Starting Couch to 5K Today...Who's In?



  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Still on the bandwagon, ladies!! I am having to take yet another break (which means I'll never be able to run my 5k on July 4 but I will still run what I can.)

    Frankly, I have way too much going on that takes away from my running. I was doing a heavy lifting program that took a lot away from running. I would skip some running days because I was so tired. I put a pause on heavy lifting to focus on running but now I am taking scuba lessons. I'll be in Mexico in August and want to get certified so I can dive in Cozumel. I had my first lesson yesterday and was planning to run this morning but BOY am I sore! I was exhausted after the lesson and went to bed at 6PM--- slept until 5 this morning!

    So I am taking the rest of this week off (have another scuba lesson Friday) and will be back to my running next week.
  • Finished W2D3 yesterday. I AM SO SORE! And seriously, I'm scared about W3. Three minutes! The 90 seconds seemed like an eternity to me! I think maybe I'm running too fast. Usually I run with my husband, but he is in great shape, and so we actually go at a running pace (instead of a jog). Anyway, I think the end result is that for me, it's too fast of a pace. I'm definitely going to have to slow it down if I plan on lasting three minutes!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Definitely be careful to choose a pace you're okay with! If you go too fast you run the risk of burning out!!!

    But the beauty is if you start slow you'll pick up your pace with time! But if you start too fast you'll get discouraged and quit.

    As for me I'm grounded from running until my ankle gets better. ): I suspect I'll be good to run again by next Tuesday (judging by the rate my ankle is healing) but that means I'll have been run-free for a week! Yikes!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    repeater W4D3 - i'm sad to report that it kicked my *kitten*. i only made it through half of it before i had to quit. so bummed out, because the other two days i made it through! yesterday, i tried out a new class called turbo kick, and it was a crazy insane kind of workout. i'm hoping that the reason i didn't make it today is because i worked out so hard yesterday. i used to be able to do stuff like this on my 'off' days, but W4 is really presenting an obstacle for that. i feel like i'm going to have to decide to do C25K or intense cardio classes - not both. i don't want to choose! i want to be able to run, but i think i burn way more calories at the classes, so i feel like i'm in a pickle. i'm going to keep going for now - halfway thinking about giving it another go in the morning. we'll see. anyhoo, have a great long weekend!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Okay it's been a week since I twisted my ankle so I decided to run tonight. It was pretty brutal... but I'm going to attempt week 4 on Thursday. I'm SICK of being in week 3 and my ankle doesn't hurt (too much) so I think it'll be okay.

    Keep running everyone!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    yep - still on W4 - i think this is the 4th week of this! and, it seems like i am getting worse at it instead of better! but, i know that this is probably because of the classes i have been taking recently - zumba and turbokick, plus about half an hour of strength training two or three days a week. i know that my body is trying to get used to all this unaccustomed activity, so i'm going to keep hammering it out. i'm sore, but just the usual stuff, nothing serious. and, i think the c25k actually helps loosen me out from the other stuff, and i always feel good after it, even if i don't make it through.

    i've done D1 and D2 of my repeater repeater W4, but i'll be out of town for the next few days, and i know that's going to throw me off of schedule! but maybe it will be good to have a nice long rest. we'll see. keep it going everyone!
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    WOOHOO!!!! I just became a graduate.... and I even completed my last run in the pouring rain. :laugh: Now to work on increasing my speed. My goal is to run 10.5 minute miles on a consistent basis. Hang in there everybody. You can do it!!!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS TO JUSTANN!!! did you complete the program in the allotted 9 weeks? have you had any prior running experience? i've been chipping away at this for a while now...probably at least 9 weeks, but i'm still not past W4! i tried something new today - went to the gym and did it on a treadmill. i know that this isn't nearly as difficult as outside running, but i got through it, at least. I'm thinking about doing this for a while so i don't get frustrated too much. i've seriously been sitting on week 4 for about 5 weeks! so even if it's a bit less challenging, i think it will be healthy for my psyche to MOVE ON!!! and, i certainly don't mind the air conditioning in the gym! but we'll keep trucking, i'm sure! congrats again to you!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Week four FINALLY done! Holy MOLY that was HHAAAARD. BUT just when all hope was lost two VERY delectable young men jogged past and I have to admit watching their tanned, gloriously muscled backs run off into the distance was quite the bit of inspiration. :D

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    way to go, sniffles! i've been doing some soul-searching about this whole c25k thing. i'm pretty bad at it. but i don't think that would be the case if that was the only thing i was doing. in addition to c25k, i'm taking zumba, turbo-kick and power sculpt classes (2-3 times per week), on top of my strength training routine. i just don't think i'm getting enough rest to progress at an efficient rate. so i've been thinking - which is more important to me, the cardio classes or the c25k? i've determined that i don't want to give up my classes.

    so, my new plan is to start my own program - it's called: stacy can run a mile.

    i'm going to stick with my classes and keep up with the jogging, but i'm majorly reducing my goal until further notice. if it's okay with everyone, i'm going to stick to this board anyways, because i like seeing people succeed at this - it gives me hope! my pace is going to be a lot slower, but that's okay. i enjoy the running, but not enough to give up my classes, so hopefully this will be an okay compromise! best to all!
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