranges from 650-1035 a day. I really do try and close to it, but it is just alot of extra that i can't consume. I weigh and watch everything i eat. So how is it that I gained 2.5 lbs this week. I am so upset by this I just don't get it. My weight loss has been great thus far. I have about 10lbs left, I know they say the last 10lbs are the hardest , But to gain makes no sence to me at all. If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Thank you.


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You're working out too much and your muscles are holding water. I bet if you took a day or 2 off from the exercise and drank lots of water, it would come off.
  • nina1968
    nina1968 Posts: 86 Member
    Do you really think that is it? This really has me upset. I never take a day off. I am really afraid to take anythime off. Thank you for your advice.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Your body NEEDS some rest days! I would definately give it a try. Sometimes the body can rebel when you push it too hard.
  • Those two pounds might also be muscle weight. If you've been taking your measurements, I would suggest measuring yourself. Weight can be misleading, but measurements reflect your actual size. Also, make sure you're getting enough rest in; if you work out that hard, you should make sure to take a day off for your body to rest. I come across that advice from everything I read.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Also, have you gone way over on sodium anytime in the last few days? That could also make you retain water. So could that time of the month we all love...(is that an issue right now?)
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Those two pounds might also be muscle weight. If you've been taking your measurements, I would suggest measuring yourself. Weight can be misleading, but measurements reflect your actual size. Also, make sure you're getting enough rest in; if you work out that hard, you should make sure to take a day off for your body to rest. I come across that advice from everything I read.

    I just have to say there's now way she added 2.5 lbs of muscle in a week. It takes longer than that to reflect that kind of muscle gain
  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    Have you noticed that you are getting stronger? Muscle weaighs more then fat, you may want to use a tape measure.. This gain could be a combination of things. Keep up the good work.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Do you really think that is it? This really has me upset. I never take a day off. I am really afraid to take anythime off. Thank you for your advice.

    Yep. Been there and done that. Now I give myself 1 day off every week and I don't gain like that anymore.
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    I know that can be really aggrevating. Do take a rest day. Even though it is hard to do. Just see how your body reacts to that! Good luck.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Oh the other things is to work different muscle groups. I work my legs 3 days a week and I work my arms and chest the other 3 days per week. I ran into this when I was doing aerobics and running every other day. My calves got rock hard and were so sore. Then someone told me to work different muscle groups on alternate days and it worked. I have 3 days of running and 3 days of Yoga (stretching) and core/arm/chest work.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Do you really think that is it? This really has me upset. I never take a day off. I am really afraid to take anythime off. Thank you for your advice.

    HA! I remember after losing 30 pounds I paid a trainer a LOT of money thinking in 1 month I could lose the last 10 pounds.
    Worked out with her 3x week, cardio the other 3 and 1 day off.
    Ate perfect calories.............all my daily alloted and 1/2 or so of my exercise cals

    I GAINED 2 pounds that month!!:noway:

    I was crying when I met with her and very angry, upset, name it. Then I went and took after pictures of myself.........if I can find them I will repost for was an AMAZING difference!

    Remember your body is morphing with each weight you lift, each mile you run........weight means NOTHING in the last stages of changing your body.

    Your doing wonderful and I am so very very proud of all you have accomplished! :flowerforyou:
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    Also, if you're struggling to eat back all your exercise calories, maybe just eat when you're hungry or something small every 3 hours rather than making it a mission to eat back everything you burned- just a thought because sometimes the exercise calorie counter on here can be misleading (ignore this post if you're using special equipment during exercise to monitor your calorie burning rather and manually inputting rather than using the figures on here.)
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Do you really think that is it? This really has me upset. I never take a day off. I am really afraid to take anythime off. Thank you for your advice.

    HA! I remember after losing 30 pounds I paid a trainer a LOT of money thinking in 1 month I could lose the last 10 pounds.
    Worked out with her 3x week, cardio the other 3 and 1 day off.
    Ate perfect calories.............all my daily alloted and 1/2 or so of my exercise cals

    I GAINED 2 pounds that month!!:noway:

    I was crying when I met with her and very angry, upset, name it. Then I went and took after pictures of myself.........if I can find them I will repost for was an AMAZING difference!

    Remember your body is morphing with each weight you lift, each mile you run........weight means NOTHING in the last stages of changing your body.

    Your doing wonderful and I am so very very proud of all you have accomplished! :flowerforyou:

    Jeannie ... as always you have just the right thing to say. You have been there through most of the trials of weight loss and you are willing to share your experience. I have not lost weight lately, but I have some amazing muscles and a woman at the gym today just made my day by telling me how much I had lost lately. It's not the scale that's the size
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    As I got closer, I adjusted my goals because I'm the same size I was when I weighed 10 pounds less. I now go more by my measurements and my body fat percentage (I measure both once a week). I have muscles now and I never have before.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Do you really think that is it? This really has me upset. I never take a day off. I am really afraid to take anythime off. Thank you for your advice.

    HA! I remember after losing 30 pounds I paid a trainer a LOT of money thinking in 1 month I could lose the last 10 pounds.
    Worked out with her 3x week, cardio the other 3 and 1 day off.
    Ate perfect calories.............all my daily alloted and 1/2 or so of my exercise cals

    I GAINED 2 pounds that month!!:noway:

    I was crying when I met with her and very angry, upset, name it. Then I went and took after pictures of myself.........if I can find them I will repost for was an AMAZING difference!

    Remember your body is morphing with each weight you lift, each mile you run........weight means NOTHING in the last stages of changing your body.

    Your doing wonderful and I am so very very proud of all you have accomplished! :flowerforyou:

    Jeannie ... as always you have just the right thing to say. You have been there through most of the trials of weight loss and you are willing to share your experience. I have not lost weight lately, but I have some amazing muscles and a woman at the gym today just made my day by telling me how much I had lost lately. It's not the scale that's the size
    Hey Vicky!! How are you doing there tallgirl?? I am still hunting those pictures...........
  • cruisegirl
    cruisegirl Posts: 43 Member
    Maybe your body has gotten used to doing the same exercise routine all the time. Mix things up. I have a friend who has been running for years... she'll run for 3 hours a day. Very addicted. But she never loses any weight!!!

    So change your exercises and do something different. Hope this works for you!!
  • I have had this same problem too. It will come off. Keep doing what you are doing, You are living right and that will show in fitness in the end! I agree though that everyone should have an off day from working out to let the body mend. Try doing restorative yoga and walking to smell the flowers on that day instead of working out. That way you are still being active but you're giving your body the time it needs to reknit. I also cannot just totally take a day off, It ruins my momentum. I do enjoy though being able to do something frivolous and light one day a week.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Hey Vicky!! How are you doing there tallgirl?? I am still hunting those pictures...........

    Doing well Jeannie... I kind of fell of eating well for a while so I am back to the one healthy day at a time again. I know I can do one day well. Tomorrow I will do another good day...and so on.
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